11.Throw a great weight: HEAVE
12.Nearly all: MOST
13.Yummy: TASTY
14.Measure of medicine: DOSE
15.Forms of exercise: AEROBICS
16.Directive: RULE
17.Knitted garment: JERSEY
Puzzle Page Crossword Answers March 26, 2018 (Diamond)
1.Child’s overnight stay: SLEEPOVER
2.(A) Make flat: PRESS
2.(D) Purse, receptacle: POUCH
3.Let on, tell: SPILL
4.Halloween lantern: PUMPKIN
5.Ramshackle house: HOVEL
Puzzle Page Crossword Answers March 27, 2018 (Crossword)
1.Excellent, superb: BRILL
2.Regular beat: RHYTHM
3.Worn with a blouse: SKIRT
4.Sovereign state: KINGDOM
5.Diana, singer/actress: ROSS
6.Was acquainted with: KNEW
7.Punctuation mark: HYPHEN
8.Scotland’s famous loch: NESS
9.A cook: CHEF
10.Pretended: FEIGNED
11.Paddle in deep water: WADE
12.Shopkeeper selling food: GROCER
13.Difference of opinion: RIFT
14.Try out: TEST
15.Roman god of war: MARS
16.Snatched, wrested: TORE
17.Source of light at night: MOON
18.Irrigation channel: SLUICE
19.Done and dusted: READY
20.Butter-making apparatus: CHURN
Puzzle Page Crossword Answers March 27, 2018 (Diamond)
1.Common garden bird: BLACKBIRD
2.Slap on, plaster: DAUB
3.Brought into existence: BORN
4.Bubbles in the bath: FOAM
5.Baulked, frustrated: SNOOKERED
6.Delivered by postman: MAIL
Puzzle Page Crossword Answers March 28, 2018 (Crossword)
1.Alert: AWARE
2.Enfeeble: WEAKEN
3.Red precious stone: RUBY
4.Playground equipment: SWING
5.Rouse from sleep: WAKEUP
6.Not even a bit: NONE
7.Period between wars: PEACETIME
8.Mutilate speach: GARBLE
9.Considerate: KIND
10.Insect that swarms: BEE
11.Search: SCOUR
12.Discernment: WISDOM
13.Dishonesty: DECEIT
14.Jollity: MIRTH
15.Stitch clothes: SEW
16.Impetuous: RASH
17.Pulp, pap: MUSH
18.Small group of people: BAND
19.Rodent-catching cat: MOUSER
20.Primate: CHIMP
21.Bleached: WHITE
Puzzle Page Crossword Answers March 28, 2018 (Diamond)
1.Grumpy mood: ILLTEMPER
2.Huff or puff: BLOW
3.Metal thread: WIRE
4.Angler’s tasty inducement: BAIT
5.Skinny, ragged person: SCARECROW
6.Band, binding: TAPE