From the very moment man had discovered how to ball his hand into a fist, war was always a beast that could change its ugly face on a whim.
With each new discovery that mankind uncovers, war would always become a field in which these findings are tested. New kinds of metal made swords and armor, new concepts created siege weaponry like catapults or battering rams, but no bigger discovery was made when man created machines. Armored vehicles took to the land, sea, and sky to bring their creators to victory, but now, a new invention has emerged—something that would change the course of war and its history forever: giant robots.
Cypriot games developer, Keystorm Holdings LTD., graces the mobile games market with a fast-paced take on the arena brawler genre: Little Big Robots. Hop into the cockpit of your very own mech, fight on the warfront against other players, and seize your victory or die trying. With a slew of various robots to collect and upgrade, it is up to you to make the perfect squad of nigh-invincible killing machines.
Take your fights to small towns, dense forests, or uncharted territory with friends or fight alone amidst the mysteriously dangerous Darkzone. Little Big Robots is intense as it is adorable. Despite its simple and familiar play style, Little Big Robots is no easy game to master. It takes a lot of dying and trying that makes a great pilot.
If you’re one such pilot who wants to become an ace among aces, read our guide below before you get behind your mech’s control sticks!
Waging a Little War in a Big Robot
Little Big Robots plays quite similarly to Brawl Stars, Thetan Arena, Tanks a Lot, and other similar titles while borrowing the mech theme and certain mechanics from titles like War Robots and Mech Arena. Aesthetically, the game also somehow borrows similarities from the legendary Mech Warrior franchise. For those unfamiliar, let us briefly describe how the game is played.
Before you start a match, you have a squad of robots (or mechs as they can be called sometimes). These robots act as your “lives” depending on the mode you are playing. This means that each time your robot gets destroyed, you may come back as another robot, specifically any of the robots left available on your team. The destroyed robot cannot be used again for the duration of the match. You will be out of the game if you have had all your robots destroyed.
Using the left stick, you can command your robot to move around the map. The right stick makes your robot turn its torso and take aim. Releasing the right stick causes the robot to fire. Tapping the right stick, however, will cause your robot to fire in the general direction of its nearest target.
This is useful if there are no other targets around it. Each robot also comes with a special ability, but some robots come with special weapon slots that they can use to their advantage as well. Much like your robot’s main guns, these can be more or less aimed, but some abilities cannot be aimed.
Whenever you win a match or do well in one (like not being dead last in some modes), you gain these points called Keys, which are essential to opening loot boxes. Each match has a set of Key reserves, so playing in them and earning your Keys will cause you to run out eventually. But do not worry—Keys gradually generate over time.
So wait a while and you’ll be back to earning these Keys in a jiffy whenever you score a victory. Opening loot boxes causes random items to come out. These can range from currencies, new robots, or duplicate items, which are transformed into Blocks (we’ll discuss this soon). These are all essential in making you do better in the game.
Now that you’ve read the basics and understood them, let’s proceed to the specifics of the game.
Robot Building Tips
While Little Big Robots is an arena shooter, we have to first acknowledge that an important skill you must have involves being able to form an effective team of robots. On top of that, each robot has to be autonomously powerful—meaning each one shouldn’t need to rely on any of the other robots that have come before it. Therefore, giving yourself a team of well-built and well-configured robots will put yourself a cut above the rest.
Results may vary, however, since each player has different playstyles and different preferences. What we mean here is that some players are more inclined to playing support roles in team-based games, whereas some players are more inclined to fighting on the front lines.
Other players might like glass cannon-type characters (or robots in this case), while others would prefer more durable types. Making a team of robots that you can expertly pilot will give you a better experience. If things don’t work out, don’t let defeat deter you—it only means you still have plenty of room to learn and grow!
The piloting skills can come later, the mechanic stuff comes now; grab yourself a virtual spanner and let’s get working!
Mix and Match or Go with What Works for You
What do you think goes best on your favorite robot?
It’s worth noting that each robot in Little Big Robots has its own personality, so to speak. Regardless of its size, speed, or HP pool, each robot comes with its strengths, weaknesses, and ease of operation. The same can be said about every weapon present in the game. That said, it’s important to make a robot feel right, especially for you.
One way you can do this is to play to a robot’s strengths. Is your robot fast? Does it have a large HP pool? Is its ability offensive, defensive, or utility in nature? Does it command a powerful presence on the battlefield? These are a couple of factors to consider before equipping a robot completely. For example, if you equip a fast-moving robot with a long-ranged weapon, you can be sure that it’ll be agile enough to harass and pick off any weakened enemies.
Conversely, if you know the weaknesses of your robot, you can equip it with something that makes it less of a liability. To illustrate, if you think your robot is fragile, try giving it a weapon that will allow it to engage the enemy from a medium or long range. This will keep it safe whilst providing a decent amount of cover fire for your team (if you’re in a team setting).
Lastly, if you happen to like how a robot plays with a setup you’ve picked out yourself, stick with it. Its uniqueness will allow you to become one with your robot. You’ll understand the ins and outs of this loadout better the more you play with it. This also branches out to one of the topics in this guide regarding experimentation.
But we won’t talk about that yet; let’s first tackle the stars of the game themselves: the robots.
Look for More Robots and Understand Them
Because this game follows the same concept as Brawl Stars, the robots are the “heroes” that hide in the loot boxes.
To increase your chances of winning in a match, you will need to have a garage full of different robots. As we’ve mentioned earlier in the introduction of this article, your robots are essentially your lives in a match. Run out of robots and you run out of lives. Therefore, if you no longer have any robots you can pilot in battle, you’re out of the game. You can stick around and wait for your friends to attempt to win the match, however. Slots in your garage can be increased through Coins and eventually through Gems.
As of this writing, Little Big Robots has a pool of 16 robots for each player to find and upgrade. Each robot (and equipment piece) comes from a set of 4 tiers: Common, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. The tiers indicate the frequency in which they appear whenever a player opens up a loot box or visits the shop.
But while it would seem that getting robots from the highest tier in the game means an easy victory for anyone piloting these, that’s not always the case. Knowing what makes your robot tick is already half the battle, and that’s especially if you have a favorite. In the beginning, each player will obtain the three main robots below. We’ve also decided to give their capabilities a brief description:
Rarity: Common
Speed: Medium
Ability: DestroShot
Special Weapon Slot: No
Notes: This is your starter robot. The Destrier, while straightforward in its purpose as an attack robot, is surprisingly easy to pilot. Its medium speed and decent amounts of health allow it to get in a scuffle and get out easily. Its DestroShot ability is particularly dangerous when used since it deals a great amount of damage to enemies shot at close range.
Those who survive the DestroShot are knocked backward. This ability can also destroy some small buildings and foliage to keep the enemy from hiding in thickets. A bit of trivia: a destrier is a warhorse mounted by knights in the olden days.
Rarity: Common
Speed: Medium
Ability: Assault
Special Weapon Slot: No
Notes: This robot is rearing for a charge. The Rhino is a robot built highly for offense and can shorten the gap between itself and its attacker. This is through its Assault ability, which activates its thrusters and makes it charge forward.
Anything gored by its mighty horn receives a great amount of damage. In a pinch, the Rhino’s Assault can also be used as an escape mechanism, allowing you to leave your enemies in the dust so you can hide away to heal (or hoard crystals). Much like the Destrier’s DestroShot, the Assault can also destroy small buildings and trees in the Rhino’s path.
Rarity: Common
Speed: Slow
Ability: Force Field
Special Weapon Slot: Yes
Notes: Your first tank. The Fujin can take a beating from enemy fire due to its high HP pool. To add to its tankiness, it can use its Ability, Force Field, which allows the Fujin to project a protective shell that can absorb a certain amount of damage before dissipating. Despite the Fujin being slow in movement, this opens it up to opportunities for long-ranged combat. It also comes with a Special Weapon slot.
The more robots you get, the more you can try them and, eventually, the more you’ll understand how they play. This also gives you an edge when facing an enemy whose robot is familiar to you. You’ll be aware of its flaws or identify moments when it might be in its element. As you play, your Star Steps will tell you that you have unlocked new robots and equipment. Make no mistake, though: this doesn’t mean you automatically have them in your garage; this simply means you’re able to find them in loot boxes now.
Understanding your robots is one thing, but equipping them with different loadouts is something that you can do to have a robot for every occasion. In fact, you can also try observing what the enemy has.
Observe the Loadouts of Other Players
They say knowing your enemy can help you win the fight.
As you can see, observation is a powerful weapon in this game. With observation, you can predict where the enemy might go, what they might do next, or even who they might be after. Aside from all this, observation can also help you understand what might be a good fit for your robots, especially if you’ve witnessed the enemy use an interesting combination.
Because Little Big Robots has quite the small selection pool of robots to pilot, you’re bound to encounter opposing players who have robots similar to your own. Imagine fighting a Destrier armed with a Trebuchet: this balances out the Destrier’s expertise in close-range combat because the Trebuchet is more or less a sniper cannon. If the enemy gets too close, the Destrier may finish them off with a DestroShot.
Observing doesn’t stop at enemy robots; you can do this for friends, too. When you play modes like Darkzone Duo or Crystal Rush and you notice a particularly strong ally, take note of what they might have been piloting that carried your team through the match. Some robots in particular are quite useful in team fights (i.e. Bulwark, Mender, and Raijin), so it’s a great idea to keep your eyes on these robots if you think they’re being piloted by players more capable than you. This should ultimately give you perspective on what might make your robots more powerful.
However, observation can only get you so far. Sometimes, upgrading your robots helps as well. You just have to be selective about it.
Upgrade Your Robots and Equipment Selectively
If you feel like your robots are underperforming, maybe it’s time to give them a closer look in the garage.
Upgrading your robots is an essential mechanic in the game. If you do not upgrade any of your robots, your chances of winning or contributing to a team battle will be much lower, especially at higher levels. Upgrading your robots, especially ones that you actually use, is an integral step to being a better pilot; better equipment could also help your skill flourish. This is what we mean by selective.
First, take a look at your Storage and try to discern which of your robots you actually use in battle. Don’t try to upgrade every single robot you come across since this is a waste of resources. The stronger the robots you use, the better your chance of beating the opposition. This is especially true if you’re comfortable with your chosen robot or if you completely understand how it plays, as we talked about in the first item of this section.
Upgrading robots requires both Coins and a special material called Blocks. Blocks are basically duplicates of robots or equipment that you find from the loot boxes or in the shop. You need a certain number of Blocks to upgrade any item, but remember that Blocks are not universal by themselves. To elaborate, if you would like to upgrade your Kumiho, you will need Kumiho Blocks. Blocks from other robots or equipment pieces can’t substitute this.
Each upgrade is more expensive than the last, so we will warn you here and now: prepare to grind. After reaching a certain number of upgrades, your robot or piece of equipment will gain a star, which boosts their stats tremendously. Anything that can be upgraded here can reach a maximum of 6 stars. Shoot for these and maybe you’ll create something truly monstrous.
If you think you’re running low on Coins or Blocks, how about watching some of the ads?
Watch Ads for Coins, Blocks, and More
This war among robots is sponsored!
Yes, that’s right. Little Big Robots has ads. While it’s an unfortunate reality that we have to face that ads have invaded our daily lives, hardly anything has changed about them for decades. Apart from their creativity and occasional entertainment value, we can all agree that ads are persistent. They’re everywhere, they can be annoying, and they’re disruptive at times. Though, in the mobile gaming market, ads somehow have become a means to reward players who don’t want to spend a cent—that is if the players watch the ads.
Little Big Robots has its fair share of ads. These ads come in the form of special packs that are given to the player each time they win, lose, log into the game, or simply browse the shop. The player has the option to watch these for special freebies. While you might be opposed to the idea of watching ads, we highly recommend watching them anyway because they give out coins as well as Blocks. Naturally, these are greatly needed if you want to improve your robots or weapons. If you’re lucky, you might even find a bundle of gems in the shop worth a single ad watch!
In the end, ads are a surefire way to get what you need albeit at the cost of a few minutes of your time while playing the game. On a lighter note, you may want to take these as an opportunity to kick back and chill out from a particularly tough battle you had. It’ll help you get back in the game for sure!
Now that we’ve listed down our tips for building your robot, let’s talk about the really fun part: the fighting.
General Combat Tips
As of this writing, Little Big Robots only has a total of 3 game modes: Crystal Rush, Darkzone Solo, and Darkzone Duo. This section of the guide will serve as a set of general tips for all game modes. Combat, after all, is the part of the game that separates the noobs from the pros. But don’t worry, we all start out as noobs, so make like one and open your mind to our tips!
Pick a Robot for the Current Situation
They say that there’s always a right tool for the job. Your robots are more or less like these tools.
When you’re fighting alongside teammates, it’s often a good idea to pick a robot that complements the team’s setup. This is also why it’s important to keep a team of various robots that have different roles. Below is a list of possible scenarios in a team battle:
a. Your team picked a lot of slow but tanky robots like Fujins, Raijins, or Bulwarks.
b. Your team picked mostly offensive robots like Destriers, Rhinos, Furies, or Kumihos.
c. Your team is almost nearly composed of support robots like Menders or Weylands.
d. Your team picked out a variety of robots. For example’s sake, they picked any of the following: Fujin, Fury, and Mender.
To tackle scenario A, try to pick out a robot that will help bring out an offensive front for them. A Fury would be nice if you had it, but a Rhino will do. Support robots like Menders are also welcome since you can hang back and repair any damaged robots. Scenario B will require someone to soak up damage from the enemy team, so picking out a Fujin or a robot of equivalent durability should help your team’s impending onslaught.
Scenario C is a tricky one since most support robots aren’t as durable as their other cousins. Try picking out tanky robots like Fujin, or offensive robots to provide cover fire for their soft armor. Robots like Destrier or Rhino could fit the bill. Scenario D is the simplest since your choice may dictate how the battle might go: pick an extra Fujin and you’ll have to be at the forefront; pick another offensive robot like the Rhino and you’ll need to back up your allied Fujin; pick a Mender or Weylands for repairs and you’ll be in charge of keeping your team alive. Study the situation and then adapt to it. Just be sure you know the robot you’re piloting!
Picking a robot you’re unfamiliar with is taking a risk and that’s exactly what we’ll be talking about next!
Take Risks but Don’t Get Greedy
Risk and reward go hand in hand.
This is often true since anyone who takes risks is bound to find themselves feeling more fulfilled. The same can be translated to when you enter any match in any game mode that Little Big Robots has to offer. Regardless of the match, it always pays to try and single out that one enemy pilot who seems to be dominating your teammates.
In doing so, if you manage to make them run out of robots and get them out of the game, you will have done your team a favor by making the enemy team lose one player, who may also be the most competent one. But such a risk will require skill to pull off.
Always assume that the enemy is better than you and that they will always have a trick up their sleeve. Do not engage the enemy if they’re backed up by their own teammates. This will always result in your robot being filled with holes. This could mean that if you’re piloting your best robot at the time that this happens, you’ll lose it early on. You’ll be a trump card short of victory. Another risk you could take is to deploy your least-powerful robot first.
Think of it this way: you can use your least-powerful robot as a means to gauge your enemy first. If they happen to decimate your front lines quite easily, try to exhaust their efforts by bringing out the next least-powerful robot you have. The idea here is to save your best robot for the end and catch them off-guard. Having your best, most upgraded robot for last should mean that you are most comfortable piloting it.
But don’t do this if, say, the enemy is winning in Crystal Rush. Try to pre-empt that their score will be bumped up if your friend with the most crystals gets surrounded and destroyed. Chasing the enemy down with a Kumiho, a robot equipped with the Dash ability, at that point will be quite difficult but not impossible. If you perform a dive—which is an action wherein you move deep into enemy territory in an attempt to reclaim crystals from an enemy— always be sure you have an escape plan and hope that the enemy isn’t onto you. More on this later.
Being alert is quite important in almost any mode. This is why it’s important to aim as you move.
Aim as You Move
Every weapon in-game can be activated at the press of the weapon button.
This action, called Quick Fire, will cause your robot to fire at the nearest enemy or object it sees. While this is convenient for most, it’s actually not that great if you’re trying to be accurate. You see, each weapon in Little Big Robots has its own firing rate, reload speed, range, and projectile speed. These different factors can greatly affect their accuracy when trying to shoot an enemy down.
For instance, it’s unwise to try and shoot the enemy from afar using the Thunder, a shotgun-type weapon. Its projectiles spread in a wide cone and don’t travel very far. Meanwhile, the Redeemer weapon, which shoots large energy orbs that bounce off of walls, has very long range but slow projectile speed. To make the most out of any weapon in the game, you can try aiming while you move your robot about.
If you’re already familiar with the gun you’re using, this is an excellent way for you to use its firepower in all its glory since you’ll be able to turn your enemies into scrap metal as soon as they move. But in general, it’s always good practice to do this instead of using the Quick Fire since you won’t waste any ammo, especially if you miss. The best way to accurately fire your weapon at the enemy is to “predict” their movement.
Hold your aim down in the direction they’re going and then release your thumb at the moment they move toward the direction you predicted. Do this more often and you might score more kills. It takes practice, sure, but mastering it can bring you far into the game and you won’t need any of the fancy weapons you can get from loot boxes.
The only moment Quick Fire can be advantageous is if the enemy robot you’re fighting is walking toward you in a straight line. But even then, a slight shift in their movement can change everything, so be prepared to aim.
Aiming can also help keep yourself alert at all times. This will make sure that you aren’t caught off guard. Sometimes, fighting smart wins matches rather than using brute force.
Fight Smart
The most dangerous opponents you can face are the sneaky, crafty ones.
If you want a few examples of dangerous robots to look out for, keep your eyes out for Destriers, Rhinos, Raykers, Kumihos, and Griffins. You’ll have Lokis, Scorpions, Jaegers, and Areses to worry about later on. Players who like piloting these offensive robots can be reckless but, other times, they can be quite cunning since they use the trees to hide and suddenly pop out, attacking the opposition with extreme prejudice and wanton violence. But your own destruction can be avoided if you know how to watch your own back.
A logical player’s first reaction when getting shot is to back off and try to find an opening in the enemy’s defense. If you happen to fire at the enemy while they are attacking you, they’d try to evade your fire and surely you’d do the same if the enemy shoots at you (right?). Getting destroyed in this game is painful since your favorite robot could be taken out of a match. So the moment an enemy robot tries to shoot you from behind, fire back while you find a place to retreat.
A retreat is integral in a fight, especially if you’re comfortable piloting your current robot. If there’s a really important thing you should take away from the tutorial, it’s that after a few seconds, your robot will begin to repair itself and restore its health. This will give you enough time to assess the situation further and how to approach it. After healing, get back in the fray and give the enemy some hell! The more of them that you take out, the more they’ll run out of moves to make in any plan they’ve cooked up for the match.
Another way you can exercise fighting smart is by making use of the environment around you.
Make Use of the Environment
The element of surprise can be one of your biggest weapons.
Sure, hiding in the trees and thickets will make you unpredictable in an active firefight at most times, but have you tried actually using the trees to get the jump on the enemy? What we mean is not shooting from them, but waiting for the perfect chance to strike.
Say, for example, you’ve seen the enemy Bulwark retreat into a thicket and you happen to have followed them in. Try to circle around them first and not pursue; you’ll give away your position and alert their friends. Instead, wait for them to pop out again and attack them when they’re preoccupied.
Buildings, small crags, and houses can be used as cover from enemy fire. Try doing this when the enemy onslaught might be too much to handle. If you spy an opening in their attack, pop out and return their fire. Some abilities can destroy certain obstacles. For instance, the Rhino’s charge, the Destrier’s main cannon, the Fury’s rockets, and the Griffin’s jump can easily level these.
If you see a particularly annoying enemy hiding behind small obstacles, try giving them a nasty surprise by destroying the obstacle completely to catch them completely unawares. The opening will also be enough for you to barrage them with your guns while they’re scrambling for an escape plan. Keep in mind that trees can also be destroyed by some of these abilities as well, so there will be no place for the enemy to hide.
The above tips are mostly for fighting in any mode. They also help you be a better pilot that uses many things to their advantage. What comes next now is how to be better in specific combat modes.
Crystal Rush Tips
Brawl Stars players, eat your hearts out! It’s Gem Grab all over again, but with robots! The rules of Crystal Rush are simple: crystals come from the crystal mine in the center of the map and each robot can carry an indefinite amount of these. If you gather 15 crystals or more and hold them for a time, you’ll win. Another way you can win is by destroying every single robot the enemy team has, but this often doesn’t happen in higher ranks. A word of warning: if a robot gets destroyed while it’s holding crystals, it will drop all the crystals it was carrying.
Crystal Rush is the game’s base mode. We all start playing it, it’s quite easy to understand, and you join a team with whom to fight alongside. Anything can happen and only the most skilled pilots come out on top with a pile of crystals to boot! If you think you’re ready to yank some crystals out of the enemy’s cargo holds, then let’s rush into this section!
Aim at Fallen Crystals
You can treat crystals as bait.
Naturally, the enemy will go where the crystals are and collect them. If you see an enemy approaching a crystal or a group of these, open fire at the crystal so your shots land at them when they pick it up. They will be faced with a few options: they could fight back or pull away whether they picked up the crystals or not. What you will do from here is entirely up to you because damaging the enemy robot collecting crystals could signal your friends to shoot at it, too.
When a friend falls and drops their crystals, you can either use this opportunity to lure the enemy into a trap and deter them, or pick up all the crystals and hide yourself away. The latter choice is a bit difficult to pull off but highly rewarding since you might weaken the enemy’s forces, especially if you’ve destroyed some of their robots.
If you’ve picked up a lot of crystals, it’s time to play it safe.
Pull Back When You Have a Lot of Crystals
Having a large crystal count, say above 10, will paint a massive target on your back for the enemy.
They will definitely try to look for you and shoot you down so they can scavenge your crystals for themselves. Do not let them do this. It’s always best to play on the defensive or hide away if you have lots of crystals on your robot since you’ll be closer to victory that way.
Likewise, if you’re currently carrying a lot of crystals, don’t be a showoff and fight at the front lines. This will only get the enemy to target you more. The moment you slip is the moment you lose the match. Just imagine how tough that might feel: you’re taunting the enemy with your crystal count, they shoot you down and complete 15 crystals or over, and they end up hiding better than you. It’s definitely going to bum you out.
However, there is a way you can use a large crystal count to your advantage and that’s by using yourself as bait. Enemies will be in dire search for you, so hang around your base and have your friends do the work of protecting you. You will definitely need to back them up during this moment, however, as the lack of firepower may not stagnate the enemy’s advance.
However, this is assuming that your teammates are capable of grasping the fact that you need protection; there will be times when you will get mobbed by the enemy team with none of your teammates in sight. Get the salt shakers ready!
But if you’re determined enough to get those crystals back, try your hand at a dive.
Do Not Dive Unless You Have a Plan
As we’ve mentioned earlier, diving is a very risky maneuver.
If you’re going to dive deep into enemy territory, you should do this when you have figured out who carries the most crystals among them. Sneaking through the trees and behind buildings is the best way to make a dive and killing the enemy crystal bearer could be a somewhat difficult role, especially if their robot is stronger than yours. But the hardest part is actually escaping.
To successfully get out of a dive, you must know the nooks and crannies of the map or have a robot with a mobility skill. Consider the Rhino, Kumiho, Griffin, or Scorpion for this. The moment you gather all the crystals you need, dodge enemy fire and make a run for it. If you have any teammates left, they should be able to pick up on your cues and defend you on your way out. Likewise, if you notice a friend doing a dive, cover their back and maybe you’ll win the match.
While it may seem difficult to make a dive using more durable robots like the Fujin, Raijin, or Bulwark, it’s not impossible though it will be painful. Please reconsider this maneuver as the three aforementioned robots are undeniably slow and their defensive capabilities do not translate to invincibility.
Though, if you do feel that your tanky robot can take a decent amount of damage to get the job done and you have the piloting skills to back it up, by all means, dive right in and reclaim your crystals! Just pray that your friends are waiting nearby to cover your retreat.
If you feel like Crystal Rush is a little too organized for you, how about a game mode where it’s usually every pilot or pilot duo for themselves?
Darkzone (Solo and Duo) Tips
Nobody knows what exactly the Darkzone is, but what we do know is that whatever is caught in it will be destroyed. From what we gather, it’s a wave of black and green energy that swirls about and erases all existence that comes in contact with it. But, in such a battlefield, if there is one robot pilot left standing (or a team of 2 pilots, if you’re playing Duo), the Darkzone will cease to advance and perhaps you’d have all made it out safely.
This mode is considered to be more difficult than Crystal Rush since there are no fancy gimmicks to consider other than being able to dominate your enemies and be the last pilot or last team standing. Give this one a go when you’re feeling particularly daring. But first, a few tips for you!
Assess Your Surroundings
There’s nothing more dangerous in a map of a mysterious destructive force field inching its way towards you than those trying to fight for their lives.
From the moment you spawn into the map, always keep an eye out (and ear out) for nearby threats. You will be able to see these guys at the edge of the map; some of the enemy pilots may choose to scavenge for Volts while some would immediately want to go toe-to-toe against their enemies. In this mode, observation will be your biggest and strongest weapon. If you’re several steps ahead of your enemy, they’ll have a smaller chance of beating you.
One way you can constantly observe the enemy is by hiding in the trees. If you suspect that none of them are concerned about what lurks in the foliage, don’t move and watch what happens. You can even spy on them until one of them gets dangerously close to your thicket. That’s when you get a move on and attempt to lose them.
Just watch where you’re going—the worst that could happen is that you run into a furball of enemies and get your robot perforated. If you’re playing with a friend in Darkzone Duo, you could also assess your surroundings to find a place to hide so they can respawn if they have any robots left at all.
However, there is a way you can actively boost your robot’s performance and that’s by collecting these power-ups called Volts.
Farm the Volts
There are glowing, pyramid-shaped generators that litter the map. Keep your eye out for them—they could help you win!
Destroying these generators will release little objects that are shaped like lightning bolts that glow. These objects, called Volts, help increase the fighting power of your robot. What they do is add more health and damage to your robot and the best part about them is that their effects stack the more of them you have. This means that if you have at least 5 Volts on your robot, the Volts add 5 times the bonuses on it. That said, farming for Volts should be made a priority for any pilot playing Darkzone. But having Volts isn’t an excuse for you to get reckless or overconfident.
Carrying a lot of Volts on your robot is just like carrying crystals in Crystal Rush, but it goes both ways this time: you’ll be seen both as an intimidating opponent as well as a high-profile target. The reason here is that once your robot’s got Volts on it, it drops them upon destruction. If any enemy happens to destroy your robot, you’ll be giving your Volts away!
On the flipside, some enemies will be smart enough to turn tail and run because they wouldn’t want to be offed by someone as strong as you. In Darkzone Duo, you will start out sharing Volts with your teammate. If you or your teammate dies, you lose all Volts on your robot but the surviving pilot gets to keep theirs.
Usually, Volts would indeed make you strong, but this isn’t always the case. No matter how many Volts a robot has on it, a robot low on health is always at the risk of being destroyed either way. Let’s hope you’re not on this end!
Pick Off Weakened or Running Enemies
Weakened enemies are just opportunities to seize!
Sure, this may look like a dirty tactic, but remember that fighting in Darkzone is a matter of survival. Dispatching an enemy that appears to have come from an earlier shootout will slightly increase your chances of winning. It’ll be even more advantageous if you happen to take out an enemy pilot with a great number of Volts stored in their robot. While this is a great idea in general, it’s always safe to exercise a degree of caution each time you perform this.
A fleeing opponent surely means that their pursuer is nearby. The worst thing that could happen to you is to get caught by the pursuer yourself and get annihilated in the process, especially if you have little to no Volts on you. Though, if you think you could take on the pursuer and their prey all at once, then best of luck to you. Once again, this brings us back to our argument about observation: look before you leap—always!
All nuances and technicalities aside, Little Big Robots is an easy game to pick up, but very hard to master. Just remember what you’ve learned from reading our beginner’s guide:
- Get a feel of your favorite robot and give it a loadout that you think fits.
- Understand how other robots work—it might give you an edge when you encounter them on the opposing side!
- If an enemy (or ally) robot’s configuration catches your eye and you think it’s effective, try it out yourself and see if it’s for you.
- Be selective when upgrading your favorite robots and weapons.
- Don’t miss out on the ad offers—they’ll help make your best robots and weapons stronger!
- Each robot shines during different situations. Make your picks when you’ve carefully assessed the current situation.
- Greed kills, but don’t hesitate to take risks either!
- If you move while aiming, you will be more accurate with your shots.
- Keep your enemy on their toes by fighting smart—deter them with retreating fire and let your robot repair itself when you’ve sustained a great amount of damage!
- The environment is your friend. Use it for cover, subterfuge, and other tactics.
- (Crystal Rush) Shoot at fallen crystals to hurt enemies trying to pick them up.
- (Crystal Rush) Got a lot of crystals in your robot? Don’t be a hero!
- (Crystal Rush) Make a dive into enemy territory only if you have an escape plan.
- (Darkzone) Be observant of everything around you—death is everywhere.
- (Darkzone) Make farming Volts your priority. They make your robot stronger.
- (Darkzone) Destroy fleeing or damaged enemies and take them out of the match as soon as possible, but be careful doing so.
There you have it; our beginner’s guide to Little Big Robots. Hop into your favorite robot’s cockpit and get ready to wage war. These mechanical beasts are rearing for battle, but only the strongest and the most skilled come out on top! Let’s go!
Are you a pilot that has seen many battles from the optics of your robot? Do you agree or disagree with our tips? Do you have tips of your own that you can impart to newbies? If so, send your thoughts our way in the comment section below!