Puzzle Page Crossword Answers November 1, 2018 (Crossword)
Scottish chech design: TARTAN
Steer clear of: SHUN
Charred remains: ASH
Shove aside: THRUST
Enjoyable: GOOD
Opposite of past: FUTURE
Weeded using tool: HOED
Seek an answer: ASK
Put in an appearance: CAME
Punctuation marks: DASHES
Offensive smell: STINK
Tread the boards: ACT
Head and neck covering: HOOD
Give direction to lead: GUIDE
Suggestion or sign (inf): SNIFF
Like a polar bear: WHITE
Barrier in water: WEIR
Squeak of fear: EEK
Small eastern row-boat: SAMPAN
Instect’s attacking mechanism: STING
Frightening: SCARY
Puzzle Page Crossword Answers November 2, 2018 (Diamond)
Floorboard noise: CREAK
Sport held in ring: WRESTLING
Long run: RIFLE
Correct: RECTIFY
Unobstructed: CLEAR
Item of cutlery: KNIFE
Puzzle Page Crossword Answers November 2, 2018 (Crossword)
Outspoken: VOCAL
Wash by rubbing: SCRUB
Toothsome: TASTY
Small part: BIT
Duck noise: QUACK
Satellite’s path: ORBIT
Ahead of schedule: EARLY
Not a lie: TRUTH
Roughly spoken abrupt: GRUFF
Baton-passig race: RELAY
Santa’s helper: ELF
Pacific or Atlantic: OCEAN
Large sumptuous meal: FEAST
Reigned: RULED
Social call: VISIT
Used to play poker: CARDS
Large entrance hall: LOBBY
Price estimate: QUOTE
Fossil resin: AMBER
Affectionate name for cat: KITTY
Toddler: TOT
Large wild cat: TIGER
Normal common: USUAL
Burly strong: HEFTY
Start of alphabet: ABC
Put up for sale: OFFER
Modern letter-writing: EMAIL
Well-known celebrated: NOTED
Puzzle Page Crossword Answers November 3, 2018 (Challenger)
Upstanding well-behaved: LAWABIDING
Being erect vertical: STANDING
Covering over face: VEIL
Ice marked for curling: RINK
Forgot whereabouts of: MISLAID
Famous Egyptian mummy: TUTANKHAMEN
Fights overcomes: COMBATS
Not hilly: FLAT
Enticing: ALLURING
Wearing shoes: SHOD
Slow a vehicle: DECELERATE
Subsequently in due course: LATER
Butterfly fastener on bolt: WINGNUT
Clear water from boat: BAIL
Start off: INITIATE
Emblem: BADGE
Fighter-plane combat: DOGFIGHT
Sheet of floating ice: FLOE
Mosquito-borne disease: MALARIA
Umbilicus: NAVEL
Far-sightedness: VISION
Stressed nervy: TENSE
Puzzle Page Crossword Answers November 3, 2018 (Crossword)
Unfortunate accident: MISHAP
Absent: AWAY
Outdoor meal: BBQ
Blood sucking bat: VAMPIRE
Crawl forward noiselessly: CREEP
Say hi: GREET
Animated film: CARTOON
Performance sketch: ACT
Hang around do nothing: LAZE
Make safe (bomb): DEFUSE
Person telling untruths: FIBBER
Not quite shut: AJAR
Dour gloomy: MOODY
Utter words: SPEAK
Open-ended garage: CARPORT
Postponed not happening: OFF
Couple: PAIR
Make allowances for: EXCUSE
Puzzle Page Crossword Answers November 4, 2018 (Challenger)
Unlikely to stumble: SUREFOOTED
Uncertainty of outcome: SUSPENSE
Red salad root: BEET
Ring: HOOP
Cross road illegally: JAYWALK
The one before: PREDECESSOR
Guilty person: CULPRIT
Gave the game away: SOLD
Bonus or extra benefit: PERK
Satirical: IRONICAL
Impermeable: WATERTIGHT
Opposite of north: SOUTH
Halted temporarily: PAUSED
Authentic: PUKKA
Dog’s tooth: FANG
Opposite of masculine: FEMININE
Performed surgical procedure: OPERATED
Uncontrolled gallop: BOLT
Limb joint: ELBOW
Vendor: SELLER
Sleeping noisily: SNORING
Distributed (cards): DEALT
Puzzle Page Crossword Answers November 5, 2018 (Diamond)
Submerge oneself in water: DUNK
Large snake-like fish: CONGEREEL
Pound with a hammer: BEAT
All right settled: DONE
Finely chopped pie filling: MINCEMEAT
Tariff: RENT
Puzzle Page Crossword Answers November 5, 2018 (Crossword)
Used in badminton: SHUTTLECOCK
Became one: MERGED
Exchange: SWAP
Disentangling: FREEING
Question: ENQUIRY
Making cakes: BAKING
Statue from shoulders-up: BUST
Neat and tidy: UNCLUTTERED
Learn something new: RETRAIN
One giving a gratuity: TIPPER
By what means: HOW
Yellow acidic fruit: LEMON
Cash register: TILL
Sunset to sunrise: NIGHT
Farm vehicle: CART
Handle clumsily: FUMBLE
Less dirty: CLEANER
Indict proceed against: SUE