Toysburg is a quirky game for Android and iOS mobile platforms created by Angry Mob Games, with a story that’s rich in alliteration – you are a toymaker who possesses the arcane artistry of mystical manufacture in the business of making toys. The toys that you make will make the children of the city get through the most bizarre situations – these toys can transform and unleash special powers, and you, as the main character, can collect coins, candies, and “crates of junk” that are, in reality, what you’ll need to make more toys. So now that we’ve done our best to describe what the game is all about, we’ll cut to the chase and share with you a couple of useful Toysburg cheats, tips and strategies.
1. Take Advantage Of The Speed Boost At Level 2
Since walking around town could take some time, you’ll want to take advantage of the speed boost that you’ll find as a green button over your character in Level 2. This allows you to walk around faster, though you can only use the boost for a few seconds before it expires. The boosts can reduce the time on your quest runs by a few seconds, but keep using them and you’ll save yourself a lot of time in the long run.
2. Order By Bulk, Not By Piece
You can choose to order by bulk or order piece by piece when you’re asked to assemble a new toy. We would advise ordering the entire toy, or buying it in bulk. That’s because ordering the complete toy would count as one order, while ordering by piece would count as multiple orders. So how does this work? Well, if you’re being asked to create three toys, order three of them completely assembled and you should be fine.
3. Ordering By Piece Does Help At Times
There is an upshot to ordering piece by piece. There would be times when a non-playing character would return a toy with a defective part, and if you purchase “spare parts” by piece, you’ll be saving money as opposed to buying the entire toy.
4. Don’t Buy Expansion Upgrades For Your Storage
The only way you can upgrade your storage is to spend premium currency – don’t. Most players won’t need to have all that storage filled up completely, so save yourself the hassle and save yourself some premium currency as well.
5. Knock Boxes Off The Roofs Of Unsafe Drivers’ Cars
Toysburg may sound like a great place to live in, especially if you’re a kid, but the adults are another story – they seem to have a thing for unsafe driving practices. You can show them who’s boss by knocking boxes off the roofs of these drivers’ vehicles. The boxes contain loot that may help you complete certain quests, and if you don’t need whatever you find in the boxes, you always have the option to sell them.
6. Use Costumes To Your Advantage
All of the characters in Toysburg will be amenable to wear certain costumes, but disagreeable to wear other types. Keeping this in mind, look for an NPC with a bad guy icon above their head if you need a pirate, for instance. That’ll allow the character to be a bad guy for some time, while also helping you complete whatever quest you have.