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WordCross Answers & Solutions for All Levels

#151 on the newsstand: vogue esquire Newsweek spin seventeen life
#152 things that can be tied: knot tongue bow ribbon noose game
#153 in the bathroom: towels conditioner shampoo shower toothbrush scale mouthwash
#154 on the defensive: border grounds defensive beach road ball fence
#155 composers: Gershwin Tchaikovsky mozart debussy handel mahler verdi

WordCross Answers Camel Pack Levels

#156 a runners life: marathon sneakers cramps race blisters hurdles track
#157 personal qualities: nave obnoxious intelligent agreeable thoughtful selfish passionate
#158 the human body: skeleton arm mandible pancreas eyelid spine ankle
#159 ______ salad chopped green egg Caesar cobb
#160 solitary activities: reading crosswords sudoku meditation solitaire prayer dreaming

#161 you can write with that: chalk typewriter pen marker crayon
#162 in a deck of cards: spades diamonds joker numbers suits jack
#163 beach wear: shorts sunglasses swimsuit sunscreen hat bikini
#164 have a seat: throne stool rocker desk bench
#165 its elemental: nitrogen oxygen lead carbon helium chlorine uranium

WordCross Answers Chimpanzee Pack Levels

#166 winter sports: skiing snowboarding biathlon sledding hockey curling bobsled
#167 ______: room head motel living store board T
#168 musical genres: rock jazz blues classical electronic dance pop
#169 fabric-ated: silk linen leather denim cashmere nylon
#170 on the Christmas: tree branches ornament tinsel lighting nutcracker h

#171 crooked: meandering devious twisted asymmetric winding untruthful awry
#172 it follows you: shadow reputation record name children footprints ponytail y
#173 things found in rows: corn stairs teeth chairs people boxcars troops.
#174 famous rock bands: Beatles oasis nirvana Metallica Aerosmith genesis
#175 covered up scandal: camouflage circus nudity book mystery

WordCross Answers Horse Pack Levels

#176 at the bank: teller vault signatures mortgage transactions cash broker
#177 bake sale: pumpernickel Danish macaroon rye Clair rolls sourdough biscuit
#178 fast food: McDonalds cheeseburger bisquick arbys whopper burrito subway
#179 summer: Olympic events decathlon badminton fencing archery gymnastics equestrian wrestling
#180 at the salad: bar lettuce dressing croutons cucumber olives plates

#181 narrow: slender thin pinched minded limited constricted definite precarious
#182 in a choir: baritone tenor soprano parts melody alto
#183 light it up : flashlight sun lamp torch neon incandescent candle fluorescent
#184 ______ :time over about harvest dinner air some peace night
#185 jazz musicians: davis coltrane parker holiday goodman brubeck ellington

#186 in a video game: mario villain levels coins zelda swordplay score hero
#187 oceans and seas: Mediterranean pacific Caribbean Bering Indian Baltic Arabian Atlantic
#188 the doctors: office appointment checkup exam forms stitches prescription clinic
#189 primates: monkey orangutan chimpanzee lemur gibbon bonobo
#190 isolated: detached segregated solitary apart remote outlying withdrawn