For all the food-lovers out there, Popcore Games have released a colorful and exciting new title on mobile. As the name suggests, Sandwich! is a mobile game that will allow you to create mouthwatering sandwiches. The game is available for iOS and Android devices, and there is no doubt that you will have a lot of fun playing this puzzle game.
At the same time, the levels in Sandwich! will not be so easy to overcome. Of course, you will not have a lot of problems at the start of the game. But, as you progress through the levels, our comprehensive Sandwich! cheats, tips and tricks guide will be of great use. So, let’s check what it takes to build the highest sandwich ever.
1. Never Allow A Piece Of The Puzzle To Stand On Its Own
As we said, Sandwich! is a puzzle-matching game. In essence, this means that you will have to fold and match different block. If you manage to complete the task in a successful way – you’ll progress to the next level. When it comes to Sandwich!, once you complete a task, a yummy sandwich will be served to you on a platter. All you need to do is tap the screen a couple of times to eat the food.
Yet, some puzzles will not be easy to solve. To clarify, the gameplay of this game does not allow a lot of mistakes. So, if you leave a piece of food without a pair – you will not be able to complete the puzzle. For instance, if one of the ingredients stands on its own and you cannot fold it any direction, you will have to restart the level. Therefore, pay attention to this element of the game and always create pairs of the components of your sandwich.
2. Save The Bread For Last
As in real life, there is a certain order in which you can prepare a sandwich. Meaning, all the condiments, seasonings, and salads should go between the two pieces of bread. If you do things this way, you will be able to hold the burger in your hands and enjoy the meal. The game also provides excellent sound effects at the end of every level. In translation, the sound will help you imagine how you are the one taking a bite out of the crispy sandwich.
For that reason, it is crucial to follow the steps in the right order. So, start every level by folding the toppings one on top of the other. Before that, make sure that all pieces are in pairs. After that, fold the toppings on one of the pieces of bread. And, at the very end, fold the other slice of bread on top of the rest to close off the sandwich.
3. Use The Undo Button To Go One Step Back
Even though Sandwich! does not feature a timer, players will often rush their moves. After all, we are all sometimes a bit impatient, especially when we are hungry. So, it is easy to see why strategic thinking often gets neglected when playing Sandwich! Luckily, there is a useful tool to help you with this problem.
The Undo button can be a life-saver in this game. As the name implies, this option allows you to go one step back, i.e. to undo the last move. Thus, you can correct mistakes in a convenient and straightforward manner, without having to restart the level. With the help of the Undo button, you can ‘delete’ the last step, but no more than that. Thus, take your time when playing the game and don’t rush things. By doing so, you will be able to pass level after level. The Undo button is located in the bottom right area of the playing screen, below the ingredients of the sandwich.
4. Use The Retry Button To Start All Over Again
Much like the Undo option, the Retry button offers you a chance to try once again. But, the Retry takes a dramatic approach to this. In other words, if you decide to use this option, all your progress will be lost and you have to start the level from scratch. Of course, this can be frustrating at times. Thus, we recommend that you click on the Retry button only if you have no other option. The button is located in the upper left corner, and it has the usual shape of a bent arrow.
However, the tricky thing with the gameplay of Sandwich! is that players can use the Undo only once per level. Once you use this option, you will have to play a perfect game until you complete the sandwich. Well, sooner or later we all make mistakes, and that is why Retry is an inevitable tool. But, if you keep a cool head and learn from mistakes, you will overcome even the most demanding of levels in Sandwich!
5. Skip To The Next Level
To be honest, Sandwich! is a simple and straightforward game. With its minimalist design, the game moves fast and there are not a lot of distractions. As a result, players should be focused on the gameplay at all times. And, this also means that they should climb the levels with ease. To be fair, early stages of the game are super-easy. Yet, Sandwich! becomes more challenging as you progress through the stages.
And, some puzzles can be more challenging than others. In fact, you could get stuck trying to solve the issue. In those moments, the game offers a convenient and useful tool. At the bottom left corner of the screen is the Skip button. As you can guess, this option allows you to skip the current level and go on to the next. The only requirement is that you watch a promotional video. So, use this option when you get stuck or when you don’t have enough free time to complete the puzzle.
6. Earn More Gold After Every Win
In essence, the goal of every stage in Sandwich! is to assemble the biggest sandwich possible with the given toppings. On top of that, the game will reward you for every completed puzzle. To clarify, you will receive a certain amount of gold once you overcome a level. Gold coins are the only currency in Sandwich!, and that is why it is imperative that you collect as much gold as possible.
For instance, one of the best ways of getting more coins is by tripling the rewards after every win. So, when the game offers you a certain amount for completing the puzzle, you can refuse the reward and ask for more. Moreover, the option of tripling the money is free of charge! To be honest, there is a certain thing you need to do in return. You will have to watch an ad before the money is released. But, after 20 seconds or so, your bankroll will receive a significant boost.
7. Use Every Possible Method To Collect More Coins
Gold coins are of great value when playing Sandwich! For that reason, it is crucial that you use every possible method to collect them. For example, the game provides players with an option of earning 150 coins for every ad they watch. Since the videos have a duration of around 20 seconds, you will not lose much time if you decide to watch one or two. In other words, ‘sacrifice’ a minute of your time and watch a couple of videos. By doing so, the number of coins at your disposal will skyrocket.
The option to watch the ads in exchange for coins is located in the Shop. In the next chapter will tell you more about the features and characteristics of the Shop in Sandwich! For now, let’s repeat the fact that gold coins are very important when playing the game. Without them, you could not unlock many of those cool things that Sandwich! has to offer.
8. Visit The Shop To Unlock New Toppings
Since we mentioned the Shop, we should elaborate more on this segment of the game. As the name implies, this section will provide players with a wide array of toppings. So, click on the icon on the left-hand side of the playing screen. Yes, the icon that looks like tomato will take you to the Shop.
Once there, you can browse through 40 different toppings. Of course, the majority of them will not be available at first. But, as you climb through the ranks, more and more ingredients will become unlocked. For instance, you will be able to fill your sandwich with salmon, bacon, onions, pickles, and so on. Even avocado is available! So, the more seasonings and toppings you unlock, the better the taste of the sandwich. For that reason, head over to the Shop at every opportunity and unlock some new items!
With the tip about the Shop, we conclude our Sandwich! cheats, tips and tricks guide. In case you know any other useful tricks, feel free to drop us a line in the comments below!