In our first Digimon Heroes strategy guide, we had focused on basic tips, those general strategies you can apply if you’ve just started playing this new iOS game from Bandai Namco. But before we get to the next strategy guide, let’s give you a briefer on the game in case you’re reading about it for the first time. Digimon Heroes is a hybrid of trading card gaming and Match 3 gaming, as you’ve got over a thousand Digimon to collect, and simple Match 3 mechanics for the card battles you’ll be fighting. As we said in our first strategy guide, you can Digivolve your favorite Digimon to make them stronger, and string together combos such as the Wild Critical and many more.
Now, that we’ve briefed you on the game, let’s now move on to our next topic – how can you collect more Digimon, and how can you earn more of the premium currency called Digimoney? We’ve got the answers for you below, so read on for more information!
1. Complete Missions For Digimoney
In our first guide, we stressed why you should complete missions even if they are meant to be an optional part of the game. And whether you’ve got a static mission that’s permanent until you complete it or a daily mission that’s there for just a day, you should complete as many as possible, because they can offer Digimoney as a reward.
2. Login Every Day Andf Collect Your Daily Reward
Logging onto Digimon Heroes at least once a day will be in your best interests, because that could earn you a free gift. And the more consecutive days you login to the game, the better your daily rewards will be. You should take care NOT to miss a day if you’re on a streak of consecutive days logged in – miss one day and you’ll be back to square one. Also bear in mind that the calendar resets at the end of the month, which means missing a day if you started on the 25th and stopped on the 28th shouldn’t be that big of a deal. You can restart your consecutive login streak on the 1st of the next month without feeling bad that you missed out on a big reward, which may include Digimoney.
3. No Man Is An Island, The Digimon Heroes Version
Role-playing games and trading card games often make no secret about the importance of taking advantage of their social features. How does this play out in Digimon Heroes? Well, you can choose the top Digimon of a random player to reinforce your team before you start a level. And once you complete that level, you’re free to add that person as a friend. Playing with registered friends will earn you more Friend Points, and you can spend those Friend Points on Digimon eggs, allowing you to potentially hatch some powerful Digimon.
4. Replay Completed Levels
In the event that you’re looking for a specific Digimon, you can go to the Drop Info button we told you about in our general strategy guide for beginners. Choose a zone and tap Drop Info so you can find the specific Digimon or capacitors that can be found in the zone you’re in. This is a great way to find items that you need but don’t have yet, and a great way to add to your stable of Digimon. With that in mind, it’s always a good idea to grind it out and replay earlier levels you’ve completed in order to farm for Digimon or items.
As an additional tip for the grinding part of the game, most of the game’s zones have only one type of Digimon – an example would be the first zone, which is exclusive to dragon-type Digimon and nothing else.
5. Participate In Events
Digimon Heroes promises that you can collect from a list of over one thousand different Digimon, and it’s inevitable that some of those many, many characters are exclusive to special events. That means you should definitely take part in the limited-time events the game also promises in its description. Tap on the Event button next to level select and you can see for yourself whether there’s an event currently ongoing. These events can be very, very difficult, so you should make sure that your team is up to par. Winning an event gets you an SP Ticket, which can be used to purchase special Digimon eggs – a great way to get some of those super-rares for yourself.