The song is catchy and the game is addictive – we’re talking about Dumb Ways to Die here, a surprise hit when it first came out, and good enough to inspire a sequel from Metro Trains. That’s right – last year, the developer followed up its original hit with a new game called Dumb Ways to Die 2, and if you didn’t catch the first part of our strategy guide and haven’t quite played the game yet, we’ll get you up to speed. The game is available for Android and iOS and comes with various new characters and challenges, with 28 mini-games that will allow you to unlock new characters while shooting for a higher score.
Getting a high score in this game is just one of the many things we hope to show you how to do in our Dumb Ways to Die 2 cheats, tips, and strategy guide. And with that out of the way, let’s continue things with this second part in a two-part series.
1. Connect Your Game To Facebook If You Know Other DWTD 2 Players
Again, we’re starting out with something very simple, though this would only be practical if you’re not the only one in your circle of friends who plays Dumb Ways to Die 2. That’s exactly why we added a condition to the usual “connect your game to Facebook” tip. Otherwise, there aren’t any special benefits, e.g. free premium currency, etc., to be had by doing this.
2. Use All Your Tokens In Any Given Day
Here’s the thing with tokens in Dumb Ways to Die 2, and bear with us, as it may get a bit confusing. If you use all your tokens in one day, you’ll get two new tokens the next day, provided you log in and play. But if you don’t use all your tokens, you won’t get any new ones when you play the next day – if you, for example, have one token left over on a given day, you’ll still have one token the day after. So if you want a consistent influx of tokens, make sure you use all of them in a day.
3. Focus Your Practice On Safety Bonuses
In the first part, we highlighted the importance of practice and the safety bonus stages. We’re going to do this once again as we combine both tips. So how do you practice safety bonus stages? Simply tap on one such stage, play the safety bonus, then tap on a different stage to get a new one. Keep on doing this until you’ve played every one of those stages, play a normal level, then redo the safety bonus practice and make sure you’ve covered everything.
4. Complete Dumb Life Saving, Here’s How
Again, this could get a little bit confusing, so do pay close attention. This stage will have you swiping people from the inner tubes to the middle, and if you swipe to the left the people will go left. Likewise, swiping to the right will send them to the right. You’ll want to keep one person on the left and two on the right, or two on the left and one on the right; this is easier than placing everyone on the same side.
5. Make Short Swipes For Yeti Grooming
When it comes to grooming the Yeti, it may seem difficult at first as there’s a whole lot of stuff you need to get out of the way. However, it pays to make short swipes instead of longer ones – they’ll still remove the nasty stuff from the Yeti, and while it may take longer, it will also allow you to develop more of a rhythm while keeping him groomed.
6. Figure Out Patchy Figure Skating
If you’ve played this level and ended up failing, we definitely feel you there. This is a hard and tricky stage to complete, as it seems so easy to send your characters down those fishing holes. To avoid killing your characters in such a dumb – and chilly – way, you’ll want to leap at the very moment the front skate hits the crack on the leftmost side. If your timing’s down pat, you’ll have no trouble acing this level and figuring out the whole figure skating thing.
7. Complete The Killer Whale Dentistry Stage, Here’s How
Think of it as art imitating life – brush the teeth of the killer whale in a manner similar to how you’d brush your own teeth. Go back and forth instead of swiping randomly, and that’s going to allow you to cover more ground and ensure that the whale’s teeth are spotlessly clean. And when we say spotlessly clean, we mean it – you’re going to lose the level if even a small portion of the whale’s teeth has some dirt in it.
8. Take The Pledge In The Train Safety Stage
Surprised that we’re sharing something so simple at this point in this strategy guide? Well, we are, and we’re also reminding you that Metro Trains released the Dumb Ways to Die series as a rather unorthodox way to make people aware of train safety. Just take the pledge and you’ll be perfectly fine.
9. Complete The Running Beside The Pool Stage, Here’s How
Yes, we feel your pain. This is one of the harder levels in Dumb Ways to Die 2, but we’ve fortunately got things figured out for you. In here, wait until your character has gone to a full stop before you start running again. Failing to do this will only have you landing on your butt, hence killing you and losing the level through another one of those Dumb Ways to Die.
10. Do Nothing In The Lick The Pole Stage And You’ll Be Fine
This is self-explanatory – do not lick the pole! In fact, don’t do anything at all in this particular level, because that’s going to lose it for you. Doing nothing is exactly what you have to do to win.