For the past several days, Tap Tycoon – Country vs Country has been a primary focus of ours. And it’s no wonder why – this is a very addictive clicker game that’s similar in a way to AdVenture Capitalist and others that allow you to become richer than you’ve ever imagined (in-game, naturally) simply by …
Tap tycoon guide
By now, you’ve seen us cover Tap Tycoon – Country vs Country quite a bit. With a glut of big releases in the final month of 2015, the game has emerged as a big hit on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, and we’d say it’s because of its simple gameplay and the …
Recently, we featured Tap Tycoon a new casual tapper from Game Hive that offers a lot of twists on similar games like AdVenture Capitalist and others. It’s the sequel to Tap Titans, again available for Android and iOS devices, and its selling points include being the “world’s first country vs country incremental” game, as well …
Tap Tycoon – Country vs Country, or simply Tap Tycoon, is a new mobile game from Game Hive, the same company that had given us Tap Titans previously. This game is advertised as the world’s first country vs country incremental game. According to Game Hive, your goal in the game is to lead you country …