EVE Online, one of the longest running online games around, is finally getting an official mobile spinoff. EVE: Echoes, formerly titled EVE: Project Galaxy, is the fruit of CCP Games’ collaboration with NetEase. The game will be built using the NeoX engine from NetEase, which means most of the development will be handled by the said company. Even though CCP Games will mostly be contributing design and consultation, they promise that the resulting game will still deliver an authentic EVE Online experience. Players can expect to be awed by the resulting game’s starry skies, infinite star-fields, and floating asteroids.
EVE: Echoes is expected to have most of the features that made the original game shine for two decades. These features include galaxy exploration, building corporations, forging alliances, following trade routes, and of course, space battles on a massive scale. The developers also teased that a “deep and realistic social system” was in the works, and that it would add to the immersive experience of the game.
Hilmar Veigar Pétursson, CEO of CCP Games expressed his excitement over the ambitious project. He believes that going mobile is the next step towards bringing a refined version of their iconic game to a bigger audience. For NetEase Games’ part, Frank Xiang, the General Manager of Marketing, admitted that they were fans of the original EVE Online and are thrilled to be part of the game’s mobile evolution.
There is still limited information about the official release of the game, but the Open Beta Test has been announced to come some time in 2019. When it finally arrives, it will be available on both Android and iOS platforms.