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Brain Out Answers for All Levels

Brain Out Detective Challenge Picture 41-43 Answers

Picture 41: Uninvited Guest

brain out detective challenge picture 41 answer

Q 1: Tap on her smashed watch.

Q 2: Tap on the pink soap on the floor.

Q 3: Tap on the pesticide can under the table.

Q 4: Tap on her thigh stung by bees.

Q 5: Tap on the pink perfume on the vanity table.

Picture 42: Mountain Lodge after the Snow

brain out detective challenge picture 42 answer

Q 1: Tap on the man’s head pierced by sth sharp.

Q 2: Tap on the footprints.

Q 3: Tap on the left icicles hanging from the roof.

Q 4: Tap on the lamp hanging from the door handle.

Q 5: Tap on the half-made snowman.

Picture 43: Danger in the Wild

brain out detective challenge picture 43 answer

Q 1: Tap on the fishing rod in the boot.

Q 2: Tap on the skidding marks of the tires.

Q 3: Tap on the claw marks on him.

Q 4: Tap on the bee hives in his car.

Q 5: Tap on the sign indicating no internet.

Anushree Jain

Saturday 18th of March 2023

This is very usefull because if you are not getting an answer/can't understand how it happens this website can help us during this situation... Loved...😇😇