May kicks off with the launch of a charming, addictive new puzzle game by Big Fish Games entitled EverMerge. The new arrival – now available on mobile – is a free-to-play game that blends merge and match-3 mechanics and is set in a fairy tale world. Besides, EverMerge includes casual simulation elements such as gathering resources and world-building.
Big Fish Games – a casual gaming company based in Seattle – is also known for being the creative force behind fan favorites such as Cooking Craze and Toy Story Drop! For EverMerge, Big Fish Games worked together with Belarus-based developer Neskinsoft for two and a half years and now the game has finally landed in the merge category, which is relatively new for mobile gaming, according to the company’s own Managing Director and President Jeff Karp.
EverMerge is set in a fantasy world where famous fairy tales and folklore heroes await to be brought back to life one match and merge at a time. The game is built around the concept of merging – finding a minimum of three similar items and merging them to create a better item. For example, three merged wood logs will result in timber. Merge three timbers and you will get a wood frame and so on.
There are two types of items in the game: special items (for example boots) that when merged will eventually unlock a new fairy tale character (boots lead to Puss in Boots), and resource elements (wood, stone, sprouts, coins, gems, etc.) which help you build stuff and expand your world.
As players progress, they will unravel a roster of reinvented storybook characters including social media influencer Rapunzel, outdoor survivalist Snow White, and giant lumberjack Paul Bunyan. Once you have unlocked your characters they will need a place to live, so another important task in EverMerge is to build magical castles for your new friends.
What’s more, most of them seem to have a sweet tooth, so players will be required to cater to their fancies by baking all sorts of goodies including croissants, biscuits, or gingerbread men.
Playing EverMerge doesn’t stop at unlocking storybook characters either. Upon reaching Level 9, you will be able to unlock the Mystic Isle, which is a separate island from the Home Island where your storybook characters reside.
In the Mystic Isle, the same principles for merging apply, but this island is primarily focused on creatures such as owls, rabbits, birds, and the like. Instead of ordering desserts, you can feed animals with Strawberries, which can grow on fields you’ve merged. Merge enough of these animals to discover their completed form and you’ll be able to unlock a habitat on the Mystic Isle, which comes with more resources and more animals you can merge.
EverMerge is a feel-good game released at a time when people from all corners of the world are in dire need of a means to escape. And Big Fish Games’ latest mobile title provides an excellent distraction with its engaging magical world and deluge of quests.
Overall, EverMerge is a fairly easy game to play, but if you’re looking for better and more efficient ways to finish levels off and complete quests, we invite you to check out our EverMerge beginner’s guide, which comes packed with tips, tricks and strategies to boost your progress!
1. Stockpile On Energy
The game welcomes you to EverMerge, an enchanted land that is covered by a mysterious fog. It is your job to clear the mist away, awaken characters that lie dormant underneath it, and build them a beautiful kingdom to inhabit. To do that, you’ll have to become the best at merging and building, but also solve quests and deliver orders.
The first thing that should be pointed out in this guide is that in EverMerge mining for resources (wood, stone, corals, etc.) will cost you energy. You can mine supplies in one place several times, but each time it will cost you more and more energy. For example, bringing down some trees for good will take you back with 25 energy points.
Given this situation, try to make a point of accumulating energy so you can advance in the game faster. You can do this via several avenues. For starters make sure to check the Energy Shop frequently, as the game enables you to pick out a free scratch ticket with additional energy four times a day – an exclamation mark appears next to the Energy bar when it’s available. Moreover, you can watch an ad to grab some more energy.
If you have enough gold you can also use that to buy energy, but we advise you to be mindful of how you spend it. We recommend spending coins only twice per day, because after two or three times the price goes up from 350 gold to 700 gold coins, so it becomes a bit too expensive. Occasionally, you can buy a cheaper Energy pack, but its availability is at random so consider it a stroke of luck if you catch it in the Market.
Speaking of the Market, we urge you to turn your attention to the Market where you can purchase all sorts of things ranging from gold, chests, and buildings to instant workers. Payment is done either in coins or gems. So another strategy for boosting the energy supply is to spend gems in exchange for additional coins and then use the resulting sum in the Energy Shop to buy energy. If you need more currency, we encourage you to complete the Daily objectives to get additional gold, as well as chests and more.
Energy replenishes itself, but it takes a healthy amount of time to do so. So taking a break from the game and focusing on something else instead is in itself a tactic that allows the game to do its regeneration work.
Unfortunately, the energy thing is probably the most frustrating part, especially in the early stages of the game, as the progression is quite slow even with the extra help. You’ll need to be patient if you want to get on in the game and unlock as many characters as possible. However, once you reach more advanced levels this issue isn’t so bothersome anymore.
Occasionally some events may award you a 30-minute infinite energy if you complete the appropriate tasks, so keep an eye on that. Whenever they happen, make sure to participate for a chance to get your hands on unlimited energy.
In EverMerge you also have the option to spend real-world money to get, for example, gems and coins from the Shop. These can be used to purchase energy from the Energy shop or goodies from the Market. You can also spend towards one of the floating gas balloons that sometimes pop up and carry bonus items.
2. Aim To Merge 5 Pieces And Above Instead Of Just 3
The basic rule around which all of EverMerge revolves is that combining 3 similar objects results in a better one. While this gets you started, to become more effective and gain pace in the game, it’s advised that you start merging 5 pieces instead of 3 as soon as you’re able. This merge scheme will not only have the advantage of fabricating 2 better objects instead of one but will also provide you with more XP.
XP is a very important ingredient in EverMerge, as it’s basically the driving force behind your progression. To advance to the next stage, players have to reach a certain XP level (although that’s not the only condition, more on that in section 3). Performing basic merges supplies you with small bits of XP, but to earn larger chunks of XP you’ll need to perform merges of 5 and above. Indeed, it’s a good idea to aim to go bigger and bigger as far as merges are concerned to acquire more XP, as well as to score even more higher-tier items. Below you can see how the merging progression works:
• 5 items -> 2 better items
• 8 items -> 3 better items
• 10 items -> 4 better items
• 15 items -> 6 better items
• 20 items -> 8 better items
• 25 items -> 10 better items
• 30 items -> 12 better items and so on
Aside from gaining XP, bigger merges can also lead you to complete an item’s “final form.” With every new form, you discover for an item or resource, you get a small amount of gold. It might not sound like much, but every bit of coin in your pocket helps.
3. Complete As Many Quests And Orders As Possible
The best way to push your XP levels up is by completing Quests – which are listed on the left part of the screen. These range from asking you to build things and unlocking characters or chests to gathering certain types of resources. At the end of each Quest, players are also rewarded with coins and gems.
With this in mind, remember to always browse through the available quests to see which are the easier ones and set out to complete them. This way you gain extra resources and move things along in the game so that you can get closer to your goal of leveling up and unlocking more land.
While you need a certain amount of XP to level up, you also require magic wands to clear the fog on the next available piece of land. Magic wands are rewards that come from completing Orders. Your storybook characters have a passion for sweets and so they will demand you bake them certain desserts. New and more complex recipes are added to the menu with each level. To give an example, to make Jam you need to harvest Apples and Candy from your fields.
These are resources supplied by plants that you are required to grow. Therefore, to make sure you always have a healthy supply of wands at your disposal, it’s essential to cultivate all kinds of plants in your garden. While mining and opening chests might offer up some of the Sprouts needed to start the process, your best bet to grab the needed amount is to be persistent in popping Pixies (more on this in the next section).
On top of magic wands, the act of completing orders also recompenses players with Bronze dust. Merge three of these items and you get a Bronze coin which is worth 1 gold coin in the game. Merge 3x Bronze coins and you will get a Silver coin worth 3 Gold coins, and so on. Keep merging coins and when you manage to unlock the complete form of coins, you can get a whopping 810 coins in total. So keep on merging to supplement your in-game finances and maybe use the amount to get yourself some extra energy!
4. Pop The Flying Pixies To Get Extra Goodies
Pixies are the easiest way to procure the Sprouts needed to produce ingredients for orders. These are little yellow orbs of light that will randomly float across the board. Pixies usually appear in groups of 5 and, when on display, you need to tap on them quickly before they float away.
Sometimes the Pixies will offer players the chance to grab other sorts of items like for example wood, low-tier axes, or a Stone frame, in exchange for watching an ad. You can choose between three options, so select the one that suits your needs better.
Green Pixies, in particular, will yield Sprouts for strawberry fields for the Mystic Isle. If you click on a green Pixie, the strawberry Sprout you’ve collected will be sent to the Mystic Isle. Keep in mind that since the Mystic Isle can only be unlocked upon reaching Level 9, expect green Pixies to appear only then.
Pixies appear relatively frequently, so we recommend checking the game as often as you are able since popping them will guarantee a steady supply of goods.
5. Keep Your Items Well Organized
There comes a point in the game where you will find yourself overwhelmed by the sheer number of items you have accumulated and finding copies will become a challenge in itself. To prevent confusion and frustration from setting in, it’s advised that you first perform zoom out of the screen to get an ensemble view of the world. Then start grouping similar items together to get an idea of how many of the same type you possess.
You will want to prevent accidental merges when organizing, so to that end, it would be a good idea to group items that are destined for bigger merges in a layout that prevents that from happening. For example, you can arrange 8 pieces in two separate rows of 4 pieces each.
Additionally, consider separating items that can be collected from those that need gnome workers to be built. For instance, keep coins or wands away from buildings and houses as you might accidentally collect wands and coins when trying to get workers to build or when you want to click the “Free” instant finish button. This can be especially frustrating when you’re trying to gather wands and coins to merge a bulk of them for later.
You may also want to keep Candy and Apple trees, Carrot patches, Wheat fields, and the like away from other items that can be collected upon clicking. You don’t want to accidentally click a wand or coin when you intend to collect Candies or Apples instead.
Sometimes basic 3 item combos are the way to go for the simple reason that they help to clear out space. Even so, bigger merges are always better, so our recommendation is to progressively aim for them, even if they eat up more real estate.
Alternatively, you can position item clusters of varying tiers in the near vicinity, so when the missing pieces finally become available you can perform continuous merges. This works great for plants or special items such as Axes because there’s no additional building involved that needs to be factored in when merging.
On the whole, keeping organized isn’t just a matter of aesthetics, it can prevent accidental clicking and will help you take advantage of the most merges you can make for each item.
6. Take Advantage Of Ad Watching To Quickly Finish A Building
Building anything in EverMerge takes time. For example, the creation of a Wooden frame requires 15 seconds with the help of a standard blue worker gnome, but higher-tier buildings can take a lot longer than that – a Wooden Mansion is the result of two whole hours.
The good news is that the game allows you to complete any build that is lower than 30 seconds instantaneously and you can do that by tapping on the Free button when it shows up. But what about more advanced structures?
To prevent sitting around and waiting for construction to be finished, EverMerge will sometimes make available the option to watch an ad to reduce the time needed to erect a certain building. The feature is seldom available, so it is advised that you keep your eyes open and whenever you notice the option, use it!
This option aside, we’d also like to recommend that you start moderately longer builds before you go to bed, to avoid having to go through the wait during the day. As you wake up in the morning, the new structures will be ready for you. As for builds that last 24 hours and up, there’s extra help at hand.
7. Get Those Red Gnomes (Instant Workers)
Red gnomes (or instant workers) are precious resources in EverMerge as they can significantly decrease the time needed to make a building. These gnomes can be used on any item that requires less than 1 hour of building time, although they won’t work on cutting trees or mining.
There are several ways you can get Red gnomes. The easiest one is to buy them from the Market, but only if you have enough gems. Mind you, they are quite expensive, so if you don’t have the available resources, you can always strive to gather and merge hammers to create one. Of course, this approach takes time, so if you’re looking for instant gratification you should focus your strategy on filling your coffers with gems.
Another way to get those gnomes and reach your objective faster is closely tied to luck. Sometimes as you clear new ground, already-formed Red gnomes will be waiting for you as the fog lifts. Occasionally they will be blocked by trees or other items, and you’ll need to cut the obstacles down before using the workers.
Red gnomes speed up the game considerably, so we advise getting as many of them as you can onboard, especially if you are preparing to build a castle.
Note that sometimes the game hosts a Power Build event that enables gnomes to build houses 20% faster and it is strongly recommended to exploit such events whenever they happen.
8. Use Magic Crystals To Your Advantage
Magic crystals are another super useful resource that allows players to create better items by merging just two pieces. So for example, if you have two Professional Hammers, just drag a magic crystal to them and they should merge to create a Red gnome, sparing you the time you would waste otherwise in creating a third Professional Hammer.
Players can procure Magic Crystals from the Market, but unfortunately they cost quite a lot (195 gems). The better bet would be to start making them from scratch. The good news is that there are only 4 progression levels you need to complete in order to get your hands on a Magic Crystal. The process starts with Crystal Splinter and then evolves to Crystal Piece->Crystal->Magic Crystal.
Crystal Splinters appear when you mine for resources or open chests, but overall they are pretty rare, so you’ll need a lot of patience to create a Magic Crystal. Due to this scarcity, you need to consider carefully how you are going to use these items by examining attentively what merge would be to your advantage. Sometimes if you’re lucky better pieces like Crystal Pieces may appear too, but don’t rely on that.
Other than the previous example with the Professional Hammer, we recommend using the Magic Crystal only when you’re about to unlock a character and are missing only one high-tier item for a merge. For instance, you’re just 1 ax away from unlocking Paul Bunyan, the giant lumberjack. This way, you would have spent your Magic Crystal productively. For everything else, try not to take this shortcut and keep merging to get more XP and other rewards along the way.
9. Keep Feeding Mystic Animals
On your Home Island, your fairy tale inhabitants will frequently be asking for sweets. Making them some just desserts will give you Bronze dust and wands. At the Mystic Isle, this sort of also happens but with a slight twist.
Let’s have a brief rundown of how the Mystic Isle works: as mentioned earlier in this guide, the Mystic Isle is where you can merge a variety of animals, which can lead to more XP, rewards, and habitats. If you manage to unlock the complete form of an animal, you’ll be able to clear some of the surrounding fog, which will reveal an animal’s habitat. For instance, if you complete all the forms of an owl, you’ll get Dr. Hoots and unlock the Owl Habitat.
Leveling up your XP will also unlock other areas of land. You can do this by continuously merging animals and Strawberry sprouts until they become fields. In the Mystic Isle, you have a bar that indicates how many matches you should make to level up. This is treated separately from the XP you’ve already gained in the Home Island. When you’ve filled up this bar, you will unlock another area in the Mystic Isle, which is separate from the animal habitats.
Now, animals in the Mystic Isle aren’t exactly like the fairy tale characters on your Home Island—rather, they’re more like every other resource or building that you need to merge. The thing is, creatures can get hungry the moment you have Strawberry Fields around. When they’re asking for this tasty fruit, feed them immediately!
If you do this enough times, you’ll be able to get containers and creature packs that will yield more animals when opened. This will give you more chances to merge so you can increase your XP levels and unlock more habitats.
Additionally, check the market for your free Strawberry Packs. This will reset every couple of hours. You will get 2 free packs each time you claim this reward.
10. Open Containers and Creature Packs
Playing in the Mystic Isle is kind of a slow cycle—you merge and feed animals, unlock habitats, and get creature packs so you can repeat the process all over. The problem is that this can take a long while since, unlike the Home Island, the Market selections for Mystic Isle primarily cost gems. Sure, you can buy animals, but they cost a pretty penny indeed. Your best bet is to continuously feed animals so you can get containers and creature packs as rewards.
There are different kinds of containers and creature packs you can get. Sometimes, the game might be generous enough to give them for free in the market, but that’s really few and far between.
Regardless, here are what you may encounter and their contents:
Pack/Container Type | # of Common Creatures | # of Rare Creatures | # of Legendary Creatures |
Common Pack | 5 to 9 | N/A | N/A |
Feeding Gift Container | 5 | 1 | N/A |
Bronze Pack | 5 | 3 | N/A |
Silver Pack | 10 | 5 | 1 |
Gold Pack | 10 | 8 | 5 |
Each container and pack has a specific percentage pertaining to how likely you’d be able to obtain their potential content. The Feeding Gift Container, in particular, can be obtained by continuously feeding creatures Strawberries. Other packs may be obtained as rewards for merging or for leveling up, or as freebies in the market.
Of course, you can choose to buy packs in the market but, again, everything in the Mystic Isle costs an exorbitant amount of gems. Unless you have plenty to spare, you’re going to lose gems faster than you earn them if you spend them all in the Mystic Isle Market.
Sometimes, as you continuously play in the Home Island, you may get containers and creature packs for rewards. When you do, you will see that these rewards will be transferred to the Mystic Isle so you can open them up later.
11. Visit Other Islands
From time to time, other islands will become available in the game, but only for a limited time. You have a couple of days to play in these limited-time events, which work like a combination between the Home Island and Mystic Isle. In these other islands, you’ll mostly be focusing on merging different creatures to achieve their completed forms. Each island also has a new set of plants and resource items that you can merge, mine, and discover.
We recommend visiting and playing through these other islands whenever they become available. Since they’re limited-time events, islands and their contents will change once the event duration has expired. The upside to playing on these other islands is that aside from passing time productively while waiting for orders or buildings to finish on your Home Island, some rewards in these limited-time events can be transferred to the Mystic Isle.
After all, these other islands are mostly focused on creature merging, which is what basically Mystic Isle is all about. The only difference is that you have another set of energy points for limited-time events while Mystic Isle only has the level bar measured by the merges you make.
On the whole, visiting other islands and participating in the events they hold can be productive for your overall gameplay.
This concludes our beginners’ guide for EverMerge and we hope that you have discovered quite a few useful strategies and tips that will help you unlock levels quickly and uncover all the characters. If you happen to know any other tips or tricks, feel free to drop us a line in the comment section below.
Vannessa whitehead
Tuesday 22nd of October 2024
Just wonder what happens every time you level up on main I'm on level 46, but today wondered what's the point, what will happen every time I complete a level, can I get extra prizes
Friday 6th of September 2024
I know this is an old blog but maybe someone will stumble on it. Regarding Mystic Isle, I am lost/stuck. Eggs started everything (I'm still on the first space) and can't find whatever it you do to receive eggs. Except feeding a couple animals occasionally I haven't done anything. There are no merges to be made.
Where are the initial merging items?!
Thanks to anyone for their help.
Tuesday 13th of August 2024
I am stuck. There is too many trees. How can,I chop some down
Sunday 7th of July 2024
What are the yellow cheese triangle things that merge into another shape? I don't know what these are used for
Wednesday 22nd of May 2024
I have played EverMerge for years now. I am almost through both character worlds, and have been feeding my Characters the purple potions and have completed a few characters, however, I noticed recently that while feeding their level up bar rises to higher numbers normally, but recently I have filled the bar level 20 and then higher like level 22 only to come back the next time to feed a purple potion tofine the back at level 20, this has happened several times the last few weeks. Is this a glitch in the game, because it is very frustrating to not make progress?