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Undawn Beginner’s Guide: Tips, Tricks & Strategies to Survive the Raging Sandstorms

Humanity has long been obsessed with the end of the world. Ragnarok, the Book of Revelations, doom prophets…the list goes on. But who’s to say that total systemic collapse needs to be the end of the world? If I’m going to live in a safehouse in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, I’m going to dang make sure it’s the prettiest house around. Or, you know, maybe just the most defended. Undawn can cater to both sensibilities.

garena undawn guide

Undawn is a cross-platform MMORPG set in a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by (of course) a zombie apocalypse. In this brave new world, you’ll need to carve out a life for you and yours, but how you do it – whether via becoming king of combat, a master crafter or just want to build your own cozy nook to sleep in – is entirely up to you. Undawn has a bit of something for everyone.

For those who can’t wait for the end of civilization as we know it, Undawn is available on both the Google Play Store. However, due to the game’s demanding performance and fast pace, I strongly suggest getting it on PC via Garena’s standalone client or via Steam (for select regions only, mine not included) if your mobile device isn’t fast enough to run Undawn smoothly or large enough to handle the sheer amount of UI elements on the screen. If it is though, lucky you.

And just to be clear, I’ll be using images from the PC version of the game as playing Undawn on my phone is inconvenient, to say the least.

garena undawn character

In this Undawn beginner’s guide, we’ll be going over:

  • Taking care of your needs and learning to adapt to the various hazards the game throws at you.
  • Homesteading: the art of building your own corner of the world to laze about in.
  • The basics of combat, since no matter your personal goals in Undawn, you will need to source materials and clear dungeons.
  • Resources – gathering, exploration, special operations, and events.

As you can see, this guide attempts to cover the first few elements of the game and familiarize you with the many options before letting you explore on your own, which is a departure from most “get to max level quickly” guides. I believe that enjoyment in Undawn can be found through exploring the many paths available to you, so I’ve structured this article to introduce the basics you’ll need no matter your chosen path.

Staying Alive in the Apocalypse

garena undawn motorcycle

They say that you should look out for yourself first before you can help others; this is especially true in the broken world of Undawn. If you can’t even keep your physical and mental health topped up, your clothes washed, your armor mended, and your weapons maintained, how are you supposed to be anyone’s hero?

Quick Tips:

  • You can see your own needs via the survival window. Take care of your physical and mental well-being and stay fed, hydrated, and clean to ensure that you’re always at your peak performance.
  • The survival window has several action buttons located at its bottom. Use these to quickly address your needs.
  • Some survival actions require specific circumstances. You need privacy to use the toilet, and you can only add water, wash your face, or wash your clothes in clean water.
  • Food can be bought from stores, but more often than not you’ll have to prepare your own food via grill. Food not only restores hunger but also heals HP and provides buffs.
  • The more times you prepare a dish, the higher your proficiency in that dish becomes. The higher your proficiency in a dish, the higher its numbers go.
  • “Health” refers to your physical well-being. Avoid getting sick or hurt and stay fed and hydrated to keep it up. High health makes you more resistant to damage and festering wounds.
  • “HP” refers to your life force. You lose some when you get hit; you gain it by sleeping or eating food.
  • Extreme temperatures can hurt you. As you explore the island, you’ll find more hazards. Make small expeditions to find out what you need to look out for, then head back and prepare accordingly.
  • Nighttime is especially dangerous for the unprepared. Not only do enemies spawn faster and in greater quantities but the temperature also dips greatly. On the other hand, it’s a great way to farm materials that only drop from enemies.
  • Don’t forget about your simple crafting menu. You can craft campfires for warmth and better gathering, basic gathering gear, bows and arrows if you want to save on bullets, or even more ammo crates!

Caring for Your Own Needs

Despite the collapse of civilization, human beings continue to survive. You are no exception. To keep your own body up and running, you’ll need to eat, drink, sleep, and more to maintain your physical and mental well-being. You can easily keep track of your character’s needs via the survival window.

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Self-diagnosis complete. Result: not sick, just lazy.

The survival window is broken down into 4 segments:

  • Body shows your weight and fitness levels. Strive to keep your weight in the green center zone as being too skinny or large can hamper your performance in the field. In terms of gameplay, this affects your maximum health. Fitness, on the other hand, determines your maximum energy (stamina) so raise it if you can.
  • Mentality represents your mental stability. Sleeping, eating, and keeping your wounds patched up all contribute to a stable mental environment. Fear, on the other hand, rapidly depletes mental stability, so try not to get caught out in the dark lest you succumb to your inner demons.
  • Hygiene represents how clean you are. In a bizarre twist (or maybe it’s just zombie physiology), you’re easier to detect if you haven’t bathed in a while. Being smelly and wearing dirty clothes also negatively affects NPCs’ perceptions of you, though it can be amusing.
  • Metabolism shows how well your internal engine is running. Keep yourself well-fed and hydrated and you’ll have no problems here. Do note that you’ll need to visit the toilet (or not) every once in a while, lest you suffer digestive problems.

Taking care of these needs is easy, too. At the bottom of the survival screen is a simple interface with a lot of actions that will take care of your needs. Tap one of these buttons and your character will perform that action to fulfill your needs. In case you need a preview, this is what the buttons do:

  • Drink drinks water. You would think that fresh, drinkable water would be a constant problem in the apocalypse since that’s what will probably kill most people. You would be wrong – your character will pull a bottle out of literally nowhere and glug down. You do need to refill your bottle, however.
garena undawn drink
Bear Grylls would be pleased.
  • Exercise has your character work out for around a minute. This will boost your fitness and thus your maximum energy. Be wary of the Sore Muscles debuff – it lasts one real hour and while you have it, further exercise will have no effect.
  • Rest lets your character take a nap. This will clear your mind and improve their thinking, raising both your vigor and reason, which in turn raises gathering speed. Resting also gives you the Sufficient Sleep debuff for one real hour, preventing you from getting further sleep benefits while you have the debuff.
  • Pee and Poop do exactly what it says on the button. You’ll need privacy to do either, meaning there can be no players or NPCs nearby. You can tell when it’s time to go when what debuff?
  • Add Water, Wash Face, and Wash Clothes are survival skills that only work when standing in clean shallow water. Add Water refills your bottle, while washing your face and clothes restores some hygiene.


Food is a different matter altogether. Unlike your other needs, there’s no quick and easy way to eat food. You’ll need a steady source of the stuff to keep your strength up and survive in the world of Undawn. Food can be acquired in three main ways – buying, gathering, or cooking.

garena undawn digesting food
I live to savor the flavor.

Buying food is the easiest though not necessarily the best way to get food. Just head over to any ingredient vendor in town or tap “Obtain” on a buyable food item. Do note that your options for buying food are restricted by your base level, though you can always fall back on canned food. Also, heads up that there’s a weekly limit on how many items you can buy from a vendor.

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Today’s special: roasted boar with lead poisoning.

Gathering food is a very broad spectrum of activities. This can range from gunning down the most oblivious animals in the world (seriously, you can walk up to them and blast them in the face with a shotgun), foraging for edible berries and vegetables, and perhaps even planting them in your personal farm, or fishing in the rivers. Foodstuffs you get from gathering can sometimes be eaten raw, but it’s a far better idea to preserve them for cooking. Don’t worry, they won’t rot.

garena undawn bbq
So tasty!

Cooking is the most reliable way of making food in the world of Undawn. To cook, you’ll need to interact with a grill – the best way to get reliable access is to put one in your safehouse. Just place four of your ingredients in and voila, new dish. Experiment with various combinations of ingredients and see what you’ll get!

garena undawn bbq food
I practiced.

Cooking isn’t just a cost-effective way of preparing your meals, as cooked food tends to also pack bonuses to just about anything, from combat to gathering. On top of that, cooking a specific dish repeatedly increases your proficiency in that dish. The more experienced you are at preparing a dish, the more hunger it will restore and the bigger a buff it will give!

Health versus Hit Points

One important distinction you need to make in Undawn is the difference between health and HP, which I assume stands for hit points in this case.

garena undawn antibody medicine
So does this restore “health”, or “hit points”?

To put it simply, health refers to your general well-being, while hit points refer to your vital force. Getting sick, not eating or drinking, and not getting enough rest penalizes your health, which leads to a higher chance of injuries and lower damage mitigation. Health can be seen in your survival window or via the white cross bar in the upper left.

garena undawn health

Hit points, on the other hand, refer to your vital force. Running out of hit points makes you die or get incapacitated, in this case. Hit points are lost when you take damage in combat and are restored by sleeping in a bed or by eating food.

The general rule is this: if it restores “health”, it affects your well-being; if it heals “HP”, it will protect you from dying.


It’s not just zombies and bandits trying to kill you. Mother Nature is too, whether she means to or not.

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Believe it or not, the lightning is harmless. It’s the cold that will kill you.

As a new player, you’ll experience this most often via hypothermia. Staying out late at night, getting wet, or just staying in cold places causes you to get the Cold debuff, which erodes your health (not HP!). Because of this system, be sure to prepare appropriately for wherever you plan to adventure. Take a few exploration trips before committing to see what hazards await, then get back to your homestead and prepare the things you’ll need!


Time passes strangely in Undawn. The game’s sun can rise and set in a matter of real-life minutes, and the nights are particularly dangerous.

garena undawn dark
So I noticed.

At night, zombie spawns are vastly increased. While you’ll struggle to find two zombies together in the sunlight, you’ll easily find clusters of 5 or more undead baddies once the sun goes down. On one hand, this is very dangerous, especially if you’re ill-equipped for combat. On the other, the accelerated spawns may be exactly what you’re looking for especially if you’re farming for zombie drops.

It’s not just the zombies that you need to watch out for at night. The cold night air is a hazard to your health, and you’ll easily catch colds (which reduce your health, not hit points) if you spend lots of time outside at night. The darkness also makes it easy to give in to panic, so staying out too long in dangerous areas will also impact your reason and mental state.

Remember: it’s important to sample hazards slowly and carefully so you can prepare accordingly. In this case, bring lots of ammo and bundle up in something warm if you plan to mow down night hordes.

Survival Crafting

Part of taking care of yourself is being self-sufficient in the field. In case you find yourself stranded out at night or are in dire need of more HP, or just straight-up ran out of ammo, you can create temporary solutions via basic crafting.

garena undawn crafting
No cauterization? Sad.

Your basic crafting tab can be found below your survival window button. Here you’ll be able to craft simple, yet effective tools – campfires in case you’re freezing or need light at night, bows and arrows if you’re hunting, ammo crates if you need more bullets, tactical gear for skill use, bandages and antibodies for keeping your HP and health topped up and so on. Always check this menu if you’re starving for the bare necessities; chances are the thing you’re looking for is in this menu!


Once you help the Nelson folks with their zombie problem, they’ll invite you to take a plot of land and build your own homestead. This is an incredible offer as a homestead serves as your home outside settlement walls and a safe place where you can retreat, recover, and resupply as needed.

Quick Tips:

  • Create building pieces at the construction workbench. Tap the hammer icon in the middle of the screen while at your homestead to place, rotate, replace, or retrieve building pieces.
  • Building pieces require raw materials which you get from the wild. Most of these items are added directly to your inventory by gathering at resource nodes.
  • It’s vital to add different crafting benches to your homestead so that you can not only rest and resupply in the wild but also access more crafting recipes and game mechanics.
  • If you join a camp and elect to move to the camp homestead, you can no longer build in your outpost homestead. However, any changes made to your camp homestead also show up in your outpost homestead, and you can still use the facilities you’ve placed down.


Yup, there’s building in Undawn. Given time and a little effort, you can turn your meager wood shanty into a more acceptable dwelling. Or you could make it an insane mess of wooden walls, roofs, and stairs. The choice is yours.

garena undawn construction workbench
Where the magic happens.

All construction work in your homestead begins at the construction workbench. Interact with this workbench to bring up a menu where you can construct building pieces, workstations, furniture, cabinets, and more. Oh, and refine raw materials into construction materials too. Just select the thing you want to build, indicate how many of it you want, wait a bit, and presto, new building piece!

garena undawn build
If only it was this easy to build a house in real life.

To place your building pieces, tap the hammer icon in the middle of the screen, then select the building piece you want to put down. You can then move around as normal to place your selected piece. Once you’re happy with the placement, just tap the yellow “place” icon.

garena undawn remove wall
Instant demolitions!

Removing pieces is simple, too. Just be in build mode (again, tap the hammer in the middle of the screen) but this time don’t select a building piece. Run up to the building piece you want to remove, then tap retrieve to remove it and place it back in wherever you keep your building pieces, or replace to switch it out with a different, but structurally similar piece, like another wall.

To create building pieces, you’ll need to gather materials in the wild – you just need to start gathering from a node to get those materials; “wood”, for example, comes from any tree and has no other use – or buy them from other players. As you level up, you’ll gain access to better-looking, sturdier, but more expensive building pieces.

Crafting Benches

Every homestead should have crafting benches. This way, you can consolidate your crafting and make everything neater and more organized. You also don’t really have a choice in this matter unless you plan on using storebought gear throughout the entire game, which I assure you is painful.

garena undawn crafting benches
Admittedly, it could look better.

There are a lot of different benches in Undawn. Armor and weapon crafting is just the tip of the iceberg – there are parts to make, equipment to repair, materials to refine, and so on. Suffice it to say, if you can build a new crafting bench at your homestead, do it and put it down immediately!

Having crafting benches in your homestead means you can fall back and recover while in the wilds while processing your loot and crafting new items. Each workbench unlocks more features, so always put down any benches you can.

Camp and Outpost Homesteads

If you’ve joined a Camp (guild), you’ll also be given the chance to create a camp homestead.

garena undawn windmill
Camp homesteads are also a *bit* more scenic than your hovel in the forest.

Note that if you have a camp homestead, you can no longer build in your outpost homestead. However, you can still do so in your camp homestead, and both homesteads are synchronized – anything you build in your camp homestead shows up in your outpost homestead. You can also continue to use any facilities you’ve built in your camp homestead, meaning you can still access your crafting and repair workbenches in the wilderness!

Mastering Post-Apocalyptic Combat

Whether you’re a farmer, a gatherer, a builder, or a dedicated PVP or PVE-er, you’ll need to learn how to fight in Undawn. After all, rare materials and drops don’t come out of thin air. This section will cover how to build, enhance, and modify gear on top of your combat options.

Quick Tips:

  • Always stay up to date with your equipment. Every 10 levels is the rough benchmark for new gear.
  • You can craft better gear at a crafting bench.
  • Crafted items can be of blue, purple, or orange tier. The higher the tier, the higher its base stats and the more substats it -can- have. There’s an 80% chance to craft a blue item, a 15% chance for a purple item, and a 5% chance for an orange item.
  • Before materials can be used for crafting, they must first be processed at a raw material workbench. You can only process 2800 normal (green) materials and 1400 advanced (blue) materials per day.
  • You can buy and sell processed materials by tapping on the “Trade” tab.
  • Equipment can be enhanced to increase its stats (mostly its main stat). Enhancement levels remain even when you switch gear – they’re effectively locked to each equipment slot.
  • You can also add mods to equipment to improve their performance. The higher your level, the more mods you can slot in.
  • You can build and deploy a drone to assist you in combat. Drones only stay on the field for a short while and can be created via crafting menu. Damaged drones will need to be repaired.
  • Drones are comprised of different modules. Customize a drone’s modules to change its combat role to match your playstyle.
  • Always check your combat preparedness. You can get a quick rundown of your status by going to the survival window and then tapping “Combat Readiness” in the top tabs.
  • Headshots do more damage to just about everything.
  • You can dash, roll, and jump in combat. All these maneuvers cost energy, with rolls costing the most. Rolls don’t have too many invincibility frames.
  • You can freely switch between your weapons in combat.
  • Use skills to get the edge in combat and unlock new maneuvers.
  • Skills are divided into throw, device, and passive skills.
  • Learning skills requires talent points, which you get from clearing strongholds or the Hold the Line game mode.

Gearing Up

As your level increases, you’ll face tougher and more demanding challenges that will require you to keep your gear updated if you want to remain an effective and resilient survivor. As a general rule, gear progression happens every 10 levels.

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Ramshackle, but it will work for now.

Gear in Undawn consists of several pieces. For offense, you have a ranged weapon, a heavy weapon, a melee weapon, and a drone for weapons. Protection, on the other hand, is comprised of body armor, headgear, clothes, pants, boots, and gloves. Try to fill up all these slots as soon as you can – any bonus is better than nothing at all.


Once you’ve filled up all your equipment slots, it’s time to make something that’s actually worth using. Yes, any equipment is better than none at all, but when we’re talking about crappy white gear, that’s not saying much. This is where crafting comes in.

garena undawn hk416 assault rifle
HOW exactly you craft a fine piece of German engineering out of twigs, rocks, iron, and flax is beyond me.

Crafting is easy. All you need to do is gather the materials you need for an item, go to your crafting bench in your homestead (you did put one down, right?) then tap the craft button. This will expend the materials and give you a new item that you can put to work immediately.

While base crafting is simple, it can get spicy. Whenever you craft a weapon or armor, there’s an 80% chance it will be of blue quality, a 15% chance of purple quality, and a 5% chance of orange quality. The higher an equipment’s quality, the better its main stat will be, and the more substats it can potentially roll. Thus, top-of-line gear will be orange quality with 6 substats. Even if you get all 6 substats, you can’t be sure that they will be the substats you want. As I said, spicy. Good luck.

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This gun will be all I need for a while.

Note that while the first tier of craftable weapons only requires raw resources, the next tiers (and armor) will start asking for refined materials – you can make these at your construction workbench. To stretch out your resources, I suggest prioritizing your guns and armor before your melee weapon as you’re unlikely to stick with a melee build.

Material Refining

So you’ve spent a good hour running around, punching trees, animals, and rocks. Now you’re ready to make a new gun. But wait – none of your resources are showing up. That’s because before raw materials can be used for crafting, they must be refined.

garena undawn material refining
Honestly, I think it’s just grind gating.

To refine raw materials, you need to bring them to a raw material workbench. Ideally, you’ll get one from doing your quests. Place it in your homestead, activate it, then feed it the raw materials you’ve gathered and tap “Refine”.

Note that there is a daily limit to how many resources you can refine for crafting. You can only process 2800 normal (green) materials and 1400 advanced (blue) materials per day. I suspect this limit is here to prevent infinite grinding.

On a side note, you can buy (and sell) processed materials to make a quick buck. Go to the “Trade” menu if you’re looking to exchange your stuff for coins.

Enhancing and Modding

Now that you have your new gear, it’s time to upgrade them to boost their performance even further. This is done by tapping the item in question, then tapping “Enhance”.

garena undawn enhancement
More numbers please!

Enhancing equipment is easy – just collect the required materials and pay the silver cost, and bam, new enhancement level. Each enhancement level gives a small, though significant boost to an equipment’s main stat, so don’t neglect to enhance your gear whenever you can. Oh, and if you’re worried about gear becoming obsolete, don’t fret. Enhancement levels are essentially bound to equipment slots, meaning that new equipment of that type will inherit any enhancement levels.

Upgrading isn’t the end of the production process. Most gear can be modded with various augments to make them even more effective!

garena undawn gear mod
Every little bit helps.

To mod an item, tap on it then tap “Assemble”. This will bring up the mod menu where you can install, replace, or remove compatible mods. As you gain levels, more mod slots will become available.

Note that you can switch between the enhancement and modding screens by tapping the rightmost tabs.


While we’re at the crafting bench, let’s make you a drone. Drones are powerful support units that you can call into battle, though they’ll only hang around for a short time.

garena undawn drone

Drones are neat as they’re essentially customizable support teammates. Whether you need more firepower or want your drone to focus on healing you, drones have an answer for a lot of problems the game throws at you.

Assembling a drone is much like assembling a weapon or armor – just head to your crafting workbench and select “Craft Drone”.

garena undawn drone craft
Customizable and modular.

A drone is made of a core module surrounded by different modules. You have access to multiple core types as well as attachments which will let you customize your drone and help it fulfill whatever combat role you have in mind for it.

Note that just like your other equipment, drones can lose durability when deployed in combat.

Combat Preparedness

It’s a good habit to check your gear to see if anything’s missing before going gung-ho on zombies. Luckily, there’s a quick tool to do so. Just open your survival window then tap the third header tab labeled “Combat Readiness”.

garena undawn combat preparedness
Ready to rock.

This menu gives you a quick readout of your gear’s durability, how much ammo you have, if your vehicle is repaired and fueled, and how many combat consumables you have. Make it a habit to check this – there’s nothing more annoying than running out of ammo in the field and having no materials to craft more!

Active Combat

Combat in Undawn is easy. Whether you decide to go with a gun or melee, all you need to do is tap on a thing until it dies. Easy, right? There, are, however, a few things I’d like to take the time to point out.

  • You both jump, dash, and roll in combat. All these cost stamina, with rolls costing the most. Note that rolls don’t have many (if any) invincibility frames!
  • Most creatures have weak points; usually, it’s their heads. Hitting this spot deals a lot more damage.
garena undawn active combat
In my sights.
  • When using a ranged weapon, it’s effective to use aim down sights to both stabilize your aim and make it easier to hit weak spots.
  • You can freely switch between your equipped weapons.


Filling enemies with lead is effective, but skills are even more effective at killing the undead.

garena undawn skill
Bomb voyage!

Skills are powerful combat maneuvers that you can use to get the edge in combat. To learn skills, open your menu then tap “Skills” to bring up your skill menu.

garena undawn skill menu
So many choices, so few points.

Skills are divided into three categories – throw, device, and passive. Throw skills consist of different types of throwables (usually grenades) that have a lot of different effects. Device skills are deployable items, such as mines, turrets, or even healing devices for those who want to play support. Passive skills provide (who would’ve thought) passive buffs that improve your efficiency at particular tasks, as well as unlock new maneuvers such as sliding. There are two types of passive skills: general and camp. General passives can be learned by anyone, while camp passives require you to have joined a camp and are tied to your camp’s training camp level.

garena undawn skill cost
Did you think they were free?

Learning skills isn’t free. To learn a skill, you’ll need to not only meet its level requirements but also pay silver and talent points. Silver is easy to get, but talent points are a different matter. To gather these points, you’ll need to clear zombie strongholds or participate in the Hold the Line game mode, which  you’ll unlock with the Ravens faction as you continue through the game. Camp passives, on the other hand, require Camp Contribution, which you’ll get by participating in camp activities.

Seeking Resources

Finally, let’s talk about the wide world of Undawn and what you’ll find beyond your walls. You can’t stay in your safe zone forever, and now that you’re fully armed and know how to handle yourself in a fight (I hope!) it’s time to seek opportunities and resources among the remains of our world – whether that’s by walking around and seeing where the wind takes you or via the game’s operations and events system!

Quick Tips:

  • You can gather at the various resource nodes in the wilderness. You automatically have a low-tier axe and pickaxe for chopping and mining.
  • If you’re looking for a particular type of resource, use the minimap and head toward the resource icons it highlights.
  • Once you unlock roles, doing gathering tasks gives you proficiency for that role. Get enough proficiency and that role levels up, netting you a skill point for that role’s skill tree.
  • You’re not locked into one role at a time. All node passives always apply.
  • Each region has exploration experience tied to it. Find caches, clear quests, do bounties, fix relay towers, and so on to gain experience for that region.
  • Exploration levels give you material rewards. You’ll occasionally get regional coins that can be spent in that region’s exploration shop. This shop contains unique items.
  • Participate in Special Operations to get a large chunk of materials. These can only be completed a few times every day/week.
  • Pay attention to announcements that appear in the upper right to participate in events.


One of the more important activities you’ll be doing while exploring is gathering. This involves mining, chopping, hunting, digging for vegetables, and so on.

garena undawn chop
These are the fastest-growing trees I’ve ever seen.

While you’re in the field, look out for trees, mineral nodes, plants, and so on. To start gathering, move near the appropriate resource and tap the prompt that appears. By default, you have basic gathering tools so you’ll be able to gather from the get-go.

As you gather from a node, you’ll notice yourself gaining both generic and named resources. Generic resources, such as “wood” or “stone” are used in construction, while named resources, like “iron ore” appear as items in your inventory and are used for crafting – remember that you need to refine them, though!

garena undawn map
Handy if you’re looking for specific items.

If you’re looking for specific items while gathering, you can check the minimap, which puts waypoints on gatherable nodes. These waypoints have markers depending on what kind of resource a node has; apples, for example, indicate fruits while leaf icons mean plant resources, such as flax.

Note that gathering is an exhausting activity and will accelerate your hunger gain – though with the amount of wild food and meat you bring back, this shouldn’t be a problem!


To help you get more out of your gathering trips, you can learn role skills.

garena undawn role skills
You may as well get better at hitting rocks, right?

Almost every task in the game has a corresponding role. Think of roles as job levels in other games – the more you do a particular task, like chopping wood, mining minerals, or hunting animals, the better you get at it. Roles aren’t restricted to just gathering though, and as you level up, you’ll unlock more specialized roles.

As you do tasks related to each role, you’ll gain proficiency in that task. Get enough proficiency and that role will level up, giving you a skill point to spend for that role’s skills. Note that you’re not locked to one role at a time and that role passives always apply!

Roles are unlocked at level 16 and completing the “logger” quest.

Exploration Goals

As with most open-world mobile games, Undawn rewards your exploration with various goodies. While you can pick up odd supply chests, find events, and power up relay towers on your own, you’re incentivized to complete all the exploration goals within a region. If you do take up this torch, you’ll be rewarded via the area exploration menu.

garena undawn exploration goals
This stuff really helps.

Completing exploration tasks within each region – events, wanted posters, signal towers, etc. – will give you a small amount of exploration experience. Accumulate enough exploration experience and that area will level up, giving you some money and essential materials.

garena undawn exploration shop
For the most dedicated.

That’s not all though. Keep exploring and you’ll eventually obtain that region’s coins, which can be exchanged at a special shop via the exploration menu. The stuff that each region shop offers is unique and can’t be found anywhere else, so if you see building pieces or cosmetics you like, get exploring!

To access this information (and your prizes), go to the main menu, then tap “Explore”.

Special Ops

For some reason, zombies hold events at regular schedules. Maybe it’s a remnant of our capitalistic society. Maybe they’re just efficient that way. One of those events is Special Operations. While you can’t find these in the wild, they’re important enough that I had to mention them here.

garena undawn special ops
Thanks for your punctuality.

Special Operations can only be completed a limited number of times daily (or weekly, in some cases). Make it a habit to clear these as they give out a lot of materials for crafting and enhancing!


Another way to get resources is to participate in semi-regular events. While you can check events via the game’s schedule system, an easier way is to watch out for the prompt that appears near the menu tab…

garena undawn event

…right there. This sign means that an event is starting soon, so if you want those resources and prizes, get going!

Play Undawn However You Want

Undawn really has a bit of something for everyone: fighters can challenge dungeons and strongholds, crafters can just sit at home, make gear, and sell them, farmers and cooks can keep crafting, and interior decorators can make…acceptable living quarters. Play the game however you wish – all the tools are there, just waiting to be used. As I mentioned at the beginning, this guide is a sampler for the game’s various systems and playstyles!

garena undawn end
We’ll just have to make the best out of wherever we are now.

That ends my beginner’s guide to Undawn and I hope I was able to help you get some direction regarding the game’s different playstyles, as well as set the stage for your post-apocalyptic life. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this guide or feel like sharing some tips and tricks of your own, the comment section below is now open!