Since its launch more than two years ago, BitLife has expanded in so many ways for both iOS and Android users. That includes the number of jobs and careers that are available in the game, as Candywriter tends to add to these every several updates or so, thus giving players a ton of options to choose from when the time comes to enter the rat race. That said, not all jobs will be available at all times, but that’s where quitting and restarting the app — or simply hitting the Age button — comes in handy.
Just like we did last time, we’ve listed another six jobs, most of which are the top-level jobs in their respective career tracks, and we’re showing you once again how to get those jobs and filling you in on all the details regarding how much you can earn, from the entry-level job to the highest possible one. We’re also going to show you what stats you need to have at birth and what stats are needed to be considered for the job.
And just as we always mention, take note that all money figures we shall be mentioning in this BitLife guide are based on U.S. currency for Bitizens working in the U.S. — the same jobs are available in other countries, and while the pay may vary per country, it will always be relative to the pay scales in all other nations supported by the game. That out of the way, let’s move on to our BitLife careers guide for the Makeup Artist, Environmental Scientist, Casino Manger, Chief of Police, Gallery Director, and Porn Writer jobs.
How To Become A Makeup Artist In BitLife
As far as this guide is concerned, this is one of the easiest careers in terms of requirements. It is also one of the lower-paying jobs we have in this list, so don’t have your Bitizen work as a Makeup Artist unless you’re prepared for an ironically simpler lifestyle than what the job may suggest. You can be male or female and all you need is a high school education, with no statistical requirements such as high Smarts or even high Looks. That’s right — although in the real world, makeup artists typically look almost as good as the celebrities they work with, you can still get this job even with average Looks or lower.
Starting out, you’ll need to get a job as an Apprentice Makeup Artist, which is one of the lower-paying jobs overall — usually, around $17,000 to $20,000 in your first year. A few raises later and after a few years, usually about four to five, you will then be promoted to Makeup Artist. The starting salary for a Makeup Artist would typically be around $30,000 to $35,000, and one reason why this is one of the lower paying jobs in this guide is because there are no further paths for promotion within the career.
There’s no such thing as a Senior Makeup Artist who gets paid more than the others because of tenure and/or expertise. Once you reach 20 years experience and actually collect the career, there’s a good chance you may be earning more than $50,000 per year — that’s not bad, if you come to think about it, but far from the highest-paying job in this guide or in the game in general.
How To Become An Environmental Scientist In BitLife
This is another easy career to collect, though you will obviously need to have a college education in order to get the job. As with any other job that requires a college degree, it’s advisable that you start out with at least decent Smarts and study hard whenever possible, though you can always raise your Smarts by joining clubs and other extra-curricular activities from middle school onward.
There are no other requirements, as your job is going to be to find ways to save the environment and deal with issues such as climate change — just play it straight as much as you could until you graduate college, and when it comes to your course, something science-related would be recommendable, including Biology.
When it comes to your entry-level job in this career, you can start right away as an Environmental Scientist — this will pay you around $50,000, give or take a few thousands, and that’s definitely a good starting salary. What could be a downside of this job, however, is the fact that there’s only one promotion in the track. In about five to seven years after starting, provided you work hard, perform well, and avoid conflict with your coworkers, you should be promoted to Senior Environmental Scientist, which pays $60,000 to $65,000 in your first year.
After that, however, that will be it — there are no further promotions, and we haven’t seen our characters earn much more than $70,000 by the time they collect the career in their 20th year. That’s still well above average as far as annual income is concerned, and it’s definitely an honorable job (in the real world — what happens away from work in BitLife is a completely different story) to be helping save the planet as an Environmental Scientist.
How To Become A Casino Manager In BitLife
Now this is a deceptively difficult position to get promoted to, and while you can earn big, big money even years before you become a Casino Manager, it won’t be easy to get the ultimate promotion after starting out at the bottom as a Dealer. You don’t need a college education for this job — a high school diploma would do — and that, plus the nature of the entry-level job, which is mostly to deal cards at the blackjack table, doesn’t seem to be one that requires a high intellect.
However, it appears that you need fairly good Smarts in order to be considered for a Dealer job — otherwise, the casino will throw away your resume, laugh at your face, or simply tell you that you aren’t qualified. That means having Smarts of 60 or more — if you don’t start out with a high-Smarts character, you can do the usual and study hard/join clubs before you graduate from high school. We even had to read a couple books in order to get our Smarts up after initially settling with a low-Smarts Bitizen when creating our would-be Casino Manager.
The Dealer job does not pay much at all — your starting salary will typically be around $17,000 to $20,000 per year. And unless you get your Smarts to 80 or so, it will take you several years before you get promoted to Floor Supervisor, where the starting salary is usually $40,000 to $45,000 annually. We’re not quite sure why high Smarts is a requirement for getting promoted in the Casino Manager track, but we guess it’s because it takes quick thinking to spot all those card-counters and proper technique to make sure you’re not lifting your hand too high. That said, working hard and performing well is not the only thing you’ll need to do if you want to make it to the next step.
By the time you reach Floor Supervisor, you’ll want to start befriending as many coworkers as possible, and maybe even your own Supervisor to keep your Popularity as close to 100 percent as you could. It might take a while for you to achieve this, and you may need to do a lot of kissing up to the boss — complimenting them and giving them gifts — before you can befriend them. But you’ll be richly rewarded with a salary in the $240,000 to $260,000 range (upon promotion) once you get promoted to Pit Boss.
After that, just keep working hard, befriending any new workers who replace the old ones in the casino, and ensure that your Performance bar is full at all times. You may need to keep doing this for about ten years before you become an Assistant Casino Manager, which pays about $280,000 to $300,000 per year.
Finally, after another ten years of hard work and high popularity, you should reach the ultimate promotion in BitLife’s Casino Worker career path, and that is Casino Manager, which has an annual salary of $300,000 and above.
Related: BitLife Careers Guide: How to Become a Brain Surgeon, Chief Justice, Engineer or an Executive Chef
When we were trying to get promoted to that position, we had to wait until our character was in his mid-70s, though most players might get the Casino Manager job at some point close to their 70th birthday. That means some quitting and restarting when the casino people offer you forced retirement due to your age, but that’s why this job, despite the fact it doesn’t require college education, is deceptively tough, as we stated above.
How To Become The Chief Of Police In BitLife
Traditionally, becoming Chief of Police was one of the hardest top-level jobs to get in BitLife. Likewise, this job won’t require you to even set foot in college, but based on our experience, having a college education does help improve the chances of getting promoted to Chief of Police. Ideally, you’ll want to pay close attention to your Health above all other stats, and that would require you to go to the doctor immediately if you get sick as a child, or perhaps go to the gym or take part in school sports.
That aside, there are no gender or statistical requirements, and if you choose to become a police officer right after graduating high school, you’ll have to start out as a Cadet, which pays about $22,000 to $25,000 annually at first. The next step would be Patrolman, which has an annual salary of $30,000 to $33,000 upon promotion. But chances will be quite good that you can skip right ahead and start out at the next job, which is Trooper ($35,000 to $40,000 upon promotion), if you have a college education. Obviously, Criminal Justice may be the best choice, should you decide to attend college for better chances of fast-tracking your in-game career as a cop.
We did notice that after attending college, the promotion process went by pretty quickly after we started our police career as a Trooper. Provided you regularly use the Work Harder option, you should get promoted to Corporal ($40,000 to $45,000) about two years after you start as a Trooper. Three years or so later, your pay grade will increase to the $45,000 to $50,000 range as a Sergeant. You’ll probably make it to Inspector after another three years, upon which your annual salary will jump slightly to $50,000 to $55,000.
Next step is Lieutenant, which pays $55,000 to $60,000 per year once you first get promoted — again, this usually takes place after three more years. (As a bonus tip, high Athleticism — as improved by school sports and going to the gym — might have helped speed up the promotion process in our case.)
Finally, you should be promoted to Chief of Police after at least three more years, and the pay in this case would be $60,000 to $65,000 upon promotion, with the chance that this could increase to $80,000 or thereabouts if you remain at the job, continue performing well, and ultimately collect the career. It’s highly advisable that you stay away from crime, may it be during your school days or during your time as a cop — especially the latter — if you’re trying to improve the odds that you get promoted quickly and painlessly.
You may get away scot-free in the game, but we’re guessing Karma could play a part here, because it does appear that corrupt police officers who commit crimes here and there take longer to be promoted than honest ones!
How To Become A Gallery Director In BitLife
The Art Gallery Worker career path may not be one of the more popular tracks in BitLife, but it can also be quite rewarding in terms of finances. It’s also a career that will require a college education, as well as above-average Smarts — you can start out with merely average Smarts, but that can easily be raised by studying hard and joining extra-curricular activities such as the Art Club, if it’s available.
This does seem to increase the chances of working in an art gallery in adulthood, but we were able to get the entry-level job without having to be part of the Art Club in middle school and/or high school. As for your college course, Art History is by far the best choice, having replaced Arts when Candywriter rolled out the update that added several new college course options to the game.
Don’t expect a huge paycheck when you start out as a Gallery Associate — even with your college degree, you’ll only be earning about $30,000 to $35,000 a year when you’re just starting out. After about five to seven years in this entry-level job, you’ll get promoted to Art Handler, which has a far more attractive annual salary of $50,000 to $55,000 once you move up the ranks for the first time. As usual, it’s important to be well-behaved at work and to avoid any conflicts with your coworkers or with your boss.
Assistant Curator is the third out of five jobs in the Art Gallery Worker career, and this is where you can start earning serious money — how about a starting salary of $67,000 to $72,000 per year? You’ll need to be patient, though, as you may need to work another five to six, or even seven years as an Art Handler. Curator comes next, usually about 5-7 years later (once again), and the starting pay here is about $87,000 to $92,000.
Provided you’ve kept your Performance high and your Popularity decent or better, wait another 5-7 years and you should get promoted to Art Gallery Director, which pays $105,000 to $110,000 a year initially. That’s certainly nothing to sneeze at, even if most of the time, you’ll already be middle-aged by the time you get promoted to that position.
How To Become A Porn Writer In BitLife
We’ve already shown you how to become a Porn Actor in the game, but what if you’d rather work behind the scenes and write the blue movies instead of starring in them? That’s where becoming a Porn Writer comes in, and when talking about the introductory stats, we don’t think Looks are as important as it is when applying for the other adult film jobs in the game.
Still, we would recommend having high Looks when starting out, then going your merry way in school without having to worry about behaving properly or getting good grades. Sure, you can play it straight in school before starting work as a Porn Writer, but even if you don’t graduate high school, you can still find employment as such, provided you’re at least 18 years old!
Given that Porn Writers don’t appear onscreen, the pay won’t be too sexy at first, no pun intended — try $27,000 to $30,000 for your first year on the job. But here’s why we mentioned that good Looks are preferable for a job like this. If you perform well as a Porn Writer, you could get promoted to Porn Cameraman after three to four years, and that would mean a jump in pay to about $50,000 to $55,000. Perform well at that job and you’ll make it to Porn Actor, which has a starting pay of $75,000 to $80,000 per year — this could increase, as you may know, to the $200,000 range once you become Famous at it!
Of course, you can settle for writing the stories instead of taking it all off for the camera, and while it won’t pay nicely, at least it’s better than being a mere Porn Set Janitor.