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Village Life: Love, Marriage & Babies (iOS) Guide: 11 Tips, Cheats & Tricks to Build a Happy Village

Village Life: Love, Marriage & Babies is Playdemic’s game-changing masterpiece that takes city-building simulation games to another level. Gone are the days when you have to mindlessly tap on a soulless town full of generic buildings and people. This simulation game for Facebook successfully immerses players in a true town management experience for web browser platforms. In this game, you will not just be required to build structures and expand the town. You will also have to guide your people from childhood to adulthood. You will help them find love and happiness, as well as teach them how to start families of their own. Instead of just plopping down building after building, you will need to think about the impact of how these structures affect your community. There are a lot of things that you will need to take into consideration, including what your people will do for fun and how buildings will get worn out after a while. You may need to spend a lot of time playing this game, but it’s worth it, as it’s quite satisfying to watch your village grow. It’s a good thing you have our Village Life tips and tricks to help you along the way.

1. Learn The Basics

Managing a village isn’t easy but you will only make things harder for yourself if you go into it blind. Make sure you take time to understand the tutorial as it will teach you the basic things you need to know about your village. One of the most important things in the game is satisfying your people’s core needs. There are three that you need to take care of: Shelter, Food, and Water. Once you have these satisfied, your first couple will be rewarded with a baby.

Village Life will also walk you through other important tasks such as building fire to keep your villages warm, and how to build basic structures. While these are not core needs, you will not be able to progress in the game without knowing them so pay attention until the end of the tutorial! When you are done with the tutorial, your starting family will move into a new village where you will be able to begin your journey with two additional families.

2. Pay Attention To Thought Bubbles

If you were to eat nothing but strawberries for months, will you be happy? Most normal people wouldn’t be, and the same is true for your villagers. Pay attention to their though bubbles because they will let you know what they want. They aren’t just satisfied with the basic needs, eventually they will grow tired of eating the same things, or will want to have something fun to do.

Catering to your villagers’ wishes isn’t just an added task. Whenever you make them happy, you will be able to collect Happiness from them which, in turn, helps you level up. The Happiness you collect from villagers will fill up the Happiness Shrine. Once it is full, you can tap on it to level up.

3. Level Up Bonuses

While levelling up is an obvious thing to aim for when playing, there are still a few things you should keep in mind. Whenever you level up, you will receive a few rewards. These rewards include gems, coins, and Wisdom keys. Gems are the premium currency of the game and can be used to buy a lot of useful things. While the game is pretty generous in giving you free gems, make sure you still strategically choose what to spend them on. Coins are the regular currency of the game and are used for buying things in the Market. Lastly, Wisdom keys are required for unlocking new items in the game. Make sure to keep a couple of Wisdom keys in your pocket because some quests will ask you to unlock specific items before you can proceed.

4. Make Better Villagers

One of the more challenging aspects of the game is micromanaging your villagers. As mentioned above, you will need to keep your villagers happy in order to collect Happiness and level up. Aside from that, however, there are a few more things that you need to know about the residents of your village. When you fail to make a villager happy, his thought bubble will turn gold, and he will refuse to work for you until you give in to his whims.

There is another factor that affects your villager’s work output. You will notice that each villager has shield icons and they will be either pink, blue, or orange. These shields represent skills and the colors indicate how they were acquired. Pink shields are acquired from their mother. Blue shields are acquired from fathers. And orange skills are acquired from the villager’s chosen profession. There are several skills pertaining to Gathering, Farming, Mining, or Crafting, and a villager can have one or more.

Skills make villagers efficient in their assigned tasks. While you have no control over their inherited skills, you can assign them to a specific profession. When you do, you have a choice to make them proficient in another skill area, or to build on their inherited skill to make them really good at it. How you invest in these skills will ultimately determine the work output of your people so make sure to think about how you will build up each one.

5. Choose Your Starting Villagers

It may not seem too much of an issue but how your starting villagers look will determine how future generations will look like as well. The game take into consideration the genes of the parents so physical traits will be passed down as well. If you find yourself wanting prettier villagers, you can do this by looking for starting couples that look good to you. Unfortunately, the only way to change the starting villagers is to remove the game and starting over. That is why it is extremely important to choose the villagers early on, while you haven’t invested a lot of time in the game yet. Otherwise you will be choosing between throwing away hours of game time, or spending the rest of your life staring at villagers you don’t like.

6. Be The Matchmaker

Once a villager reaches adulthood, he will start longing for companionship. Tap on their thought bubble to see if there are any other single adults available for dating. Keep in mind that you need to have at least one friend playing the game in order for the dating feature to work. Once you find a suitable prospect for your lovesick villager, you may send a request. The other villager will need to accept the request for the date to push through. If the date goes well, the two lovebirds will want to get married. Remember, the female villager will move in with the male villager so be prepared to say goodbye to your virtual daughters. Marriage will bring in a lot of Happiness and other rewards so try to help your villagers get settled down as much as you can.

After you have a good number of adult villagers, you may want to start considering arranged marriages. If you personally know your game friends, you can talk to them about the skills that their single villagers have. This way, you can choose which villagers to date, allowing you to acquire the specific skills you want for your future generations.

7. Maximize Your Game Time

Of course, you can’t stay logged into the game forever so you will have to make the most of your game time. Manage your time well and you will be able to make the most out of your game. One of the reasons for staying logged in is to get more Happiness. Fun activities generate Happiness from your villagers. However, these can only be collected while you are online. If you want to get the most out of the fun activities, spend more time logged into the game so you can collect more Happiness.
If you need to log off, make sure you stock up on supplies first. Villagers who have enough food and water will continue to produce Happiness even when you are logged off. Don’t forget to log back in to check on them every few hours. It only takes a few minutes to top up on food and water if you are too busy to play.

8. Beware Of Wear And Tear

There are several Tools and Fun items that you can build in the game to help your villagers. Unfortunately, these get worn out over time. Once they expire, you will need to build new ones. A good way to extend the life of your Tools and Fun items is to build more of them. If you only have one Fun item in your village, it will naturally get worn out faster because all the villagers will be using it. Give your villagers a lot of options so that the items last longer. Also, make sure you have building materials stockpiled so that you can quickly replace any of the items that give out.

9. Manage Your Storage Capacity

Storage will eventually be problematic once your production is in full swing. Make sure you upgrade your storage buildings as soon as you can to anticipate production. If you are really struggling with storage space, you can create virtual storage by using your resource structures. Just send your villagers to work in any of the resource structures then hold off on claiming the products. This way, you will have resources stockpiled and ready without having them take up space in your main storage buildings.

10. Avoid Accidentally Spending Gems

As mentioned before, gems are premium currency and you would want to use them on good investments such as additional Wisdom keys. The bad news is that it is easy to accidentally spend them on speeding up the work of your villagers. When you click on any villager who is working, you run the risk of speeding them up. In order to avoid this, make sure you do not click anywhere near any villager who is working. Also, make sure you do not use the screen to select villagers. Instead, use the menu option to select the villager you want to access. This way, there won’t be a chance of clicking on a working villager by mistake. When claiming resources, such as fruits from a tree, click on the tree to make sure you will only get the harvest. Lastly, if by chance you still accidentally clicked on a villager, do not release the mouse button. Drag the mouse pointer towards the corner of the screen and let the view scroll until you can’t see the villager anymore. Doing this will nullify the click you just made.

11. Build Houses Early On

When you start the game, you will have three adults who are available for work, relatively easy to fulfill needs, as well as a lot of extra time and keys. This is the best time to unlock houses right away because you will be managing too many things later on. Unlock the first two additional houses right away but only with one adult at a time so that you have two available for leveling up. Doing this will help avoid having to spend three days waiting for buildings to finish just so you can have adults who are free to produce Happiness.

The ideal house to build is the two-person house because it costs less but are just as effective in fulfilling your villager’s need for Shelter. These also take less time to build so you will be able to get your worker back sooner. Remember that you need workers available in order to keep progressing so choose houses that will not keep your villagers hostage for a long time. Workers will not be immediately available after working since they need energy to perform tasks. If a certain task depletes your worker’s energy completely, they will need to wait a while before they can be useful again. Of course, you can counter this by using Energy Potions on them but that is not a readily available resource that you can depend on all the time.

Managing an entire village’s moods and needs require a lot of work but with the help of our list of Village Life tips and tricks, you will do just fine. We hope you’ve enjoyed our detailed guide for this exciting Playdemic game. If you know any other tips or tricks, feel free to let us know in the comment area!