Following the success of the soft launch and multiple international award nominations, Panzer League is now available worldwide on iOS and Android devices.
Developed by CipSoft, Panzer League is a real-time 3v3 multiplayer tank-based MOBA title that puts your strategic skills to a serious test. There are 18 sci-fi tanks from four classes to choose from, each one with its own set of abilities. Each tank can be upgraded and personalized to best suit your playing style. You are free to decide whether you want to play as a healer, destroyer, or support your team. Tanks can be levelled up and equipped after each battle and make it even stronger for the next round.
There’s more to the game than simply destroying the tanks that come in your path. Team up with two friends, destroy the base, defense towers, and reactor of the opposite team, and then control them. Each match lasts between 5 and 10 minutes.
Panzer League can be played solo or in the coop mode against AI or real players. If you are a big fan of MOBA games, hurry up and download it for free from the App Store or Google Play.