Welcome to our Cookie Run: OvenBreak tier list, showcasing the best Destruction and Scoring Cookies! That’s 10 per class by the way, which makes for 20 total. Cookie Run OvenBreak is a gacha runner game created by Devsisters, and Cookie Run Kingdom’s much older sibling, though gameplay-wise they have very little in common.
In this game, you control one of many adorable, cool, or adorably cool gingerbread cookies. In teams of two, they must run across levels filled with many things trying to crush, murder, and eat them, not always in that order. To get points, you have to destroy said things with your Cookies’ abilities, gather the Jellies around the map that act as your guide, or do both. In case you have just started playing the game, be sure to read our comprehensive Cookie Run OvenBreak beginner’s guide!
We split this Cookie Run OvenBreak tier list into two sections. Although, there is some overlap between the roles, Destruction Cookies usually do better than Scoring Cookies in long, dense and dangerous maps, while Scoring Cookies do better in maps either starved of Jellies or in levels short enough that Destruction Cookies can’t make the most of their power.

Destruction Cookies tend to be a very poor choice in Story Mode, and do much better as Main or Relay Cookies in Trophy Run, while Scoring Cookies tend to do far better in Story Mode, and sometimes make poor Main Cookies in Trophy Run, but the tankier ones can also do Relay work very well as long as you don’t slam them into anything.
Slower-moving Scorers also tend to do well in Event-based maps, especially those that ask you to avoid certain Jellies (Evil score-subtracting purple bear jellies come to mind) and grab others. More often than not, a Destruction Cookie with a speed-increasing Blast skill might miss whatever important objective you’re trying to grab for the event!
So with that out of the way, let’s jump into our Cookie Run OvenBreak tier list, as we take a look at the best destruction and scoring cookies in the game!
Cookie Run OvenBreak – The Best Destruction Cookies
These cookies tend to do well in long-winded, obstacle heavy levels, in spite of their relatively slowed down score-per-second ability. They last longer, can grab more jellies overall, and tend to make the most of a long run, such as any Trophy Run level, which have a six minute limit in a game where your average combi typically doesn’t last past 4 minutes. The denser and longer the level, the better these guys do. Legendaries are more common on this list since the majority of them are some form of Destruction Cookie.
1. Scorpion Cookie
FUN, Multi-Jump, Manual Attack, High Speed
So you use Ninja Cookie for fun, since in spite of being a rare, he’s got 7 jumps rather than everyone’s 2 jumps. Lately though, your fairly low score has been getting on your nerves. Then you get Scorpion Cookie in your gacha. Hurray! Scorpion Cookie could be considered an upgrade to Ninja Cookie, being an epic with 5 jumps but far better destruction and scoring ability.
They play very similarly, with both having charging manually-controlled attacks, pretty much turning the game into something a bit similar to a side-scrolling shoot-em-up. Except you barely have to aim with Scorpion Cookie, since their shots fan out! They have 5 wide-spray shots that recharge and can be used by pressing Slide while double jumping. Once the green bar is charged and Scorpion’s out of shots, they can go on a mini-dash that smashes through obstacles.
With their magic candy, their stinger shot sprays more needles over a wider area, and their dash comes with a follow-up scorpion stinger attack. This is best used in obstacle-heavy spots, as you get extra points for destroying things with her dash. Now we only need to know, what kind of psycho bakes a cookie using scorpion venom?
She’s up top since even with seemingly stronger cookies appearing every update, her general ease of use and powerful, spammy skill let her stay near the top in most modes consistently for an incredibly long time. Meanwhile, most other cookies get their limelight above her for 30 minutes only to be knocked off by the next update, the next newest cookie, or the next set of Breakout and Trophy Run maps.
2. Peppercorn Cookie
MEDIUM, Destructive, Jelly Generation, Unable To Slide When Skill Is Active
Peppercorn Cookie should be familiar to use for any fan of Pink Choco Cookie in that both get a slide-button attack. While Pink Choco’s love gun shoots in a wide, straight line and is rearmed with ammo pickups, Peppercorn’s pepper bomb barrage is on a timer and loads 15 shots immediately, and travels in an arc. When Peppercorn’s bombs explode, they destroy obstacles in a fairly wide area and make Pepper Jellies.
And just like Pink Choco, Peppercorn is unable to slide when her weapon is loaded! Thankfully, her attack’s AOE and large ammo count of 15 means this isn’t much of a problem. She’ll just blow everything away as long as you spam that bomb button, and you should since the ammo goes away on a timer if you don’t toss bombs fast enough.
3. Fire Spirit Cookie
EASY, Controllable Burst
Finding lots of use in the current Trophy Race maps, Fire Spirit Cookie is one of the oldest Legendaries in the game. Fire Spirit excels in plowing through masses of obstacles and rewards good decision-making from a player: He has a recharging burst which works best when fired during difficult stretches in a map, particularly those with loads of obstacles as that will get him a lot of points.
The particularly dangerous maps of Trophy Run are his home no matter the season, but it seems he’s doing particularly well right now. Especially since he recently got his own Pet!
4. Longan Dragon Cookie
EASY, Jelly Maker, Screen Wiper
A powerful Legendary cookie who’s stayed in the meta for a while thanks to their ability to roll over masses of obstacles while also generating tons of points doing so. This stone-hearted genocidal maniac (To the point even Dark Enchantress Cookie thinks they’re a psychotic idiot) has 4 dragon eye Longan fruits hover around them and gather energy for the Ivory Orb, while also allowing Longan Dragon Cookie to smash obstacles out of their way.
When the fruity eyes are done gathering energy, the Ivory Dragon swoops in and makes off with the orb, dragging Jellies along with it, then Longan Dragon Cookie nukes the screen soon after. You’ll see them very often in Trophy Run and Champion’s League, usually with Snake Fruit Cookie following behind them as a relay.
5. Snow Sugar Cookie
EASY, Destructive Summon, Jelly Generator
Snow Sugar Cookie is finding recent use thanks to their new costume having a rather powerful bonus and came back to some of the top Breakout teams in force. Snow Sugar Cookie summons the Great Snow King after collecting Snow Blossom Jellies and plows through the map at high speed. Their Magic Candy is a very big boost to this skill: It creates a Giant Snowflake Jelly at the end of Snow King’s rampage, which is worth a lot of points and heals Snow Sugar Cookie.
6. Millennial Tree Cookie
EASY, Screen Wiper, Makes Jellies, Banned From Tall Maps
An old cookie who fell off the meta some time back, Millennial Tree came back into the current Breakout map as a regular standby. They are very easy to use: Occasionally, special jellies appear that charge up Millennial Tree’s skill. Once the skill charges, his HP drain slows to a crawl and he starts shooting a giant laser that obliterates obstacles and generates Jellies which add to his score.
He’s pretty low on this list despite being in the current top Breakout comps since he is banned from any map set that has lots of vertical travel: His skill causes extremely tall maps to glitch out since it locks the game to horizontal travel! He’s currently a pretty high choice for Trophy Run too, though he’s got stiff competition with the likes of Baguette, Fire Spirit, and the ever-reliable Scorpion Cookie gunning for his roots.
7. Snake Fruit Cookie
EASY, Destructive, Jelly Spammer
Snake Fruit Cookie is a destruction cookie often used as a main, and a more generalist cookie than Longan Dragon Cookie. While in a straight-up Trophy Race Longan Dragon Cookie can beat this slithery fruit, Snake Fruit Cookie doesn’t require a Guild to own, can hold their own in aforementioned Trophy Races usually paired with Cherry Ball Cookie, and is a good scorer and homewrecker even in modes outside of Trophy Race.
They summon a squad of Snake Soldiers, and pressing the Slide button lets them throw javelins into the air. These javelins knock high obstacles out of the way and generate Jellies, while the snakes themselves hit low obstacles, all generating points.
8. Lotus Dragon Cookie
EASY, Lifesteal, High Speed
Someone to watch out for as they’re powerful enough to use, and they don’t even have a Magic Candy released for them yet! Lotus Dragon Cookie starts out their ability by singing at Lotus Blossom Jellies and sucking up Energy from them. After that, they take on their Lotus Dragon form, slamming through obstacles while collecting Lotus Crystal Jellies for points.
Keep an eye on them, as their Magic Candy may make or break them later on. There’s a reason they pop out the most consistently on the Champions League Combi Analyst leaderboards as a lead cookie, on all the current maps as of this writing.
9. Ananas Dragon Cookie
EASY, Screen-Wiper, Jelly Generation, Super Magnetism
Pineapple-er-Ananas Dragon Cookie pops out sporadically on leaderboards, almost at random. Makes sense since they’re a powerful Cookie, able to make it rain space rocks that shatter into collectible Jelly shards, while also smashing obstacles to pieces.
You charge up their space rock once their ability activates by spamming the Slide button, and while you’re doing this, you’re magnetizing all the jellies while flying in the air. This includes Winged Jellies, which normally can’t be magnetized unless you’re using Lemon Cookie and his shield is up. Maybe being filled with sour-sweet juice helps with that!
10. Captain Ice Cookie
EASY, Aiming Minigame, Jelly Maker, Destructive
Captain Ice Cookie isn’t exactly what we’d call meta, but the fact she is not only a relatively strong cookie, but also the easiest Epic to max out thanks to her, her pet, and her Magic Candy materials dropping in the Main Story Mode immediately makes her a must learn for any player starting out. She’s simple enough: Pirate warships come in to attack her Icepiercer, and her Icepiercer sends them to Davy Jones Cookie (If that’s even a thing) with icy cannonballs.
The cannonballs explode into Ice Shrapnel Jellies, which give you points. Her Magic Candy also occasionally smashes an obstacle on the screen, generating Ice Bead Jellies. Max her out as fast as you can since she’s strong enough to beat down a lot of the older Epic Cookies in the roster in any mode, while being much easier to power up than them.
She’ll give you the boost you need to sail your way into getting other cookies like Snake Fruit Cookie or whoever happens to be favored by the meta at the moment. In terms of power to ease of maxing ratio, the good Captain is definitely worth it, especially compared to a whole lot of the older Epic cookies from before her release, who are weaker AND harder to max.
Cookie Run OvenBreak – The Best Scoring Cookies
Scoring cookies typically have a hard time protecting themselves from obstacles, but can get points much faster than Destruction Cookies. This makes them good for short, calm levels, especially those with severe jelly starvation. They normally have some way to generate points or jellies by themselves, like Angel Cookie’s Magic Candy summoning valuable Feather Jellies from the heavens or Roquefort Cookie getting a minigame where they steal loads of expensive museum pieces for points, compared to Destruction Cookies who often either need to wreck things to make such jellies.
If you’re bringing any of these cookies to Trophy Run, get the ones with a high Energy count. And for the love of all that is good, don’t bump into anything!
1. Centipede Cookie
EASY, Timing Minigame
Centipede Cookie is one of the easier cookies to use, with a simple minigame consisting of slapping treasure jars with her whip. When the jar enters the red area on the screen, that means it’s within whipping range. This could also be used to destroy obstacles for extra points.
That being said, the Jellies coming from the broken jars and the ability to avoid obstacles altogether is the main point of Centipede Cookie’s skill. Her Magic Candy makes some of the jars fancier, which means they drop more loot worth more points.
2. Ginseng Cookie
EASY, Self-Revive, Good Relay, Jelly Generation, High Energy
As simple as cookies can get, Ginseng Cookie occasionally hits the ground with his staff to dig Ginseng plants out of the dirt. These are worth a lot of points, but that isn’t really what makes him special. His Magic Candy is one of the more reliable revival tools in the game, as it’s a bit easier to upgrade compared to what you get from Treasures.
On top of that, after a revival, their ginseng spamming skill becomes more powerful. This makes them a pretty good Relay Cookie for Trophy Run behind a Destruction Cookie, since they’re a rare mix of good scoring and a good lifespan, without requiring you bring their pet like Angel Cookie does. Just don’t bump into anything, as they have little in the way of terrain avoidance!
Their ginseng summoning staff bump technically destroys any obstacle he happens to land it on, but it’s not exactly a screen-wiping earthquake of doom. They came out sometime before but are still one of the top picks for Trophy Run relay cookies.
3. Baguette Cookie
MEDIUM, Attention Minigame, Point Generator
Militaristic good looks and a glare that can put a cold chill through any Cookie, Baguette Cookie is the tough yet fair resident record keeper of the Time Balance Department. Her skill summons a pretty tense minigame: A bunch of TBD pencil-pushers sends Baguette their paperwork, and Baguette has to accept the good ones and reject the worthless disorganized messes some of the stupider file monkeys send out.
These papers come out rather fast and require both timing and your attention, but thankfully it’s very easy to spot bad paperwork since the sprite is huge. With her Magic Candy, there will always be one smart nugget who’ll send Baguette paperwork so beautifully organized, it practically shines gold.
The paperwork, when properly stamped, is worth a lot of points. Even though they aren’t a Destruction cookie, Baguette’s scoring potential is so high that careful players can use her as a Main Cookie in Trophy Run of all places provided they’re very good at not dying. It helps that their minigame is long enough to avoid a good chunk of obstacles. They might have Scorpion Cookie behind them to get past the rest of the level once Baguette keels over from exhaustion.
4. Habanero Cookie
MEDIUM, Timing Minigame
Habanero Cookie is an adorably mild-flavored goober with a big hammer for anyone who calls him not spicy enough. His minigame requires some skill: A magma worm comes out to spit flaming rocks at Habanero.
Habanero has to jump and time a swing to send the magma rocks back at the worm, so it’ll get dizzy and he can piledrive the sucker into the dirt. This generates a lot of points while keeping Habanero safe from obstacles. Habanero sees use in the current Breakout map sets and is a powerful choice in Trophy Run, usually with Scorpion Cookie stalking behind him as his Relay.
5. Chili Pepper Cookie
MEDIUM, Jumping Minigame, Jelly Generator
Chili Pepper Cookie is a much more viable choice here in Ovenbreak compared to her incarnation in Cookie Run Kingdom thanks to her new costume and buff to make her more in line with the newly released Peppercorn Cookie.
Chili still works more or less the same way she’s always worked: Treasures appear on the field, and Chili Pepper must jump to slash them open and take the shiny loot inside. She gets 5 jumps rather than just 2 while this is active, so you can use this to reach hard places. She currently sees action in Trophy Run maps as a main.
6. Timekeeper Cookie
EASY, Jelly Maker, Teleportation
Typically used as a Breakout first-runner, the rather off-her-clock Timekeeper Cookie is a Legendary cookie who requires time and investment to be strong, just like any other Legendary Cookie. That being said, they’re one of the Legendaries whose Magic Candy parts can be purchased from the Breakout shop, making them easier to power up. Her Sonic Embroider slows down her energy drain by 35% by travelling through wormholes, occasionally blinking forward in time, attracting Jellies, and generally violating every single law of physics imaginable.
All this temporal shenanigans gives her Points while moving her forward through the map faster, making her great for Breakout and any long map in general. Just try not to get disoriented by her sudden teleportation and you’ll be fine. Ideally the first Legendary a newbie should gun for, unless they join a guild early. That being said, Timekeeper’s suffered numerous nerfs over time, which stops them from reaching the top spot of this list.
7. Vagabond Cookie
HARD, Rhythm Minigame, Score Generator
Vagabond Cookie is a party animal whose mere presence can cause festivals to spontaneously generate from thin air wherever he goes. Even though he tends toward laziness, any player using him can’t afford to do the same: His skill summons a crowd for a rhythm minigame, so you’ll need your full attention for it compared to other easier minigames or simpler skills. Vagabond Cookie sees use in the current Breakout maps and is sometimes used as a Trophy Run relay cookie.
8. Chestnut Cookie
MEDIUM, Timing Minigame, Score Generator, High Speed
Chestnut Cookie’s popping up in Breakout top comps recently, likely because the current set of maps favors fast movers. Chestnut Cookie’s minigame involves him jumping onto his trike and delivering newspapers to houses.
This requires some timing as while the houses are big, fat easy targets, you’ll want to hammer the pedal button as fast as possible to make the most of this skill so those houses will go by fast. This skill serves two purposes: It generates a ton of points and lets Chestnut Cookie avoid obstacles while moving at a relatively high speed.
9. Hydrangea Cookie
EASY, Jelly-Spam
One of the newer cookies to come out, and one that pairs very nicely with any treasure that generates more Bear Jellies, at least when she gets her Magic Candy. Hydrangea’s generally simple to use. She summons an entire Hydrangea garden to jump around in, with big puffy bushes that give you extra points for jumping on them.
On top of this, she can collect Hydrangea Flower jellies that absolutely spams the screen in flowers upon taking them, all of which give you points and magnetize towards Hydrangea Cookie. Her Magic Candy allows her to summon yet more of these flower-spamming flowers, based on how many Bear Jellies she’s collected. If you can get more bear jellies popping out, then you can make better use of her Magic Candy, so keep that in mind when picking her Treasure loadout.
10. Bellflower Cookie
MEDIUM, Timing-Based Minigame
Bellflower Cookie is a deceptively simple to use cookie, though you could occasionally trip and mess up due to her minigame’s nature. Every once in a while, a set of herbs appear in the ground, and Bellflower has to pull them out. There’s a crosshair indicating the timing for this minigame.
Pull the plants out too early or too late, and it’s a failure. Easy enough, as long as you stay sharp. Her magic candy turns the final herb into a rare herb worth even more points, so go grab it immediately if you plan to use her.
And this is the end of our 10 best Destruction and Scoring Cookies tier list for Cookie Run OvenBreak. We hope this helps, and if you have any choices you think might be better on these spots (Or if you just want to chat with fellow runners), leave a comment below!
Friday 3rd of March 2023
Can you put snow sugar he got a buff and now he is op?
Tuesday 28th of February 2023
You should add Habenero and Fire Spirit cookie, Fire Spirit got a massive buff with the new pet and treasure.
Saturday 6th of August 2022
Honestly, I think Sour Belt Cookie belongs in the scoring cookies. If you max out everything she has, including candy, you get a 20-30 mil score bonus at the end of her minigame, which also generates a lot of points. I love using her with Hydrangea cookie :)
Level Winner
Monday 1st of August 2022
Hey everyone,
We have just updated the tier list. Hope you like it!
Thursday 14th of July 2022
This List Helped Me So Much, But I Recommend Putting Longan Dragon Or Snake Fruit Cookie To The Destruction Cookie List
Level Winner
Monday 1st of August 2022
Thanks for your suggestions! The tier list is now updated.