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DOP 2: Delete One Part Answers for All Levels

DOP 2: Delete One Part Level 441-450 Answers

dop 2 delete one part level 441 answer

Level 441: Rub off the white part of the gloves.

dop 2 delete one part level 442 answer

Level 442: Rub the left door to make it into men’s bathroom.

dop 2 delete one part level 443 answer

Level 443: Rub the whole body of the top fish apart from the spot like its left eye.

dop 2 delete one part level 444 answer

Level 444: Rub off the excess around the square and then the spots and the sandwich.

dop 2 delete one part level 445 answer

Level 445: Rub off the upper part of the sea to find a yellow submarine.

dop 2 delete one part level 446 answer

Level 446: Rub off the pink dress of the girl on the right to find the eagle; it’s a tattoo.

dop 2 delete one part level 447 answer

Level 447: Rub off the head and the red part of the toothbrush but not the handle.

dop 2 delete one part level 448 answer

Level 448: Rub it off to find a red string; very sexy!

dop 2 delete one part level 449 answer

Level 449: Rub off the red gate on the left.

dop 2 delete one part level 450 answer

Level 450: Rub off the bushes and the rock on the top.