Wordycat is a new Android-only word game from Indigo Bunting, where you have a simple task at hand – help the kitty, the titular Wordycat, open all the words and collect all the cards. Just match the letters to open new words – it’s very easy to do, as the game will ask you to drag your fingers to move the letters up to the top portion and complete the word being asked of you. Younger and older players alike can join in the fun here, and you can challenge your friends and compare each other’s scores to see who’s best. It’s simple, casual fun, and that much can be said by looking at the short and punchy game description.
Of course, we can’t expect all of you to know all of the answers right off the bat, and there may be some puzzles here that are trickier than others. So join us, and read on if you’re looking for some early, easy answers, as we’ve got them all in our compilation of Wordycat answers and solutions. This covers the first 49 levels/puzzles in the game, so if you’re having some early struggles with the questions, feel free to find the missing answers in this list.
Wordycat Answers, Cheats & Solutions
#1: Food
#2: Geek
#3: Cake
#4: Book
#5: Toad
#6: Star
#7: Rock
#8: Lion
#9: Like
#10: Jack
#11: Bee, Zoo, Cat
#12: Owl, Nut, Oak
#13: Axe, Man, Log
#14: Jam, Mug, Tea
#15: Girl, Woman
#16: Frost, Heat
#17: Bed, Boy, Ads
#18: Wheel, Road
#19: Winner, Ace
#20: Bomb, Peace