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Diggy’s Adventure Tips & Strategy Guide to Solve More Mysteries

Diggy’s Adventure is a fantastic new game from Pixel Federation that comes with over a thousand riddles, over 500 labyrinths to escape from, and more than 100 funny characters you can interact with, over five different locations. In this Android and iOS game, you play Diggy, an intrepid explorer whose father, who happens to work the same job, has gone missing. With the other characters in the game, you will get to explore ancient civilizations, dig through the mines, and acquire different items that are all designed to help you in the game. There’s also a bit of base-building and RPG mechanics here, as you can decorate your camps, craft new items, or cook ingredients as you embark on a quest to save your father.

This is quite a deep game where most of the game mechanics revolve around time, or a lack thereof. This isn’t the game for those who like to take it easy and think things out carefully, but you don’t need to worry if you’re concerned this game may be a bit too challenging for your liking. Read on, as we shall now present to you our complete strategy guide for Diggy’s Adventure, which mostly focuses on the basics of exploring and energy utilization, but also includes a few helpful tips for experienced explorers.

1. Use Your Energy Wisely

The one thing you have to remember about this game is that you have to conserve your energy, and spend it the right way. You will need to use it nonetheless so that you can keep yourself busy, but it also pays to be efficient, and to avoid doing any unnecessary things. Look carefully around you, and map out the route of your dig, or you’ll only end up digging up blocks you don’t need to dig. That’s a waste of energy, as it’s only feasible to dig additional blocks if you’re sure there’s a jar or chest behind them, with freebies inside which you can claim.

2. Buildings Are Also About Energy

We weren’t lying when we said that energy is the one variable underpinning most of the in-game mechanics in Diggy’s Adventure. Energy still plays a role when it comes to the types of buildings you can set up at camp. The first type increases your maximum energy capacity, while the second type allows for faster regeneration.

Buildings can be placed wherever you wish, but there are some buildings which you can only set up so often in the game. It’s best to set up a lot of energy storage buildings if you’re heading off to bed, or are expecting to be away from the game for some time. While actively playing, however, it may be better to balance the buildings in camp between both types.

3. Open The Chests And Jars

In addition to conserving your energy when playing Diggy’s Adventure, you should make the most out of the chests and jars you see. We did say above that they come with free stuff inside, and if you’re wondering what those goodies are, they’re food items which can be consumed if you want to recover some of your energy. Make sure to have a quick bite if you’re close to uncovering something important, but not sure whether you have it in you to get to the bottom of that discovery. In addition to basic food items, you can find crafting materials, cooking ingredients, and other items that will be of good use to you in the game.

4. Be On The Lookout For Secret Passages

It won’t be an adventure game worth its salt if it didn’t have secret paths, right? Fortunately, Diggy’s Adventure does come with some secret passages, which you may be able to discover blocks that can be dug away from the walls. Walking near those blocks could tell you if they can be dug away, though most of the time, you just need to keep your eyes peeled. You will also know if a wall can be broken down if you see a number over it.

Once you’ve broken down the wall and made it through the secret passage, you will usually find a few chests, which, once again, come with tons of freebies inside.

5. Keep Your Camp Busy

Your Kitchen, Caravan Outpost, and other buildings in your camp should always have something going on. Free up facilities before you start your digging, and set up a lot of dishes to be cooked, as the food cooked in your kitchen would typically be more satisfying than the random scraps of food you find while exploring caves. Yes, it’s pretty much like it is in real life, so make sure your camp is doing something at all times!

That’s it for now, as far as our list of tips and tricks for Diggy’s Adventure is concerned. Do you know more hints for the game? Let us know in the comment section!

darlene Munday

Monday 11th of November 2024

good morning i have been playing for years but my life bar is still on 8 thou how can i get it bigger please could really do with some help ps love love the game


Tuesday 12th of December 2023

I am working on the Christmas 2023 special event. In the Snow Queen’s palace, I am unable to solve the match pairs to open a gate. I don’t understand how match pairs work. Any advice?

Dennis hambrick

Thursday 5th of October 2023

How do I get gems for the jedite keys?


Monday 5th of June 2023

I'm in the Himalayas and can't locate key to get to the last100 or so tiles. Where can i find it?

Huewa Hauewa

Sunday 26th of March 2023

Diggys adventure anubis house of riddles I can't seem to get the laser right to open the gates