Who says puzzle / word games are boring? Puzzle Page takes the genre to the next level with a daily mix of word, logic, number, and picture puzzles created specifically for Android and iOS devices. Whether you are into crosswords, sudoku, word search, code words, or picture cross, you will always find something you like here. There is always a new batch of puzzles every day, so you will never run out of things to do. Don’t worry if you miss the puzzles for a couple of days because you can always return to them through the Calendar view. Try all the different puzzle types and see which ones you like the most. If you are not familiar with the puzzle type, the game will give you full instructions on how to play. The game also features a smart hint system that gives you just enough of a leverage without making the puzzles too easy to solve.
Even if you are playing the game for the sake of the challenge, there will be times when you need a little more help. You can always move on to a different puzzle, but of course, you won’t be able to rest knowing you left that last one unsolved. Our list of Puzzle Page answers and solutions is here to help you out of such sticky situations. In this post you will find answers and solutions for Puzzle Page daily puzzles starting from March 14, 2018.
In case you need the the answers and solutions for Puzzle Page Crossword Issues, then check out this article!
Puzzle Page Crossword Answers March 14, 2018
1.Red-nosed reindeer: RUDOLPH
2.Strong desire, need: URGE
3.Merely simply: ONLY
4.Staple Italian food: PASTA
5.Utter suddenly: EXCLAIM
6.Imprison, lock up: IMPOUND
7.Test: EXAM
8.Timeless: AGELESS
9.Male singing voice: ALTO
10.Shooting a goal: SCORING
11.Advocate, urge: SUGGEST
12.Bonnet: HAT
12D.Chop down, fell: HEW
13.Haul behind vehicle:TOW
14.Bring about, effect: CAUSE
15.Bulb used in chutneys: ONION
16.Charm, cheer: WOW
17.Relating to sight: OPTIC
18.Capital of Latvia: RIGA
19.Forehead: BROW
20.Fuss inf: TODO
21.Top billing: STARDOM
22.Hideaway, den: NEST
23.Stockman: COWBOY
Puzzle Page Crossword Answers March 15, 2018
1.Balconied wooden house: CHALLET
2.Small ball-shaped decoration: BEAD
3.Not orderly: MESSY
4.Old-fashioned person: SQUARE
5.Unwind, kill time: LAZE
6.Take illegaly: THIEVE
7.Where ships dock: QUAY
8.Lump of earth: CLOD
9.Had some each: SHARED
10.One beat of time: TICK
11.Join together: COUPLE
12.Two-gallon measure: PECK
13.Cherry brandy: KIRSCH
14.Encases an egg: SHELL
15.Brown speckled bird: THRUSH
16.Curved holder: HOOK
17.Saucy, sassy: PERT (ACROSS)
17.Coniferous tree: PINE (DOWN)
18.Wolf’s cry: HOWL
19.Madness, insanity: LUNACY
Puzzle Page Crossword Answers March 16, 2018
1.Vault over: LEAP
2.A red wine: CLARET
3.Counter-intelligence agents: SPIES
4.Revise feverishly: CRAM
5.Inscribed in ink: PENNED
6.Deal in, retail: SELL
7.Made cat-like sound: PURRED
8.Few and far between: SPARSE
9.A lot of: MANY
10.Sandwich spread: PASTE
11.About, encircling: AROUND
12.Carefree, scatty: GIDDY
13.Place inside: INSERT
14.Slight, minor: SMALL
15.Pine, ache for: LONG
16.Departs, quits: GOES
17.Extreme unhappiness: MISERY
18.Hazard, jeopardy: RISK
19.Opposite of healthy: UNWELL
20.Get up: RISE