WordBlobs is an Android-only word game from Apprope, which comes with tons of magic-themed levels inspired by the magic spells you might encounter in far more complicated RPGs and the like. It’s your chance to “step into a magic world of word building,” and the game will start out easy enough, as you’ll be given a few letters. Out of those letters, you’ll need to create as many words as possible by using those letters alone. Doesn’t sound like rocket science, but you will also need to make sure that all the words you create come with the golden center letter in place; otherwise, it won’t count!
We wouldn’t really call this easy to learn, hard to master – Apprope does, however, refer to the game as “easy to learn, but hard to stop playing.” But if some of the letter combinations are leaving you with a hard time guessing the words you can make out of them, you can read on and refer to our list of WordBlobs answers, cheats and solutions. We’ve dutifully gotten you covered for the first 140 levels of this game, but we would also like to recommend that you only refer to our list if you really can’t figure the answers out, and not use it as a one-stop shop for all the answers!
WordBlobs Answers Tonic of Nature
#1: Sun Us
#2: Tin in It
#3: Fit If It
#4: Map Am
#5: Art Rat At
WordBlobs Answers Love Brew
#6: Own Now No
#7: Ear Are Era
#8: Am Arm Ram
#9: Pot to
#10: Sap Spa As
WordBlobs Answers Hogspell Elixir
#11: Eat Tea At
#12: or Ore
#13: Cat Act At
#14: Mid Dim
#15: Sit Tis It
WordBlobs Answers Sip of Sleep
#16: Game Me Gem
#17: Part Tarp Trap
#18: Last Sat Salt Slat
#19: Seam Mesa Same
#20: Word Do Row Rod
#21: We Stew West Sew
#22: Paws Wasp Swap Sap
#23: Bed Dab Bead Ad
#24: Tide Diet Tie Edit It
#25: Man Name Amen