The Quest Keeper is a mobile game designed by Tyson Ibele for iOS and Android devices. In the game you are helping a lowly peasant in its goal to become a powerful dungeon master. There are ten quests in this game, lots of items, upgrades, and endless dungeon running fun. In essence, this game can be called a platformer, and regardless of whether you’ve played similar types of games or not, we hope you’d check out the following The Quest Keeper cheats, tips and tricks, as they just might help you getting further in the game.
1. Don’t Use Your Revive Points On The First Quest
Starting out in this game, you’ll be on the default endless quest, which is called Eternal Quest of the Dark Order. Yes, this quest is “eternal” indeed, and along the way you’ll pass by numerous treasure chests with coins. There won’t be too many coins early on, but you’ll earn more as you go further in the level. The purple panels contain your revive points, and stepping on one of these panels essentially makes use of these points. As you’ll be asked if you want to revive at the last panel should you get killed early on, we should warn you that this is not the level where you want to revive in.
2. Use Your Coins To Buy The Additional Quests
This is where your coins will come in, and this is the reason why reviving in the first quest is not a good idea. These quests, unlike the default one, have a definite ending, and completing these quests will earn you an artifact; one artifact collected is equivalent to half a heart. Half a heart can cover for one trap, so do also keep that in mind.
3. Paid Quests Have Entry Fees
The default quest won’t require you to pay anything to enter, and as we said, that’s where you can get a lot of coins in the chests. Not so in the paid quests, as you’ll be charged an entry fee, and won’t run into any chests with coins. Oh well, there had to be a catch and this is it.
4. Buy Equipment
In the wizard’s domain, you’ll see three chests, each containing different types of items. Shoes, for instance, keep you protected from hazards on the floor. Shirts are designed to protect you from traps and enemies. Held items can do a number of things, including opening chests that are nearby or slowing down traps. And once you go a specific distance, you can even get some random equipment, instead of having to buy these items.
5. Tweak The Control Settings
Once again, this takes place in or around the wizard’s domain. Stepping on the cog to the right of the base brings up the settings, and it’s there where you can change Continuous Drag and Swipe Sensitivity to your liking – we suggest sensitivity be set low and drag be enabled for best results in this game.