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Hero Wars (Nexters) Tier List: A Complete Ranking of All Heroes

Welcome back, warriors of Dominion! It appears that the forces of Marax are tightening their defenses and bulking up on their numbers as we speak. But never fear, for we at Level Winner will once again aid you in your quest to restore peace and order to all of Dominion and to those who dwell in it. This is our Hero Wars Tier List!

hero wars tier list

But before you delve into this, know that this is not our beginner’s guide. Learning how to fight for Dominion is one thing, but understanding the strengths of each hero who fights for it is another! To be brief, we’ll recap our beginner’s guide below:

  • Get Maya as an extra healer early on to help Thea keep your team alive
  • Grinding and Hero Promotion are going to be two of your main objectives in-game
  • Diversifying your team and summoning more heroes is key to progressing quickly
  • Timing ultimates will save your hide
  • Claiming rewards should be a standard practice as you play
  • The Theatre gives out great freebies
  • Joining a guild will help you get through the game better

If you’d like to read the beginner’s guide in full, please click this link. Otherwise, read on and we’ll provide you with a tier list for all the Hero Wars heroes below!

Tier Lists at a Glance

How do you know which hero in a hero collector game is good for a task given to them? That’s why Tier Lists exist!

hero wars characters

A Tier List is basically a ranking of heroes, items, or other elements within a game that otherwise gives players a rough idea of where they stand in the game’s current state. For example, a Tier List shows which elements are amazing to have and which aren’t. For Hero Wars, however, we’d like to point out that this Tier List is going to be a little bit different.

Unlike most hero collector Tier Lists, this Hero Wars Tier List will not rank each hero based on their raw attack power but instead their ease of use and how well they mesh with the teams they join. This means that the ranking of each hero does not measure their strength alone but also their versatility and how easy it is to put them in a team. Ergo, the more setup required for a specific hero, the lower their ranking on the Tier List.

Because team building and composition is such an important and evident aspect of gameplay in Hero Wars, it’s wise to carefully put together a group of heroes who will all work well with each other. Some heroes seem like they are great team players, but in truth, they might not be.

hero wars heroes

On the other hand, other heroes may seem underwhelming at first, but they can turn out to be among the most powerful, especially in the late game. This Tier List will be sure to help you decide who you should consider putting in your team and who you should think twice about. Again, this isn’t to say that the lower-tiered heroes are less powerful—they just require more setup and understanding before having them join a team.

Below will be our ranking system for this Hero Wars Tier List:

  • S-Rank (Everyone’s Friend) — These are, by far, the easiest heroes to work with. They can be used for almost any team with little to no penalty.
  • A-Rank (Gets Along Well) — The heroes that are put in this tier are easy to use. Not as great as those in the S-Rank, but good enough that they’ll keep your team strong.
  • B-Rank (Good Ally) — Heroes put in this tier will require some friends along with them. They aren’t that easy to field, but get them out there if you’ve got nobody better.
  • C-Rank (Some Setup Required) — Carefully consider fielding these heroes as they might need a fuller team with other heroes that sync with them. Having them stick out like a sore thumb could be your team’s weakness.
  • D-Rank (Awkward) — The heroes listed in this tier are rather difficult to form teams with. Unless you completely understand how they work, think twice about including them in your team.
hero wars units

We will also put out the Tier Lists per class as opposed to one huge Tier List where all the heroes are present since each of the game’s heroes fill a specific role. They cannot merely be classified into who is stronger than the other as it will be akin to comparing apples with bananas—both are tasty but their flavors are entirely different!

With that all explained, let’s get on with our Hero Wars Tier List!

NOTE: Heroes marked with an asterisk (*) are not officially classified as the role they are placed in, but they may be fielded as such.


S-Rank (Everyone’s Friend)Celeste, Cleaver, Dark Star, Jorgen, Lian, Phobos
A-Rank (Gets Along Well)Andvari
B-Rank (Good Ally)Arachne, Lars
C-Rank (Some Setup Required)Chabba
D-Rank (Awkward)Luther


S-Rank (Everyone’s Friend)Dorian*, Martha*, Thea
A-Rank (Gets Along Well)Celeste
B-Rank (Good Ally)Morrigan
C-Rank (Some Setup Required)Markus, Maya
D-Rank (Awkward)Jet


S-Rank (Everyone’s Friend)Amira, Lilith, Mushy & Shroom, Satori, Xe’Sha
A-Rank (Gets Along Well)Alvanor, Orion, Phobos
B-Rank (Good Ally)Cornelius, Judge, Lars, Lian, Peppy
C-Rank (Some Setup Required)Kai, Krista
D-Rank (Awkward)Maya, Mojo


S-Rank (Everyone’s Friend)Artemis, Dark Star, Lilith
A-Rank (Gets Along Well)Daredevil, Keira
B-Rank (Good Ally)Dante, Elmir
C-Rank (Some Setup Required)Jhu
D-Rank (Awkward)Astrid & Lucas


S-Rank (Everyone’s Friend)Amira, Andvari, Astaroth, Dorian, Fafnir, Jorgen, Martha, Thea*
A-Rank (Gets Along Well)Morrigan, Peppy, Rufus, Sebastian, Xe’Sha
B-Rank (Good Ally)Alvanor, Cornelius, Judge
C-Rank (Some Setup Required)Isaac, Jet, Mojo, Nebula
D-Rank (Awkward)Markus


S-Rank (Everyone’s Friend)Aurora, Astaroth, Rufus
A-Rank (Gets Along Well)Cleaver, Galahad, Jorgen*, Martha, Ziri
B-Rank (Good Ally)Corvus
C-Rank (Some Setup Required)Chabba
D-Rank (Awkward)Luther


S-Rank (Everyone’s Friend)K’arkh, Tristan
A-Rank (Gets Along Well)Cleaver*, Ishmael, Galahad*
B-Rank (Good Ally)Arachne, Yasmine
C-Rank (Some Setup Required)Elmir
D-Rank (Awkward)Qing Mao

Hero Info

If you’d still like to formulate even more ideas for your own teams or how to build them, here is a complete list of all of the heroes currently available in Hero Wars and what they do. Pick who you’d want to invest in wisely as only your choices will carry you so far into the game! This also serves as an explanation as to why we’ve arranged some heroes on the Tier List accordingly.

NOTE: For the reader’s convenience, these heroes have been arranged in alphabetical order.

alvanor hero wars

Role: Mage, Support

Faction: Way of Nature

Position: Front

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: Alvanor possesses a powerful Violet skill, Earth Rune, which will always remain active for every hero from the Way of Nature faction on the team. But this can also be bestowed onto other heroes. While this skill is active, any hero affected by the Earth Rune will receive decreased damage from basic attacks, thus making Alvanor a threat against Warrior and Marksman enemies.

When joined with Dante and Aurora, Alvanor greatly increases the team’s survivability thanks to their dodge buffs. He may also work well with the likes of Cleaver and Faceless, especially when an important backliner has been pulled forward.

Unfortunately, Alvanor falls short when he goes up against enemy heroes like Yasmine, Corvus, Lilith, Iris, Dorian, or Xe’Sha as his Magic Defense stat isn’t that great. MAGE RATING: B, SUPPORT RATING: B.

amira hero wars

Role: Mage, Support

Faction: Way of Mystery

Position: Middle

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: This genie is a meanie! Amira is a Mage’s worst nightmare and a pretty bad dream to most enemy heroes. Her Blue skill, Genie’s Patronage, keeps all allies protected from magic damage. If there are any heroes on her team aligned with the Way of Mystery, this protection will always remain active.

Her ult, Careless Wish, will curse her enemies with piles of gold. The gold needs to be destroyed for them to be free of the curse, but for every friendly Way of Mystery hero on Amira’s side, the lifespans of the gold will be greatly increased. She is great buddies with Jorgen because he also bolsters a team’s overall Magic Defense.

Other than that, she easily depletes energy from heroes who rely on Strength as their main stat. If she doesn’t have too many friends from the Way of Mystery, Amira easily aligns herself with heroes from the Way of Chaos as well. MAGE RATING: S, SUPPORT RATING: S.

andvari hero wars

Role: Control, Support

Faction: Way of Mystery

Position: Front

Main Stat: Strength

Notes: Never underestimate a hard-working man. Andvari, affectionately called Andy by the community, is a hero who counters enemies who primarily deal Physical Damage. Against specific heroes like K’arkh, Andy makes sure that his friends are safe from displacement or knock-ups as those behind him are protected for as long as he is alive.

For anyone who has low armor on his team, he also casts a protective shield over them just so enemy heroes like Yasmine don’t eradicate them outright. To keep his enemies busy, Andy also comes armed with a group stun for his ult. CONTROL RATING: A, SUPPORT RATING: S.

arachne hero wars

Role: Control, Warrior

Faction: Way of Progress

Position: Middle

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: Are your enemies ready for a headache? Arachne is a stun monster who likes stunning the stunned, particularly with her White and Blue skills, Demolition Robot and Underground Strike, respectively. If there are enemies with low health, her Green skill, Teleportation, makes her viciously assault them each time.

Enemy heroes that should fear her are Dorian, Ishmael, Tristan, or K’arkh. Unfortunately for Arachne, there are counters to her like Cornelius, Phobos, Nebula, Jorgen, or Elmir—generally heroes who can keep her from gaining energy or those who can stun her in return. She perfectly teams with Aurora and Dante (the ADA team), albeit with nobody else. CONTROL RATING: B, WARRIOR RATING: B.

artemis hero wars

Role: Marksman

Faction: Way of Honor

Position: Back

Main Stat: Agility

Notes: It’s raining arrows, and Artemis is the cause. She is a hero for all situations but is, more importantly, inseparable with Fafnir and Tristan in a team. Occasionally, she can do without Fafnir by her side, but Tristan is a must. Artemis fires arrows and never stops, and she will only fire even more depending on how many Way of Honor heroes are on her side. She may also be occasionally fielded with Way of Chaos heroes.

Apart from her non-stop rain of arrows, Artemis can blind her enemies and deal increased amounts of damage to them whilst boosting her own attack power depending on how much health her friends have left. If she is fielded with both Fafnir and Tristan, only very few teams can counter her. MARKSMAN RATING: S.

astaroth hero wars

Role: Support, Tank

Faction: Way of Chaos

Position: Front

Main Stat: Strength

Notes: Despite being one of the game’s starter heroes, Astaroth is a valued hero all throughout the game. His Violet skill, Last Word, resurrects any ally who falls first. This will most likely happen to the main damage dealer of the team as they’re often the target of the enemy.

The newly-resurrected hero will retain the energy they gained prior to their death, meaning if they died just before they were able to nuke the team, they will see that through when Astaroth brings them back. He also casts a shield on his allies using his ult, Flame Veil, protecting them from Physical Damage. SUPPORT RATING: S, TANK RATING: S.

astrid n lucas hero wars

Role: Marksman

Faction: Way of Progress

Position: Back

Main Stat: Agility

Notes: While there is potential in their skills, Astrid & Lucas is lackluster in the sense that they don’t jive well with anyone at all. Their skills are mostly centered on the self rather than the good of the team. Reconsider putting them on any of your teams. MARKSMAN RATING: D.

aurora hero wars

Role: Tank

Faction: Way of Nature

Position: Front

Main Stat: Strength

Notes: She’s shiny, she’s sparkly, she’s everyone’s elven waifu, she’s Aurora. Just like Astaroth, getting Aurora as a starter belies her insane potential as being one of the best tanks in the game. She goes well with most teams and is inseparable with Dante in a team.

While fighting alongside the latter, their ability to dodge enemy attacks greatly contributes to their overall damage output together. Additionally, anyone behind Aurora gets their dodge rating boosted. Although she is hard to work with at first, Aurora’s strength late-game is extraordinary. TANK RATING: S.

celeste hero wars

Role: Control, Healer

Faction: Way of Mystery

Position: Middle

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: Celeste can be considered a powerful soloist. This means she can hold out on her own in one-on-one battles. Her ult, Two Fates, allows her to shift between a Light form to heal her teammates and a Dark form to inflict lots of damage unto her enemies.

However, Celeste only goes well with specific teammates like Jorgen, Faceless, Astaroth, and Satori; or Krista, Astaroth, Lars, and Jorgen. In other teams, she can be quite challenging to field due to being somewhat situational, but she is otherwise an excellent Control hero due to her being able to block any healing given to her enemies. CONTROL RATING: S, HEALER RATING: A.

chabba hero wars

Role: Control, Tank

Faction: Way of Nature

Position: Front

Main Stat: Strength

Notes: This big eater is known for swallowing the enemy tank. Doing this will immediately take out the most immediate threat to your team, and if the enemy tank stays long enough in Chabba’s belly, they die out. This makes him decent as a Control hero but he otherwise lacks versatility as a tank since he doesn’t offer anything noteworthy.

He will gain more armor as his health depletes, but he gets outclassed by other Tanks. Some allies that could bring out the best in him are Tristan, Artemis, Fafnir, and Dark Star. CONTROL RATING: C, TANK RATING: C.

cleaver hero wars

Role: Control, Tank

Faction: Way of Chaos

Position: Front

Main Stat: Strength

Notes: COME TO PUDGE—er—CLEAVER! While this large, scary man looks familiar, he seems to be inspired by the character we’ve referenced in the quote here. Cleaver is a mighty glacier of a man armed with his trusty hook and blade.

With tons of armor and HP at his disposal, he can withstand a pounding from enemies. What makes him rather dangerous is his ult, Rusty Hook, which allows him to drag a backliner to the front and have them immediately disposed of.

Unfortunately, the backliner this skill picks is completely random, so Cleaver can drag an unimportant backliner forward, which can put your team at a disadvantage. His Control and Tank capabilities aside, he also hits absurdly hard that it’s enough to classify him as a damage dealer. CONTROL RATING: S, TANK RATING: A, WARRIOR RATING: A*.

cornelius hero wars

Role: Mage, Support

Faction: Way of Honor

Position: Back

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: This wise mage enjoys tormenting the wiser. Cornelius makes use of his ult, Heavy Wisdom, to single out enemies who have the highest intelligence stat in their team and inflicts direct damage proportional to their intelligence.

Additionally, he also targets the enemy with the highest magic attack stat and greatly lowers it using his Green skill, Rune of Suppression. In short, Cornelius is terrific against enemy teams with Artemis or Satori since he can easily take Artemis out with his ult and lower Satori’s magic attack. One of Cornelius’ other skills can also cast a curse on a random enemy that lowers the enemy’s ult by a few levels.

With Cornelius on your team, he can keep your heroes protected from magic damage by casting a protective shield over them. Unfortunately, his limitations show when he cannot be paired with heroes or put in many teams. Cornelius’ rigidity is greatly dictated by who he needs to fight. MAGE RATING: B, SUPPORT RATING: B.

corvus hero wars

Role: Tank

Faction: Way of Eternity

Position: Front

Main Stat: Strength

Notes: Beware the living dead for Corvus has returned from the grave to unite them all under his banner. This means that Morrigan and Phobos go well with him as they receive bonuses from his skills. Much like other tanks in this game, he possesses plenty of health and armor, making him a decent meatshield (or boneshield, in this case).

Unless he is up against the likes of Fafnir, Iris, Amira, or Mushy & Shroom, Corvus should be able to pull through a fight without suffering too much damage. When push comes to shove, he can also summon the powerful Altar of Souls to bolster his allies’ charge. TANK RATING: B.

dante hero wars

Role: Marksman

Faction: Way of Eternity

Position: Middle

Main Stat: Agility

Notes: The four-armed terror, Dante, is a good Marksman that you can field as long as Aurora is around due to the buffs he receives from performing his dodges. He can also buff his allies by temporarily increasing their dodge rates.

If the enemy is pushing a little too hard, he can push them back using his ult, Instrument of Fate, so your frontline can regroup for a moment. Otherwise, he excels against Hydras. Dante isn’t as versatile in fights against other heroes, as well as teams that don’t have Aurora in them, so choose his friends wisely. MARKSMAN RATING: B.

daredevil hero wars

Role: Marksman

Faction: Way of Progress

Position: Back

Main Stat: Agility

Notes: In most situations, this psychotic gunwoman is a great addition to any team. With lots of firepower and tons of damage at her disposal, Daredevil can easily cause great damage to the enemy Tank’s life. She also has an area of effect explosion skill where she kicks a bomb into the center of the enemy team using her Green skill, Big Badda Boom!

Contrary to her merits, she is not as versatile as a lot of heroes, but her presence alone invokes a sense of strength among many players, so having her by your side makes your team look tough. To aid in her efficacy, she can join a team called E3D, which is composed of Elmir, Dorian, Dark Star, and herself, Daredevil. MARKSMAN RATING: A.

dark star hero wars

Role: Control, Marksman

Faction: Way of Nature

Position: Back

Main Stat: Agility

Notes: From the shadows, the dark elf strikes. Dark Star possesses a versatile skill-set that is perfect for almost every situation. To further illustrate, she stops the enemy from receiving buffs using her ult, Vengeful Souls, and temporarily makes her enemies fight amongst themselves with her Green skill, Control, while she weeds out the weakest enemy on the opposing team through her Blue skill, Partner.

Fielding her alongside Chabba, Tristan, Artemis, and Fafnir is always a deadly combination. If you don’t have these heroes, try having her join Elmir, Dorian, and Daredevil in the E3D team. CONTROL RATING: S, MARKSMAN RATING: S.

dorian hero wars

Role: Support

Faction: Way of Chaos

Position: Back

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: Ready to sink your teeth into the enemy team’s throat? Get Dorian on your team and he will grant everyone a thirst for blood. His ult, Fountain of Blood, is quite powerful as it causes allies to heal from attacking a target he marks.

Passively, he also has a Violet skill, Initiation, which gives nearby allies lifesteal (or vampirism, by the game’s terms). Most damage-dealing heroes in Hero Wars can become quite indebted to him due to his ability to heal them when damaged.

Despite being a Support hero, we’ve decided to include Dorian as an honorary Healer due to his impressive feats when it comes to keeping a team alive. What a selfless vampire. HEALER RATING: S*, SUPPORT RATING: S.

elmir hero wars

Role: Marksman, Warrior

Faction: Way of Nature

Position: Front

Main Stat: Agility

Notes: Elmir, a warrior of the sands, has a very gimmicky ult. After performing his ult, Shifting Sands, he leaps into the backline, and performs ranged attacks instead of melee ones. Despite this seemingly promising skill, he exposes the friendly tank to take all incoming damage from the enemy team.

But while he is a valuable asset to the E3D team, which consists of himself, Dorian, Daredevil, and Dark Star, he isn’t special enough to stand out. MARKSMAN RATING: B, WARRIOR RATING: C.

faceless hero wars

Role: Control, Mage

Faction: Way of Eternity

Position: Back

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: A magician never reveals his secrets—that’s why Faceless wears a mask. This mysterious mage has the ability to copy the last ult performed by anyone and make it more powerful. However, the copying comes at a price as having him copy a worthless ult will turn the tide of battle in the enemy’s favor.

He can also displace the nearest enemy by lifting them from the ground and steering them away from the front lines. As a Mage, Faceless is quite versatile, but he can feel mundane as a Control hero. CONTROL RATING: B, MAGE RATING: A.

fafnir hero wars

Role: Support

Faction: Way of Honor

Position: Back

Main Stat: Strength

Notes: A fabled, coveted support who can forge armor and improve his allies’ weapons in a pinch, Fafnir is no ordinary dragon. He can provide an incredible defense to one ally in the backlines as well as buffs for all members of his team. His ult, Blacksmith Mastery, grants his friends an impressive amount of fighting power while stunning the enemy at the same time.

If you happen to have K’arkh, Yasmine, Artemis, or Keira on your team, you can bet that Fafnir will be a great addition there. Otherwise, he can go with just about anyone you might have. SUPPORT RATING: S.

  • FOX
fox hero wars

Role: Marksman

Faction: Way of Progress

Position: Back

Main Stat: Agility

Notes: While Fox may seem akin to Daredevil when it comes to her fighting style, she isn’t exactly up to par with the latter. Fox’s skill-set also seems far too reliant on her ult and only that. Fielding her into any team is risky as her play style might slow the player down, especially if they’re not prepared to have her on. MARKSMAN RATING: D.

galahad hero wars

Role: Tank

Faction: Way of Honor

Position: Front

Main Stat: Strength

Notes: It’s the game’s poster boy! Being a proud Harunian knight, Galahad is not one to back down from a challenge. He has tons of health and armor, and can be greatly empowered by the likes of Fafnir. Galahad and Astaroth can fight back-to-back and give your team a strong frontline while putting pressure on the enemy team’s ranks.

Alongside Aurora, his beloved (allegedly, according to the story but not according to the art of the game), both she and Galahad can hold down enemy attacks long enough for the backliners to provide DPS. Regardless of who he is allied with, Galahad is a great addition to any team, especially if you need team-wide damage.

At Violet rank, his ult, Iron Skies, can deal extra damage on top of it already stunning the enemy thanks to the skill he receives then, Harun’s Pride. This is why we have included Galahad as an honorary part of the Warrior tier. TANK RATING: A, WARRIOR RATING: A*.

ginger hero wars

Role: Marksman

Faction: Way of Progress

Position: Back

Main Stat: Agility

Notes: If you happen to get her early, Ginger is a force to be reckoned with. Thanks to her ult and her Blue skill, Lead Storm and Suppressive Fire, respectively, she can inflict a heavy load of damage onto the enemy team.

Got any heroes from the Way of Progress on your side? Ginger will buff them with each of her basic attacks, pumping them up and keeping them strong in a fight using her Violet skill, Ranging Shot.

While all of this may seem excellent, she isn’t as great late game. Her low defensive stats might slow your team down, especially if the enemy has Arachne or Yasmine on their side. MARKSMAN RATING: B.

heidi hero wars

Role: Mage

Faction: Way of Mystery

Position: Middle

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: A very unorthodox and unpredictable hero, Heidi is usually just fielded into a team to counter other teams. Quite difficult to make use of but certainly powerful, this hero isn’t suitable for beginners.

His attacks involve dealing poison damage to the enemy team whilst also singling out the enemy with the lowest amount of health. Heidi is certainly a tricky monkey. MARKSMAN RATING: C.

helios hero wars

Role: Mage, Support

Faction: Way of Honor

Position: Back

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: Praise be the light! Helios purifies his enemies with a slew of spells that are both offensive and defensive in nature. However, much like Heidi, he is only powerful if fielded correctly and to counter an enemy team.

Most of his spells require a lot of understanding in order to have him join a team he truly jives well with. If the enemy team has a Rufus with them, Helios will be at a grave disadvantage. MAGE RATING: C, SUPPORT RATING: C.

  • IRIS
iris hero wars

Role: Mage

Faction: Way of Eternity

Position: Middle

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: A powerful presence on any team much like Daredevil, but purely situational as a hero. Iris is extremely dangerous if her allies are all members of the Way of Eternity, but she isn’t as powerful without them. This is all thanks to her Violet skill, Inner Fire, where she gains extra charges if debuffs are applied by heroes from the aforementioned faction.

She also loves piling debuffs onto her enemies and, eventually, she herself becomes permanently immune to debuffs upon reaching the Blue rank. This is thanks to her Blue skill, Mysterious Pact. MAGE RATING: A, SUPPORT RATING: B.

isaac hero wars

Role: Support

Faction: Way of Progress

Position: Middle

Main Stat: Agility

Notes: Isaac is another counter hero who, when deployed, may cause a ruckus for a well-composed team. Being a counter hero, this doesn’t mean you should field him together with the likes of Heidi or Helios. Isaac’s Blue skill, Shield Drones, can protect your team from physical attacks while his Green skill, Observer Drones, can increase the amount of physical attack your heroes deal.

Allies who are from the Way of Progress are also given Armor Penetration from Observer Drones. His allegiance to the Way of Progress could be considered a hindrance for him. SUPPORT RATING: C.

ishmael hero wars

Role: Warrior

Faction: Way of Honor

Position: Front

Main Stat: Agility

Notes: A scarily capable defensive hero. Ishmael can assume a demonic form using his ult, Awakening; can buff himself to increase his dodge rating using with his Green skill, Mirage; has a passive Blue skill, Dark Craft, which increases his vampirism; and a Violet skill, Storm Blades, that guarantees a stun to his target after every four hits.

Upon reaching late game, Ishmael is essential when countering the Fafnir, Artemis and Tristan team (or FART team). WARRIOR RATING: A.

  • JET
jet hero wars

Role: Healer, Support

Faction: Way of Progress

Position: Back

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: Already quite difficult to obtain and not as versatile as he looks, Jet is low on both his Tiers. On a side note, his Green skill, Acid Shot, ruins enemy armor and his Blue skill, Potion of Fatigue, can stop the enemy from recovering health.

For a Healer, Jet’s healing capabilities are greatly overshadowed by those above him. However, he can redeem himself if he is fielded together with both Keira and Sebastian. HEALER RATING: D, SUPPORT RATING: C.

  • JHU
jhu hero wars

Role: Marksman

Faction: Way of Nature

Position: Middle

Main Stat: Strength

Notes: A proud member of the trolls of Zarakkar, Jhu sounds quite powerful in theory. He can greatly increase his attack speed using his ult, You Will Not Stop Me, and put himself in an unkillable state while the ult is active.

The rest of his kit involves him dealing more damage, as well as recovering health after his ult has been activated. Sadly, this only makes Jhu purposeful in a Hydra fight rather than a fight in the campaign or against other players.

We can only give him a Marksman rating that’s not terrible, but not high enough to note that he is a good addition to anyone’s team other than a Hydra team. MARKSMAN RATING: C.

jorgen hero wars

Role: Control, Support

Faction: Way of Chaos

Position: Middle

Main Stat: Strength

Notes: The cursed former apprentice of Shavarakk wreaks havoc on many a team. Jorgen, younger brother of Lars and Krista, is unlike his two siblings. Despite having been bestowed with dark powers, he has chosen to wield these mighty spells for the good of those whom he cares about.

His ult, Torment of Powerlessness, will cause the enemy frontline to not gain any energy so long as this ult is active. His Violet skill, Tainted Wounds, will allow him to steal energy from enemy heroes using his basic attacks. That said, Jorgen is quite suitable for many occasions and is rather dangerous in the presence of almost any team.

He is also, in fact, quite sturdy as a character with decent defensive stats, which is why we have also decided to list him down as a Tank albeit for the midline. But as powerful as he is, Jorgen can be easily countered by Satori. CONTROL RATING: S, SUPPORT RATING: S, TANK RATING: A*.

judge hero wars

Role: Mage, Support

Faction: Way of Progress

Position: Middle

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: The guardian of the universe and beloved of Nebula, Judge can deal slow but heavy amounts of damage while keeping his rightmost and leftmost friends safe with his Green skill, Forcefield. Upon hitting the Violet rank where he gains his Enhanced Generator skill, his skills will now inflict stuns on the enemy.

However, Judge is just as effective as Cornelius or Iris: situational but powerful when such a situation arises. Heroes who can easily get through his defenses are Cornelius and Phobos. MAGE RATING: B, SUPPORT RATING: B.

  • KAI
kai hero wars

Role: Mage

Faction: Way of Nature

Position: Middle

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: A powerful mage betrayed by his own people. With dynamic spells, Kai can inflict a lot of damage onto the enemy as a group. His ult, Feathers of the Wind, can also be used in coordination with a hero like K’arkh as it shoots all enemy targets into the air.

Much like Ginger, however, Kai somehow falls short when his versatility wanes in the later parts of the game. That said, his standing in our Tier List of Mages isn’t very high. MAGE RATING: C.

  • K’ARKH
k'arkh hero wars

Role: Warrior

Faction: Way of Eternity

Position: Front

Main Stat: Agility

Notes: K’arkh is the impending storm coming to Dominion. While he is a dark Warrior at heart, K’arkh is a valuable teammate to many. The best people you can team K’arkh up with are those who can lift the enemy up into the air such as Kai or Faceless.

K’arkh himself can do this using his ult, Nexus of Horror, wherein he will lift the three enemies with the lowest amounts of health on the enemy team and then strike them with his tendrils.K’arkh weeds out the weak while maintaining a strong presence on your team. The only hero to properly counter him is Andy because he can keep his teammates grounded, so this cosmic terror of a Warrior won’t be able to do much as long as Andy lives. WARRIOR RATING: S.

keira hero wars

Role: Marksman

Faction: Way of Eternity

Position: Middle

Main Stat: Agility

Notes: Once a proud captain of Empress Octaviana’s army, Keira is now a cursed soul who wanders Dominion wreathed in torment. The blades that endlessly swirl around her are her weapons as she can cause them to bounce among the enemy ranks, causing decent amounts of damage to wear them down.

Barring aside her silencing ult, Blade Whirlwind, the amount of damage she can perform on an enemy team in such a short amount of time is remarkable enough that it warrants her a high placement on our Tier List. Commonly, Keira is fielded with the likes of Sebastian and Jet, or Dorian and Fafnir, making her a situational hero at most. MARKSMAN RATING: A.

krista hero wars

Role: Mage

Faction: Way of Chaos

Position: Middle

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: Krista, twin sister of Lars, is a Mage who can cast Area of Effect damage to the enemy team. Mainly, her Blue skill, Frozen Needles, is noteworthy in that whoever steps on these will receive damage. She can also reduce an enemy’s defense against magic attacks using her Green skill, Chains of Frost.

Regrettably, Krista’s overall skill-set doesn’t exactly do her justice. However, she does become slightly more effective if fielded alongside her brother. MAGE RATING: C.

  • LARS
lars hero wars

Role: Control, Mage

Faction: Way of Chaos

Position: Back

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: Are you ready for a real whirlwind? Lars can conjure a powerful vortex using his ult, Lord of the Storm, wherein his enemies will slowly be sucked in and displaced. However, this can be taken advantage of, seeing as backliners will be briefly exposed while Lars is casting his ult.

He is rather unremarkable if he isn’t fielded alongside Krista, but he can do without her on some occasions. While slightly more versatile than his twin, he is better replaced by a stronger mage later on. CONTROL RATING: B, MAGE RATING: B.

  • LIAN
lian hero wars

Role: Control, Mage

Faction: Way of Mystery

Position: Back

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: She’s here, she’s adorable, she’s ready to conquer evil through the power of love, she’s Lian! Lian is a great hero to field if you need a good defense. Her Green skill, Hypnotic Ball, notably allows her to deal decent amounts of pure damage to the enemy. This means that there is no way that the enemy can mitigate this kind of damage.

But what truly makes her shine is her ability to charm through her ult, Enchantment, and her Violet skill, Conciliation. Charmed enemies fall asleep and cannot be awakened by Lian’s attacks (but her friends can wake them). This will disrupt the enemy team’s rhythm of attack if executed perfectly.

To bring out the best in her, Lian is often paired with powerful heroes and can make a deadly combination with the likes of Ishmael. CONTROL RATING: A, MAGE RATING: B.

lilith hero wars

Role: Mage, Marksman

Faction: Way of Chaos

Position: Back

Main Stat: Strength

Notes: Hell hath no fury like a demon wife scorned. Lilith’s ultimate revenge upon her former spouse, the Archdemon (who was actually Astaroth in disguise), is to join the Guardians of Dominion and use her infernal magicks to crush all those who stand before her. With her Violet skill, Sacrifice, Lilith can drain some of her HP to increase the damage she deals overall.

She is quite difficult to counter, but a few heroes who can fight her toe-to-toe are Jorgen and Andvari, or Amira and Cornelius. This all depends on their team composition, though. She is extraordinarily powerful and dangerous to take head-on. MAGE RATING: S, MARKSMAN RATING: S.

luther hero wars

Role: Control, Tank

Faction: Way of Honor

Position: Front

Main Stat: Strength

Notes: Luther is a tank who, theoretically, could do his job well. Sadly, he’s not as great as he seems. While he comes with a few stunning skills, they don’t contribute much in the grand scheme of things.

After using his ult, Omen, he plunges himself deep into enemy lines. This is a death sentence as the enemy will focus entirely on him and he has nothing to protect himself with while he’s there.

The worst part is Luther cannot be healed while he is behind enemy lines. The only thing going for him is that he works well with other Way of Honor heroes like Galahad, Fafnir, Artemis, and Tristan. Field him at your own risk. CONTROL RATING: D, TANK RATING: D.

markus hero wars

Role: Healer, Support

Faction: Way of Honor

Position: Front

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: Markus greatly focuses on the teammate with the lowest amount of health. This is his primary weakness since other Healers vastly outclass him in this sense. As a Support, he can still perform his skills even after he has died, but otherwise, that’s it.

His mundane utility could become the downfall of your team—unless you’re several steps ahead of your enemy and you know how to properly put him to good use. HEALER RATING: C, SUPPORT RATING: D.

martha hero wars

Role: Support, Tank

Faction: Way of Mystery

Position: Back

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: This sweet old lady protects her team well with a special brew. Martha is everyone’s friend: she keeps the backline amply shielded from those who would cause harm to those in her position.

Her Blue skill, Tea Party, does exactly what its name implies: it heals her friends through a powerful tea with a totem that stands in the middle of her team. Said totem cannot be targeted by the enemy team and can only be damaged by Area Damage.

The best part about this totem is that in her Violet rank, she unlocks the skill, Healing Brew, which prioritizes the healing of her teammate with the lowest amount of HP.

Surprisingly enough, the game doesn’t consider her a Healer, but we do, so we’ve decided to include her as an honorary part of the Healer Tier List. She goes well with any team that needs a secondary Healer doubling as a backline Tank. HEALER RATING: A*, SUPPORT RATING: S, TANK RATING: A.

  • MAYA
maya hero wars

Role: Healer, Mage

Faction: Way of Mystery

Position: Middle

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: Getting Maya is quite easy early-game. This hybrid between a human and a Titan can be acquired by getting 3 stars in the first two chapters and performing puzzles in which Galahad is a participant.

Upon getting her the first time, having her heal your team alongside Thea might seem like a boon, but it should be noted that Maya will slow your team down rather quickly since her skills possess a scattered priority.

Despite being classified as a Mage, her Green and Blue skills, Poisoned Pollen and Poisonous Bonds, respectively, don’t inflict as much damage as they seem even if these deal pure damage.

Her Violet skill, Queen’s Revenge, requires the magic plant she summons from her ult, Queen of Flowers, to die out in order for it to work, thus putting her team at risk. Queen of Flowers is Maya’s only healing skill and its output is far surpassed by the likes of Thea or Martha late-game. HEALER RATING: C, MAGE RATING: D.

  • MOJO
mojo hero wars

Role: Mage, Support

Faction: Way of Nature

Position: Middle

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: Only a few heroes prefer to dance to the beat of Mojo’s drums. Outside of fighting Hydras, he isn’t exactly advisable to field for PvP and PvE. In that case, he’s better off replaced by other heroes who are fit for the same role. If you plan on fielding Mojo for Hydra, we recommend bringing Dorian and Jhu alongside him. MAGE RATING: D, SUPPORT RATING: C.

morrigan hero wars

Role: Healer, Support

Faction: Way of Eternity

Position: Middle

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: Morrigan was once a noble princess with the intent of resurrecting her fallen father. She succeeded at the cost of her own mortality, but now being Undead, she becomes quite powerful once surrounded by her own people.

To bolster her Undead ranks, Morrigan can summon a skeleton army to fight at her behest using her ult, Army of Graven. With her Green skill, Bone Armor, she can heal her Undead allies and pile on even more healing using her Blue skill, Moonlight. Her Violet skill, in particular, makes her stand out: Necromancy allows her to resurrect her fallen enemies as her very own skeleton soldiers even if they try to revive themselves.

This makes her a good counter against Astaroth since it will render his Last Word skill completely useless. When deployed alongside her father, Corvus, and the dreaded Phobos, Morrigan becomes rather powerful. Outside of this, she is underwhelming since her healing only affects Undead heroes. HEALER RATING: B, SUPPORT RATING: A.

mushy n shroom hero wars

Role: Mage

Faction: Way of Nature

Position: Middle

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: This hero is newly-released and little info has been gathered about them. As of this writing, Mushy and Shroom are extremely powerful to have as their ult, Perfect Copy, creates a living fungus that copies the stats of the hero and their skills when its life gauge has been filled.

It can, however, get slain in battle, but it’s added in as an extra member to the team. Due to them not receiving any balancing changes for now, Mushy and Shroom stand at the top of the Mage Tier. MAGE RATING: S.

nebula hero wars

Role: Support

Faction: Way of Progress

Position: Middle

Main Stat: Agility

Notes: Judge’s beloved and a decent support with a bag full of tricks. Nebula’s ult, Astral Projection, can be detonated manually, splitting damage evenly throughout the enemy team. She can provide healing using her Green skill, Serenity, where she will heal her two nearest allies and dispel debuffs.

If Nebula and an ally are the only ones left alive, she will benefit from the secondary healing instead. She can also provide some offense by targeting the enemy with the lowest health using her Blue skill, Disharmony. Lastly, her Violet skill, Equilibrium, allows her to increase the attack power of nearby friends.

As versatile as she may seem, she could be too versatile sometimes. This means setting her up properly depends on the rest of her teammates as they directly affect her efficacy completely. SUPPORT RATING: C.

orion hero wars

Role: Mage

Faction: Way of Progress

Position: Back

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: Contrary to his appearance, this robot is not a Marksman but a Mage. The enigmatic Orion is a powerful Mage-type hero who possesses a lot of great ways to damage the enemy entirely.

His noteworthy skill, Magnetic Field, which is his Green skill, will directly damage the enemy backline. This can help if the enemy team is full of squishy backliners. Orion and Helios are best buddies in a team, but if Dorian joins in, they form the ODH team, but Dorian can be replaced by another healer of equal caliber if you don’t have him.

Apart from this, Orion is a great addition to a team full of heroes aligned with the Way of Chaos as well. MAGE RATING: A.

peppy hero wars

Role: Mage, Support

Faction: Way of Chaos

Position: Back

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: Peppy is a class act. As a support, she is great at hurling debuffs at the enemy using her ult, Masquerade. Frolic, her Blue skill, can also do this, but only to a single enemy.

What makes her somewhat interesting is that Frolic can be given the chance to deal even more damage using her Violet skill, Trickster. This also means she can be a secondary single-target damage dealer on your team.

Due to her ability to stun, Peppy is often paired with the likes of Cleaver so she can keep the enemy from running from him. In spite of all this, she doesn’t seem to excel in other areas, especially as a member of the Mage class. MAGE RATING: B, SUPPORT RATING: A.

phobos hero wars

Role: Control, Mage

Faction: Way of Eternity

Position: Back

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: You know what they say when you stare into the abyss. With Mage’s Terror, Phobos’ Violet skill, he can burn the enemy’s energy with his ult, Paralysis. This causes the enemy to lose energy while Paralysis is being used.

With his Blue skill, Bonds of Darkness, he can shut down the enemy with the highest magic attack stat as any energy gained by them will be transferred to Phobos instead.

While he is one of the first heroes you get, he’s a force to be reckoned with, especially if you’re facing powerful heroes under the Mage class like Mushy and Shroom or Satori. He is another great late-game hero. CONTROL RATING: S, MAGE RATING: A.

qing mao hero wars

Role: Warrior

Faction: Way of Honor

Position: Front

Main Stat: Agility

Notes: Qing Mao is a Warrior hero possessed by a mighty dragon spirit. Her kit seems good on paper: her Dragon’s Claw and Open Heart, her Blue and Violet skills, respectively, wither the enemy’s defense rather well through damage based on health and armor ruination.

Early on, she’s a decent addition, but late-game, you’re better off replacing her with someone that has armor penetration like Artemis. One thing going for Qing Mao, however, is that she blends in well with heroes from the Way of Honor. WARRIOR RATING: D.

rufus hero wars

Role: Support, Tank

Faction: Way of Mystery

Position: Front

Main Stat: Strength

Notes: Rufus is an infamous giant with a hunger for Mages (in-community, not in-lore). He is quite literally invincible against enemies that deal only magic damage thanks to his Violet skill, Rakashi’s Oath. Using Rakashi’s Mockery, his Green skill, he can single out the enemy team’s strongest Mage by dealing damage over time directly to them.

He can also create a barrier to shield his allies from any oncoming damage. The barrier skill is his ult, Rakashi’s Barrier. Mages beware. SUPPORT RATING: A, TANK RATING: S.

satori hero wars

Role: Mage

Faction: Way of Mystery

Position: Front

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: Satori is like Daredevil only much, much scarier. Satori’s presence creates ripples in any seasoned veteran as he is notorious for causing one-shot multikills in every fight. They say that when his ult bar is filled, the enemy will die when it’s cast (unless they have Rufus and/or Phobos).

When casting his ult, Ravenous Pack, Satori is immune to control effects. This means he cannot be stopped by the enemy while he is in the middle of casting. He can scatter Fox Fire Marks at the enemy using his Green skill, Spirit Banishment.

If he is alongside other members of the Way of Mystery, Spirit Banishment scatters even more marks onto the enemy for every Mystic hero there is on his team. These marks amplify the damage of his ult. Keep him alive and you have a guaranteed trump card on your side. MAGE RATING: S.

sebastian hero wars

Role: Support

Faction: Way of Progress

Position: Middle

Main Stat: Agility

Notes: Sebastian is an example of why nobody should mess with the bard of the party. Using Hunter’s Tune, Curse Song, and Rhythm of War, Sebastian can inspire hard-hitting teammates to hit even harder through increased critical rate, armor penetration, and pure damage. These are his Green, Blue, and Violet skills, respectively.

His ult, Ballad of Tenacity, keeps his friends immune from stun or curse effects for a short time. His versatility isn’t what it seems, however, since he only excels at accompanying strong DPS allies like K’arkh, Jhu, Artemis, Daredevil, and Keira. He wouldn’t be very good at his job if his teammates’ damage output is low. SUPPORT RATING: A.

  • THEA
thea hero wars

Role: Healer

Faction: Way of Nature

Position: Back

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: Yet another hero given to you early game that shines late-game. Thea isn’t a great fighter, but she makes up for her poor fighting ability with her godlike healing powers.

Solar Sanctuary, her ult, and Healing Beam, her Green skill, give great heals to anyone on your team. She can silence the enemy and speed up your team’s skill usage, to boot. She seems to be only classified as a Healer officially, but we’ve decided to put her in the Support Tier List as well. HEALER RATING: S, SUPPORT RATING: S*.

tristan hero wars

Role: Warrior

Faction: Way of Honor

Position: Front

Main Stat: Strength

Notes: Somewhat difficult to obtain (for free-to-play players) but definitely worth building, Tristan is among the best warriors in the game. He can use his Righteous Zeal, his Green skill, to buff the allies directly in front of him.

With his Blue skill, Judge of Sorcerers, he inflicts direct damage unto enemies with high magic penetration stats. With his combined strength alongside Fafnir and Artemis, they form the FART team—a team with a name that sounds funny but(t) is dead serious when it comes to seizing victory. WARRIOR RATING: S.

  • XE’SHA
xe'sha hero wars

Role: Mage, Support

Faction: Way of Chaos

Position: Middle

Main Stat: Intelligence

Notes: The embodiment of pure chaos has made itself known in the form of a woman who controls otherworldly beasts. Xe’Sha is a Mage with damage powerful enough to rival Satori and has a versatility that compares to Lilith.

Xe’Sha’s Blue skill is especially dangerous: she enshrouds the battlefield in a Crimson Mist that causes her enemies to miss when they use their basic attacks, meaning they will stop building power for their ultimates.

Most of her own skills slowly sap the health of her own allies but this is all a price to pay for power. This is why, as a Support, we aren’t putting her completely on top of the list but just a notch below. MAGE RATING: S, SUPPORT RATING: A.

yasmine hero wars

Role: Warrior

Faction: Way of Nature

Position: Front

Main Stat: Agility

Notes: Yasmine is the closest thing you can get to an actual assassin in the game. Her poisoned blades can block healing at Violet rank thanks to her Violet skill, Unknown Toxin.

Apart from inflicting serious damage through her health-sapping poisons, she can perform Dance of Death, her ult, where she will immediately leap to the enemy’s backlines to inflict great damage onto the foe with the lowest armor.

Unfortunately, this means that she will be temporarily exposed and will thus require the aid of AoE damage dealers such as Satori, Lilith, or Xe’Sha to be fully effective. Otherwise, she will die before she could fulfill her mission. WARRIOR RATING: B.

  • ZIRI
ziri hero wars

Role: Tank

Faction: Way of Mystery

Position: Front

Main Stat: Strength

Notes: A most unusual Tank, Ziri can dig underground when she is injured and replenish any of her lost health using her Blue skill called Shelter of Sands. Conversely, she can act as a traditional tank by activating her ult, Focus of Hatred, to increase her armor and taunt enemies, forcing them to attack her.

On her own, she is quite difficult to kill because of Shelter of Sands, but as a Tank overall, she partially abandons her job of protecting her team because she exposes those behind her to the enemy’s attacks. This is why it’s important to give her a co-tank in a team. Consider the likes of Astaroth or Aurora. TANK RATING: A.

This concludes our Tier List for the various hero classes in Hero Wars. Keep in mind that raw strength doesn’t win—it’s who your team is made of. Experiment with the different heroes you have and maybe you’ll find a way to accidentally flip the meta. If you’d like some more insights with team building, you may ask for help from the Official Hero Wars Mobile Discord server!

Do you agree with our choices here? Do you disagree? Let your thoughts fly in the comment section!


Tuesday 13th of April 2021

cerchiamo giocatori italiani per formare una grande gilda italiana, puntiamo alla lege oro, se ti vuoi divertire vieni con noi, server 20, la gilda si chiama CAMPUS ITA, ti aspettiamo


Wednesday 24th of March 2021

Martha is the best healer in the game

Ghislain Laframboise

Sunday 6th of December 2020

I Got Astaroth, Yasmin, Qing Mao, Arachne and Martha as a fast killing team ! However i replace Arachne with Morrigan against Astaroth and add Helios against other Yasmin and Cornelius against Céleste and Sebastian against Jorgen. But recently team like Chabba,, Phobos, Lian, Jet and Dante give me a lot of trouble. That's why i can i putt all my stone on this or that team i prefer having a complete team even my hero rank is half my hero team.

Harsha K

Saturday 24th of October 2020

My team is Galahad , Maya , Ginger , Keira and Thea. Good team. But I should try those above heroes as well.

Jeremiah Jacobs

Wednesday 14th of October 2020

kiera and elmir arent that good for their roles and i agreed that ginger is the best marksmen