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Storyteller: A Complete Walkthrough

Storyteller is a puzzle game where the objective is to create the story by placing the scenes and characters on panels in a sequence that reflects the given title or challenge. It was created by Daniel Benmergui, an indie game developer who also created I Wish I Were the Moon, Today I Die, and Fidel Dungeon Rescue.

Because of its unique gameplay, it was given an innovation award, the Nuovo, at the Independent Games Festival back in 2012. Due to unavoidable life circumstances, the developer had to abandon the game in 2015 and only started working on it again a few years later.

The game finally released a demo in 2021 and was published this year, in 2023, under Annapurna Interactive to iOS, Android, PC, and Nintendo Switch. Presently, it is played by various content creators who are charmed by its lovely graphics and intriguing gameplay.

storyteller intro

As with most puzzle games, it is unavoidable to get stuck in certain levels and a little help is required to get past it. With this walkthrough, we hope to guide fellow players of this wonderful game. Take note that the solutions we have come up with for each puzzle are based on our experience and may be different for other players. 

storyteller intro 2
Table of Contents

General Game Mechanics

Creating a Story

storyteller story

In each level, you are given 3-8 empty panels with which you can place Scenes or Characters to form a story based on the title of the level or the challenge you are trying to accomplish. Not all panels have to be used to complete a goal, but they can still be filled to make variations.

Scenes are represented by icons on scrolls and are the very first thing you’ll need to place on a panel. Scenes represent the setting of the panel and can hold 1-3 Characters. Characters will interact differently with each other depending on the Scene and the objects that come with it. Some Scenes may also need no characters for it to be used.

The sequence of the panels greatly affects the narrative and will tell different stories. Whatever happens to the Characters in the last panel will depend on what happened in the previous ones. But there won’t be any need to redo panels since you can easily move them around with the characters intact. Certain levels will also have bonus puzzles marked with a dot.

The Scenes

IconImageSceneDescriptionDevil Effects
storyteller affairstoryteller affair imageAffair1 character in the bush spies on 2 characters expressing their love.n/a
storyteller amnesiastoryteller amnesia imageAmnesia1 character forgetting everything that happened in the previous panels.n/a
storyteller ballroomstoryteller ballroom imageBallroom2 characters’ interactions here will be based on previous panels.The Devil doesn’t do anything if he’s alone. If he isn’t, he will scare living characters and will offer a contract to ghost characters. If the Devil is in a Witness scene in a previous panel, the portrait in the middle will have a scary face that scares other characters in the scene. If a character tries to shoot the Devil, he will just dodge it.
storyteller cauldronstoryteller cauldron imageCauldron1 character can be placed in the scene and will usually be disgusted by the concoction in the cauldron. Only the Witch can use the cauldron to transform herself into a beautiful woman or her ugly self.The Devil will pour his own concoction in the cauldron. If the Witch drinks it, she will turn into a frog.
storyteller cliffstoryteller cliff imageCliffA character with a motive to kill will push off the character nearest to the edge.n/a
storyteller cryptstoryteller crypt imageCryptVampires placed in this scene will be asleep. Other characters will be scared.n/a
storyteller deathstoryteller death imageDeathA character will grieve the character in the grave if they love them. Characters that do not know each other or feel anything for each other will not grieve.The Devil will laugh at the grave if placed on the left and will vandalize the grave if placed on the right.The vandalism will be based on the loved one of the character on the left. If they aren’t connected to anyone, they will draw that character’s face instead
storyteller disguisestoryteller disguise imageDisguiseOnly the Baron and the Detective have any interactions with this scene. The Baron can use it to change into his Dragon costume or change out of it. The Detective can investigate the costume if the Baron has used it and committed a crime.n/a
storyteller executestoryteller execute imageExecuteA crowned character executes a character they hate.The Devil places his trident on the guillotine, preventing anyone from executing anyone.
storyteller familystoryteller family imageFamilyUsed to determine familial relations between 2 characters.n/a
storyteller fightstoryteller fight imageFightUsed to create friction between 2 characters.n/a
storyteller foreststoryteller forest imageForest2 characters’ interactions here will be based on previous panels. If they have not interacted before, they may express their fondness for another character.The Devil doesn’t do anything if he’s alone. If he isn’t, he will scare living characters and will offer a contract to ghost characters.
storyteller gunstoryteller gun imageGunThe Butler can take the gun to kill the Duke and Duchess without a prompt from previous panels. The Duke will hold the gun and the Duchess will ignore the gun if they have no motive to use it. The Detective will search the gun for fingerprints if someone had died or reported something in previous panels.If the gun is in the scene, the Devil will replace it with a toy gun. Repeating the same scene with the Devil will make him replace the toy gun with the real gun. If there is no gun, the Devil just shrugs.
storyteller judgmentstoryteller judgment imageJudgmentIf characters eat the apple from the snake in the previous panels, the god will zap them if they appear here.The Devil will automatically be zapped even if he hasn’t done anything in the previous panels.
storyteller kidnapstoryteller kidnap imageKidnapIf the character on the left hates the character in the cage, they will imprison them. If not, they will do nothing. Imprisoned characters can be saved by characters who do not hate them in the next panel in the same scene.If placed in the cage, the Devil will scare the character on the left. If placed on the left, the Devil will imprison the character in the cage.
storyteller kissstoryteller kiss imageKiss2 characters who like each other will kiss. If one of them does not like the other, they will not kiss. If there is a transformed frog, that frog will turn back into their original form.If the Devil is with someone, he will scare them. If the Devil is alone, he will drill a hole in the boat, causing people who use it in the next panels to sink.
storyteller lovestoryteller love imageLove2 characters express their love.n/a
storyteller mirror astoryteller mirror a imageMirror (Normal)A character looks at themselves in the mirror.n/a
storyteller mirror bstoryteller mirror b imageMirror (Witch’s)The mirror tells the character who they think is the fairest of them all.n/a
storyteller moonstoryteller moon imageMoonTransforms Bernard into a werewolf if it is a full moon. He will turn back into a human if he is placed in the same scene with a crescent moon in the panel after that.n/a
storyteller nightstoryteller night imageNightVampire characters will bite non-vampire characters. Regular characters will just look scared or hug each other here.n/a
storyteller poisonstoryteller poison imagePoisonAngry characters will use it to poison someone’s wine. Heartbroken characters will drink it to end their life.The Devil spits into it, making anyone who drinks it breathe fire in the next panel.
storyteller professorstoryteller professor imageProfessorThe Professor smiles at Jon and Mina but will be neutral to anyone else. He will repel vampires with garlic and tell the next person who visits him to kill the threat with a stake. If a character reports a monster sighting to him, he will give that character a gun. He cries when shown Jon or Mina’s dead body.n/a
storyteller remorsestoryteller remorse imageRemorseA character will feel guilty if they have killed someone in the previous panels.n/a
storyteller revivestoryteller revive imageReviveRevives a dead character. Any living character placed here will just shrug.The Devil just shrugs.
storyteller seancestoryteller seance imageSeanceA character killed in the previous panel will tell the living character who killed them as a ghost. They will be angry at the character who killed them if they are placed in the scene together.n/a
storyteller temptstoryteller tempt imageTemptA snake tempts a character to eat an apple. If another character is placed in this scene for the next panel, the first character who ate the apple will offer the apple to them instead.The Devil paints the apple to make it look different to the other characters. If they rejected the apple previously, they will eat the painted apple.
storyteller thronestoryteller throne imageThroneA crowned character will sit on the throne. Any uncrowned character will do nothing if someone else is currently crowned. If there are no living crowned characters, the character placed here will be crowned.The Devil just sleeps on the throne.
storyteller timestoryteller time imageTimeNo characters can be placed in this scene. It will age up the characters shown in the previous panel, making them older or dead in the next panels.n/a
storyteller waitstoryteller wait imageWait2 characters do nothing but wait.The Devil cuts the tree in the middle, making it fall on the character placed in the same scene on the next panel, killing them. If there are 2 characters, the one on the left will be killed.
storyteller weddingstoryteller wedding imageWeddingMarries two characters that love each other. May also marry two characters if one of the characters has an ulterior motive. Will not marry characters that are already married or do not like each other.The Devil doesn’t do anything if he’s alone. If he isn’t, he will scare living characters and will offer a contract to ghost characters.
storyteller winestoryteller wine imageWineA character placed here will drink wine. If heartbroken, they will fall asleep from drinking. If someone who is angry at them were placed in the Poison scene before this scene, they will be poisoned.n/a
storyteller witnessstoryteller witness imageWitnessA character placed here will be able to see the actions of the people in the ballroom in the next panels.n/a

The Characters

storyteller adamAdamAlways eats the apple offered by Eve and the Snake but will reject it if he is zapped or witnesses Eve get zapped because of it.
storyteller baronBaronWill do anything to get the crown including kidnapping, murdering or marrying anyone who is crowned. The only character that can slip into a Dragon disguise.
storyteller bernardBernardThe only character that can turn into a werewolf in the Moon scene. Will attack anyone but the Baron disguised as a Dragon when in werewolf form. Loves dogs.
storyteller butlerButlerHates the Duke and the Dutchess and will always shoot them if he has the Duke’s gun. Will hide the gun from the Detective.
storyteller blueyBlueyNo specific traits.
storyteller devilDevilScares any character placed next to him in a scene with no props. Almost always messes with scenes with props. Will only appear once all the main chapters have been solved and the crown is obtained.
storyteller detectiveDetectiveCan investigate props in a scene and can arrest guilty characters.
storyteller draculaDraculaCan change anyone but the Professor into a vampire. Will turn into dust when killed with a stake.
storyteller duchessDuchessAlways asks for a different drink than the drink the Butler has. Hates the Duke’s gun. Flirts with the King.
storyteller dukeDukeAlways asks for a different drink than the drink the Butler has. Loves his gun.
storyteller edgarEdgarLoves dogs.
storyteller eveEveAlways eats the apple offered by Adam and the Snake but will reject it if she is zapped or witnesses Adam get zapped because of it.
storyteller friedrichFriedrichIf armed with a gun, will shoot anyone who hurts his beloved. Will never eat the apple.
storyteller froggyFroggyDoes not do anything and only interacts with the Witch’s mirror.
storyteller greenyGreenyNo specific traits.
storyteller hateyHateyKills characters that they hate or makes them angry.
storyteller isobelIsobelHates dogs and will poison or kill characters that they hate.
storyteller jonJonNo specific traits.
storyteller julietJulietNo specific traits.
storyteller kingKingLoves the Queen and the Maid. Will kill or imprison anyone who betrays him.
storyteller knightKnightLoves the Queen and is very loyal to her. Will only take up the crown if the Queen has died (or thinks the Queen has died) and will kill or imprison anyone who betrays her.
storyteller lenoraLenoraNo specific traits.
storyteller maidMaidLoves the King and will kill or imprison anyone who betrays him.
storyteller minaMinaNo specific traits.
storyteller peachyPeachyNo specific traits.
storyteller princePrinceFalls in love with beautiful women but will reject men and ugly characters.
storyteller queenQueenLoves the King. Will only marry crowned men if the King dies or if she loses her crown. Will only marry a woman or any characters with no crown if she was rescued from a kidnapping. Will kill or imprison anyone who betrays her.
storyteller snowySnowyNo specific traits.
storyteller tinyTinyNo specific traits.
storyteller witch uglyWitch (Ugly)Gets angry when her mirror tells her someone else is more beautiful than her. Will turn characters she hates into frogs. Becomes beautiful after drinking from her cauldron.
storyteller witch beautifulWitch (Beautiful)Gets angry when her mirror tells her someone else is more beautiful than her. Becomes ugly after drinking from her cauldron.

Main Chapters

Chapter 1: Life and Death

storyteller chapter 1 life and death

1. Love – Adam Starts Alone, Finds Love, and Dies Happy

storyteller love - adam starts alone, finds love, and dies happy
1Adam (loveless)
2Adam & Eve (in love)
3Adam (in grave)


  • Eve (crying) in Panel 3.

2. Heartbreak – Eve Dies Heartbroken

storyteller heartbreak - eve dies heartbroken
1LoveEve & Adam (in love)
2DeathEve (heartbroken), Adam (in grave)
3DeathEve (in grave)


  • The only variation we know is Adam and Eve switching positions in Panel 1.

3. Afterlife – Seeing the Ghost of a Lover

storyteller afterlife - seeing the ghost of a lover
1LoveAdam & Eve (in love)
2DeathAdam (heartbroken), Eve (in grave)
3LoveAdam (spooked), Eve (ghost)


  • Adam and Eve can switch roles.

4. Miracle – Heartbreak with a Happy Ending

storyteller miracle heartbreak with a happy ending
1LoveEve & Adam (in love)
2DeathEve (heartbroken), Adam (in grave)
3ReviveAdam (revived)
4LoveEve (surprised) & Adam (in love)


  • Adam and Eve can switch roles.

Chapter 2: Broken Hearts

storyteller chapter 2 broken hearts

1. Recovery – A Heartbreak is Healed

storyteller recovery - a heartbreak is healed
1WeddingEdgar & Lenora (marry)
2DeathEdgar (heartbroken), Lenora (grave)
3WeddingEdgar & Isobel (marry)


  • Any two people can be matched.

…without any deaths

storyteller a heartbreak is healed...without any deaths
1WeddingEdgar & Lenora (marry)
2WeddingLenora (rejects), Bernard (heartbroken)
3WeddingBernard & Isobel (marry)


  • All characters can take on any role.

2. Dismay – Rejected by Own Spouse

storyteller dismay - rejected by own spouse
1WeddingEdgar & Lenora (marry)
2AmnesiaEdgar (forgets)
3WeddingEdgar & Isobel (marry)
4WeddingEdgar (rejects), Lenora (heartbroken)


  • All characters can take on any role.

3. Unlucky – Everyone Rejects Edgar

storyteller unlucky - everyone rejects edgar
1WeddingLenora & Bernard (marry)
2WeddingEdgar (heartbroken), Bernard (rejects)
3WeddingEdgar (heartbroken), Lenora (rejects)
4DeathLenora (heartbroken), Bernard (in grave)
5WeddingIsobel & Leonora (marry)
6WeddingEdgar (heartbroken), Isobel (rejects)


  • All characters except Edgar can take on any role.
  • 2 weddings and 1 death needs to happen in order for all characters to reject Edgar but these can be changed in order.

4. Grief – Surviving Spouses Find Comfort

storyteller grief - surviving spouses find comfort
1WeddingLenora & Edgar (marry)
2WeddingIsobel & Bernard (marry)
3DeathIsobel (heartbroken), Bernard (in grave)
4DeathLenora (heartbroken), Edgar (in grave)
5WeddingLenora & Isobel (marry)


  • All characters can take on any role.
  • 2 weddings and 2 deaths need to happen before marrying the surviving spouses. The order of the 4 events can be mixed around but the wedding of 2 characters must occur before the death of 1 of them.
  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

Chapter 3: Apparitions

storyteller chapter 3 apparitions

1. Revelation – Edgar Shocks Himself

storyteller revelation - edgar shocks himself
1DeathEdgar (in grave)
2AmnesiaEdgar (forgets)
3MirrorEdgar (surprised at reflection)


  • We found no other variation.

2. Reunion – Heartbroken Spouses are Reunited

storyteller reunion - heartbroken spouses are reunited
1WeddingEdgar & Lenora (marry)
2DeathEdgar (heartbroken), Lenora (in grave)
3ReviveLenora (revived)
4DeathLenora (heartbroken), Edgar (in grave)
5ReviveEdgar (revived)
6WeddingEdgar & Lenora (marry)


  • Characters can switch roles.

…in the afterlife

storyteller heartbroken spouses are the afterlife
1WeddingEdgar & Lenora (marry)
2DeathEdgar (heartbroken), Lenora (in grave)
3ReviveLenora (revives)
4DeathLenora (heartbroken), Edgar (in grave)
5DeathLenora (in grave)
6WeddingEdgar (ghost) & Lenora (ghost) (marry)


  • Characters can switch roles.

3. Calamity – Heartbreak for Everyone

storyteller calamity - heartbreak for everyone
1WeddingEdgar & Lenora (marry)
2WeddingEdgar (rejects), Bernard (heartbroken)
3DeathEdgar (heartbroken), Lenora (in grave)
4WeddingEdgar & Bernard (marry)
5ReviveLenora (revives)
6WeddingEdgar (rejects), Lenora (heartbroken)


  • Many variations can be made as long as all three characters are heartbroken at least once throughout the story.
  • Characters can be heartbroken by the death of a loved one or rejection at the wedding.

4. Aging – Old Heartbroken Dog Dies Happy

storyteller aging - old heartbroken dog dies happy
1LoveDog & Edgar (love)
2DeathDog (heartbroken), Edgar (in grave)
4ReviveEdgar (revives)
5LoveOld Dog & Edgar (love)
6DeathOld Dog (in grave)


  • Edgar can also be in the last panel grieving his dog.

Chapter 4: The Cellar

storyteller chapter 4 the cellar

1. Poison – Lenora Drinks Poison

storyteller poison - lenora drinks poison
1WeddingEdgar & Lenora (marry)
2GraveLenora (heartbroken), Edgar (in grave)
3PoisonLenora (drinks poison)


  • Lenora can also be prompted to drink poison if you marry Edgar and Bernard in Panel 1, and have one of them reject her in Panel 2.

2. Tragedy – Double Poison

storyteller tragedy - double poison
1WeddingEdgar & Lenora (marry)
2DeathLenora (heartbroken), Edgar (in grave)
3PoisonLenora (drinks poison)
4ReviveEdgar (revives)
5DeathEdgar (heartbroken), Lenora (in grave)
6PoisonEdgar (drinks poison)


  • Characters can switch roles.

someone drinks poison twice

storyteller double poison - someone drinks poison twice
1WeddingEdgar & Lenora (marry)
2DeathLenora (heartbroken), Edgar (in grave)
3PoisonLenora (drinks poison)
4ReviveLenora (revives)
5DeathLenora (heartbroken), Edgar (in grave)
6PoisonLenora (drinks poison)


  • Characters can switch roles.

3. Haunt – Isobel is Haunted by her Husband

storyteller haunt - isobel is haunted by her husband
1WeddingIsobel & Edgar (marry)
2FightIsobel & Edgar (angry)
3PoisonIsobel (poisons Edgar’s wine)
4WineEdgar (dies from poison)
5WeddingIsobel (shocked), Edgar (ghost)


  • Panel 5’s scene can be Fight instead.
  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

4. Envy – Murder of Jealousy

storyteller envy - murder of jealousy
1WeddingEdgar & Lenora (marry)
2WeddingEdgar (rejects), Isobel (angry)
3PoisonIsobel (poisons Lenora’s wine)
4WineLenora (dies from poison)


  • Edgar can drink the poisoned wine instead of Lenora.
  • Lenora & Edgar can switch roles.
  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

but everyone meets their demise

storyteller murder of jealousy but everyone meets their demise
1WeddingEdgar & Lenora (marry)
2WeddingEdgar (rejects), Isobel (angry)
3PoisonIsobel (poisons Lenora’s wine)
4WineLenora (dies from poison)
5PoisonEdgar (drinks poison)
6PoisonIsobel (drinks poison)


  • Edgar can drink the poisoned wine instead of Lenora.
  • Lenora & Edgar can switch roles.

Chapter 5: Beauty

storyteller chapter 5 beauty

1. Competition – Witch Becomes the Mirror’s Favorite

storyteller witch becomes the mirror's favorite
1MirrorWitch (angry)
2CauldronWitch (turns ugly)
3ForestWitch, Snowy (turns into a frog)
4CauldronWitch (turns beautiful)
5MirrorWitch (complimented)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

2. Scorn – Curse is Lifted

storyteller scorn - curse is lifted
1KissWitch (angry), Prince (rejects)
2ForestWitch, Prince (turns into a frog)
3ForestSnowy & Prince (talk)
4KissSnowy & Prince (kiss, reverses curse)


  • We found no other variation.

3. Duplicity – A Kiss and a Curse

storyteller duplicity - a kiss and a curse
1KissWitch (angry), Prince (rejects)
2ForestWitch, Prince (turns into a frog)
3CauldronWitch (turns beautiful)
4KissWitch & Prince (kiss, reverses curse)


  • The kiss can happen before the curse by making the Witch beautiful first, then kiss the Prince before turning back, getting rejected and turning the Prince into a frog.
  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

4. Deceit – Tiny Gets a Kiss

storyteller deceit - tinky gets a kiss
1MirrorWitch (angry at Snowy)
2ForestWitch, Snowy (turns into a frog)
3ForestSnowy (frog) & Tiny (talk)
4KissTiny & Snowy (kiss, reverses curse)
5KissTiny (heartbroken), Snowy (rejects)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

Prince saves Tiny

storyteller princes saves tiny
1KissWitch (angry), Tiny (rejects)
2ForestWitch, Tiny (turns into a frog)
3MirrorWitch (angry at Snowy)
4ForestWitch, Snowy (turns into a frog)
5ForestSnowy (frog) & Prince (talk)
6KissPrince & Tiny (kiss, reverses curse)


  • We found no other variation.

Chapter 6: The Manor

storyteller chapter 6 the manor

1. Murder – Butler’s Rampage

storyteller murder - butler's rampage
1GunButler (takes gun)
2BallroomButler (shoots), Duke (dead)
3BallroomButler (shoots), Duchess (dead)


  • Duke and Dutchess can switch roles.

2. Weapon – Duke Feels Relief

storyteller weapon - duke feels relief
1GunButler (takes gun)
2GunDuke (panics)
3GunButler (returns gun)
4GunDuke (loves gun)


  • We found no other variation.

3. Telltale – Murderer is Arrested

storyteller telltale - murderer is arrested
1GunButler (takes gun)
2BallroomButler (shoots), Duke (dead)
3RemorseButler (guilty)
4BallroomButler (admits crime, arrested), Detective (arrests)


  • We found no other variation.

4. Fingerprints – Someone Gets Arrested


storyteller fingerprints - someone gets arrested
1GunButler (takes gun)
2BallroomButler (shoots), Duke (dead)
3GunButler (returns gun)
4GunDetective (investigates gun)
5BallroomButler (arrested), Detective (arrests)


  • The Duchess can replace the Duke.
  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.


storyteller innocent
1GunButler (takes gun)
2BallroomButler (shoots), Duchess (dead)
3GunButler (returns gun)
4GunDuke (touches gun)
5GunDetective (investigates gun)
6BallroomDuke (arrested), Detective (arrests)


  • We found no other variation.

Chapter 7: Crown Intrigue

storyteller chapter 7 crown intrigue

1. Rivals – Four Deaths

storyteller rivals four deaths
1CliffBaron (stabs), Knight (falls)
2CliffKnight (ghost, scares), Baron (falls)
3ReviveKnight (revives)
4ReviveBaron (revives)
5CliffKnight (pushes), Baron (falls)
6CliffBaron (scares), Knight (falls)


  • The Knight and the Baron can switch roles in the last four panels.

2. Rescue – The Queen is Rescued

storyteller rescue - the queen is rescued
1KidnapBaron (pulls lever), Queen (imprisoned)
2KidnapKnight (pulls lever), Queen (freed & in love)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

…and married

storyteller the queen is rescued and married
1KidnapBaron (pulls lever), Queen (imprisoned)
2KidnapKnight (pulls lever), Queen (freed & in love)
3WeddingKnight & Queen (marry)


  • We found no other variation.


storyteller revenge
1KidnapBaron (pulls lever), Queen (imprisoned)
2KidnapKnight (pulls lever), Queen (freed & in love)
3KidnapQueen (pulls lever), Baron (imprisoned)


  • We found no other variation.

3. Usurpers – Everyone Sits on the Throne

storyteller usurper - everyone sits on the throne
1ThroneQueen (sitting)
2CliffBaron (stabs), Queen (falls)
3ThroneKnight (sitting, crowned)
4CliffBaron (stabs), Knight (falls)
5ThroneBaron (sitting, crowned)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

4. Forgiven – Usurper is Forgiven

storyteller forgiven - usurper is forgiven
1KidnapDog (pulls lever), Queen (imprisoned)
2ThroneDog (crowned)
3KidnapDog (pulls lever), Queen (freed)
4KidnapQueen (pulls lever), Dog (imprisoned)
5ThroneQueen (crowned)
6KidnapQueen (pulls lever), Dog (freed)


  • We found no other variation.

5. Suitor – The Queen Marries

storyteller suitor - the queen marries
1DisguiseBaron (wears dragon disguise)
2KidnapBaron (dragon, pulls lever), Queen (imprisoned)
3DisguiseBaron (removes disguise)
4KidnapBaron (pulls lever), Queen (freed & in love)
5WeddingQueen & Baron (marry)


  • The Baron can imprison the Queen first then free and marry her in his dragon disguise.
  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

Chapter 8: Secrets

storyteller chapter 8 secrets

1. Red-Handed – Murderer Gets Arrested

storyteller red-handed - murderer gets arrested
1GunButler (takes gun)
2WitnessDetective (peeks)
3BallroomButler (shoots), Duke (dead)
4BallroomDetective (arrest), Butler (arrested)


  • We found no other variation.

2. Thief – Butler Gets Fired

storyteller thief - butler gets fired
1GunButler (takes gun)
2WitnessDuke (peeks)
3BallroomButler (holds gun)
4GunButler (returns gun)
5BallroomButler (shocked), Duke (angry)


  • We found no other variation.
  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

3. Revenge – Spouse Gets Vengeance

storyteller revenge - spouse gets vengeance
1GunButler (takes gun)
2WitnessDuchess (peeks)
3BallroomButler (shoots), Duke (dead)
4GunButler (returns gun)
5GunDuchess (takes gun)
6BallroomDuchess (shoots), Butler (dead)


  • The Duke and the Duchess can switch roles.

4. Report – Duchess Gets Murderer Arrested

storyteller report - duchess gets murderer arrested
1GunButler (takes gun)
2WitnessDuchess (peeks)
3BallroomButler (shoots), Duke (dead)
4BallroomDuchess (reports crime), Detective
5BallroomButler (arrested), Detective (arrests)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

but the duke isn’t home

storyteller duchess gets murderer arrested but the duke isn't home
1GunButler (takes gun)
2WitnessDuchess (peeks)
3BallroomButler (holds gun)
4BallroomDuchess (reports crime), Detective
5BallroomDuchess (dead), Butler (shoots)
6BallroomButler (arrested), Detective (arrests)


  • We found no other variation.

Chapter 9: Justice

storyteller chapter 9 justice

1. Treason – Usurper Dies

storyteller treason - usurper dies
1KidnapBaron (pulls lever), Queen (imprisoned)
2ThroneBaron (crowned)
3KidnapKnight (pulls lever), Queen (freed)
4KidnapQueen (pulls lever), Baron (imprisoned)
5ThroneQueen (crowned)
6ExecuteQueen (executes), Baron (executed)


  • The Knight can imprison the Baron instead in panel 4.

by the hand of the knight

storyteller usurper dies by the hand of the knight
1KidnapBaron (pulls lever), Queen (imprisoned)
2ThroneBaron (crowned)
3ExecuteBaron (executes), Queen (executed)
4KidnapKnight (pulls lever), Baron (imprisoned)
5ThroneKnight (crowned)
6ExecuteKnight (executes), Baron (executed)


  • We found no other variation.

2. Unforgiven – Knight Loses His Head

storyteller unforgiven - knight loses his dead
1DeathKnight (heartbroken), Queen (in grave)
2ThroneKnight (crowned)
3ReviveQueen (revived)
4KidnapQueen (pulls lever), Knight (imprisoned)
5ThroneQueen (crowned)
6ExecuteQueen (executes), Knight (executed)


  • We found no other variation.

3. Stockholm – The Execution

of the queen

storyteller the execution of the queen
1KidnapBaron (pulls lever), Queen (imprisoned)
2AmnesiaQueen (forgets)
3KidnapBaron (pulls lever), Queen (freed & in love)
4WeddingQueen & Baron (marry)
5ExecuteBaron (executes), Queen (executed)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

of the baron

storyteller the execution of the baron
1KidnapBaron (pulls lever), Queen (imprisoned)
2AmnesiaBaron (forgets)
3KidnapBaron (pulls lever), Queen (freed)
4ExecuteQueen (execute), Baron (executed)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

4. Matriarch – Queen Beheads All Men

storyteller matriarch - queen beheads all men
1CliffBaron (stabs), Queen (falls)
2ReviveQueen (revives)
3ThroneKnight (crowned)
4WeddingQueen & Knight (marry)
5ExecuteQueen (executes), Knight (executed)
6ExecuteQueen (executes), Baron (executed)


  • 2nd and 3rd panels are interchangeable.
  • 5th and 6th panels are interchangeable.

Chapter 10: Genesis

storyteller chapter 10 genesis

1. Temptation – Eve Rejects Apple

storyteller temptation - eve rejects apple
1TemptAdam (eats apple)
2JudgmentAdam (zapped), Eve (shocked)
3TemptEve (does not eat apple)


  • We found no other variation.

2. Punishment – God is Happy at Everyone

storyteller punishment - god is happy at everyone
1TemptAdam (eats apple)
2JudgmentAdam (zapped), Eve (shocked)
3ReviveAdam (revived)
4TemptAdam (does not eat apple)
5TemptEve (does not eat apple)
6JudgmentAdam & Eve (happy)


  • Adam and Even can switch roles.

3. Repentance – Adam Watches His Love Die

storyteller repentance - adam watches his love die
1LoveEve & Adam (love)
2TemptEve (eats apple)
3JudgmentAdam (heartbroken), Eve (zapped)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

…because of him

storyteller adam watches his love die because of him
1LoveEve & Adam (love)
2TemptAdam (eats apple)
3TemptEve (eats apple)
4JudgmentAdam (zapped)
5ReviveAdam (revives)
6JudgmentAdam (heartbroken), Eve (zapped)


  • We found no other variation.

4. Vengeance – Friedrich Takes Revenge

storyteller friedrich takes revenge
1LoveEve & Friedrich (love)
2TemptEve (eats apple)
3JudgmentEve (zapped), Friedrich (heartbroken)
4GunFriedrich (takes gun)
5JudgmentFriedrich (shoots god)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

Chapter 11: The King

storyteller chapter 11 the king

1. Noxious – Cyclic, Mutually Toxic Love Affair

storyteller noxious - cyclic, mutually toxic love affair
1LoveQueen & King (love)
2FightQueen & King (fight)
3AmnesiaQueen (forgets)
4AmnesiaKing (forgets)
5LoveQueen & King (love)
6FightQueen & King (fight)


  • We found no other variation.

2. Spite – Double Execution

storyteller spite - double execution
1AffairQueen (in bushes), King & Maid (affair)
2ExecuteQueen (executes), Maid (executed)
3ExecuteQueen (executes), King (executed)


  • We found no other variation.

where the king takes revenge

storyteller double execution where the king takes revenge
1AffairQueen (in bushes), King & Maid (affair)
2ExecuteQueen (executes), Maid (executed)
3ExecuteKing (executes), Queen (executed)


  • We found no other variation.

3. Purge – Three Heads Roll

storyteller purge three heads roll
1KidnapBaron (pulls lever), Queen (imprisoned)
2KidnapKnight (pulls lever), Queen (freed & in love)
3ExecuteQueen (executes), Baron (executed)
4AffairKing (bushes), Queen & Prince (affair)
5ExecuteKing (executes), Knight (executed)
6ExecuteQueen (executes), King (executed)


  • We found no other variation.

4. Promotion – Rags to Royalty

storyteller promotion rags to royalty
1AffairQueen (in bushes), King & Maid (affair)
2KidnapQueen (pulls lever), Maid (imprisoned)
3KidnapKing (pulls lever), Maid (freed)
4ExecuteKing (executes), Queen (executed)
5WeddingKing & Maid (marry)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

5. Machiavelli – Baron Rules Alone

storyteller machiavelli baron rules alone
1CliffBaron (stabs), Queen (falls)
2WeddingMaid & King (marry)
3CliffBaron (stabs), King (falls)
4WeddingBaron & Maid (marry)
5CliffBaron (stabs), Maid (falls)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

Chapter 12: Monsters

storyteller chapter 12 monsters

1. Werewolf – Bernard Drinks Poison

storyteller werewolf - bernard drinks poison
1ForestBernard & Juliet (love)
2MoonBernard (turns into a werewolf)
3ForestBernard (werewolf, attacks), Juliet
4MoonBernard (turns human)
5ForestBernard (heartbroken), Juliet (dead) 
6PoisonBernard (drinks poison)


  • We found no other variation.

2. Sematary – Pet Comes Back to Life to Enact Revenge

storyteller sematary - pet comes back to life to enact revenge
1AffairBernard & Isobel (love)
2AffairIsobel (in bushes, angry), Dog & Bernard (love)
3CliffIsobel (kicks), Dog (falls)
4ReviveDog (revives)
5CliffDog (barks), Isobel (falls)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

3. Dragon – Queen Gets Baron Arrested

storyteller dragon - queen gets baron arrested
1DisguiseBaron (wears dragon disguise)
2BallroomBaron (dragon), Queen (scared)
3BallroomQueen (reports dragon), Detective
4DisguiseBaron (removes disguise)
5DisguiseDetective (investigates disguise)
6BallroomBaron (arrested), Detective (arrests)


  • We found no other variation.

4. Vampire – Cured of Vampirism

storyteller vampire - cured of vampirism
1NightMina (bitten), Dracula (bites)
2ProfessorMina (repelled by garlic)
3ProfessorJon (given a stake)
4CryptDracula (turn to dust), Jon (stabs)
5NightMina (cured of vampirism)


  • 5th panel’s scene can be Professor instead.
  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

5. Professor – Monster is Slain

werewolf dies

storyteller monster is slain werewolf dies
1MoonBernard (turns into a werewolf)
2DisguiseBaron (wears dragon disguise)
3ForestBaron (dragon), Bernard (werewolf)
4DisguiseBaron (takes off disguise)
5ProfessorBaron (given a gun)
6ForestBaron (shoots), Bernard (werewolf, dead)


  • We found no other variation.

Dragon dies

storyteller monster is slain dragon dies
1DisguiseBaron (wears dragon disguise)
2ProfessorBaron (dragon, scares)
3ProfessorBernard (given a gun)
4ForestBaron (dragon, dead), Bernard (shoots)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

Chapter 13: Drama

storyteller chapter 13 drama

1. Narcissus – The Mirror Praises Everyone

storyteller narcissus - the mirror praises everyone
1MirrorPeachy (complimented)
2MirrorHatey (angry)
3CliffHatey (pushes), Peachy (falls)
4MirrorHatey (complimented)
5CliffPeachy (scares), Hatey (falls)
6MirrorFroggy (complimented)


  • We found no other variation.

2. Oedipus – Hatey Murders Father and Marries Mother

storyteller oedipus - hatey murders father and marries mother
1WeddingTiny & Peachy (marry)
2WeddingHatey (angry), Peachy (rejects)
3FamilyTiny (father), Hatey (son)
4CliffHatey (pushes), Tiny (falls)
5WeddingPeachy & Hatey (marry)
6FamilyPeachy (mother), Hatey (son)


  • The first 3 panels can be arranged as 3, 1, 2 instead.

3. Hamlet – Tiny Murders His Brother to Avenge His Father

storyteller hamlet - tiny murders his brother to avenge his father
1FamilyGreeny (father), Tiny (son)
2FamilyGreeny (father), Hatey (son)
3FightGreeny & Hatey (fight)
4CliffHatey (pushes), Greeny (falls)
5SeanceTiny (angry), Greeny (tells about his murder)
6CliffTiny (pushes), Hatey (falls)


  • Greeny and Hatey can switch roles.

4. Salome – Hatey is Murdered by His Daughter

storyteller salome - hatey is murdered by his daughter
1FamilyHatey (father), Peachy (daughter)
2AffairHatey & Bluey (love)
3AffairHatey (in bushes, angry), Peachy & Bluey (affair)
4CliffHatey (pushes), Bluey (falls)
5SeancePeachy (angry), Bluey (tells about his murder)
6CliffPeachy (pushes), Hatey (falls)


  • Tiny and Greeny can take Bluey’s role instead.

but he was just protecting her

storyteller hatey is murdered by his daughter but he was just protecting her
1FamilyHatey (father), Peachy (daughter)
2AffairHatey (in bushes), Peachy & Bluey (love)
3AffairHatey (in bushes, angry), Greeny & Bluey (affair)
4CliffHatey (pushes), Bluey (falls)
5SeancePeachy (angry), Bluey (tells about his murder)
6CliffPeachy (pushes), Hatey (falls)


  • Tiny, Bluey and Greeny can switch roles.

5. Godot – Tiny and Hatey Wait Forever

storyteller godot - tiny and hatey wait forever
1WaitTiny, Hatey
2WaitTiny, Hatey
3WaitTiny, Hatey
4WaitTiny, Hatey
5WaitTiny, Hatey
6WaitTiny, Hatey


  • We found no other variation.

both leave and return

storyteller tiny and hatey wait forever both leave and return
1WaitTiny, Hatey
3WaitTiny, Hatey
4WaitTiny, Hatey
5WaitTiny, Hatey
6WaitTiny, Hatey


  • You can change the panels from 1-5 as long as there is a panel with two of them together followed by one without any characters. The 6th panel should always have both of them.

Chapter 14: Novels

storyteller chapter 14 novels

1. Mad Husband – Edgar Murders His Wife

storyteller mad husband - edgar murders his wife
1WeddingEdgar & Lenora (marry)
2WeddingIsobel (angry), Edgar (rejects)
3PoisonIsobel (poisons wine)
4WineLenora (poisoned)
5WeddingEdgar & Isobel (marry)
6SeanceEdgar (angry), Lenora (tells about her murder)
7PoisonEdgar (poisons wine)
8WineIsobel (poisoned)


  • We found no other variation.

2. Loose End – Duke Shoots Detective to avoid Prison

storyteller loose end - duke shots detective to avoid prison
1WitnessDuke (peeks)
2BallroomKing (uncomfortable), Duchess (flirts)
3GunDuke (takes gun)
4WitnessDuchess (peeks)
5BallroomDuke (shoots), King (dead)
6WitnessDuke (peeks)
7BallroomDuchess (tells crime), Detective
8BallroomDuke (shoots), Detective (dead)


  • We found no other variation.

3. Vindictive Wife – Unfaithful Husband Punished

storyteller vindictive wife - unfaithful husband punished
1WeddingWitch & Prince (marry)
2MirrorWitch (angry at Snowy)
3CauldronWitch (turns ugly)
4ForestWitch, Snowy (turns into a frog)
5ForestPrince & Snowy (frog) (talk)
6KissPrince & Snowy (kiss, reverses curse)
7ForestWitch, Snowy (turns into a frog)
8ForestWitch, Prince (turns into a frog)


  • Witch getting angry at the mirror and Snowy turning into a frog can happen before the wedding.
  • Panel 7 can be the Witch discovering the betrayal through the Mirror instead.

4. Love Revolution – Knight and Maid Murder the Monarchs and Have an Affair

storyteller love revolution - knight and maid murder the monarchs and have and affair
1AffairKnight (in bushes), King & Maid (love)
2AffairQueen (in bushes), King & Maid (love)
3CliffKnight (pushes), King (falls)
4KidnapQueen (pulls lever), Maid (imprisoned)
5KidnapKnight (pulls lever), Maid (freed)
6CliffMaid (pushes), Queen (falls)
7AffairKnight & Maid (love)


  • The sequence can also be switched around in this order: 2, 4, 5, 1, 6, 3, 7.
  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

Extra Challenges

After completing the main chapters and obtaining the crown, additional challenges will become available in the form of Devil Levels and the Secret Stamp Collection. Achievements on the other hand can be obtained even before you finish the main chapters.

storyteller the ceremony
storyteller the ceremony 2
storyteller epilogue

Devil Levels

Chapter 1: Life and Death – 2. Heartbreak – Devil makes everyone miserable

storyteller devil makes everyone miserable
1LoveEve & Adam (love)
2DeathEve (heartbroken), Devil (vandalizes grave)
3DeathAdam (heartbroken), Devil (vandalizes grave)


  • Adam & Eve can switch roles.

Chapter 2: Broken Hearts – 4. Grief – spouses reject each other

storyteller spouses reject each other
1WeddingLenora & Edgar (marry)
2DeathEdgar (heartbroken), Devil (vandalizes grave)
3DeathLenora (heartbroken), Devil (vandalizes grave)
4WeddingLenora & Isobel (marry)
5WeddingBernard & Edgar (marry)
6WeddingLenora & Edgar (rejects each other)


  • All characters except for the Devil can switch roles.

Chapter 3: Apparitions – 3. Calamity – everyone dies sad

storyteller everyone dies sad
1WeddingEdgar & Lenora (marry)
2WeddingEdgar (rejects), Bernard (heartbroken)
3DeathEdgar (heartbroken), Devil (vandalizes grave)
4DeathLenora (heartbroken), Edgar (in grave)
5DeathBernard (in grave)
6DeathLenora (in grave)


  • All characters except for the Devil can switch roles.
  • The sequence of events can be changed as long as everyone has their heart broken and is depicted as dead in the end.

Chapter 4: The Cellar – 2. Tragedy – haunted for murder

storyteller haunted for murder
1WeddingEdgar & Lenora (marry)
2DeathLenora (heartbroken), Devil (vandalizes grave)
3PoisonDevil (spits in poison)
4PoisonLenora (drinks poison)
5WeddingLenora (breathes fire), Edgar (burnt)
6WeddingLenora (shocked), Edgar (ghost, angry)


  • Lenora & Edgar can switch roles.

Chapter 5: Beauty – 3. Duplicity – heartbroken frog

storyteller heartbroken frog
1CauldronWitch (becomes beautiful)
2ForestWitch & Prince (love)
3CauldronDevil (messes with cauldron)
4CauldronWitch (becomes a frog)
5KissWitch (frog, heartbroken), Prince (rejects)


  • The same result can be accomplished without the first panel.
  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

Chapter 6: Manor – 4. Fingerprints – Butler gets shot

storyteller butler gets shot
1GunDevil (exchanges fake gun)
2GunButler (takes fake gun)
3BallroomButler (shot failed), Duchess (angry)
4GunDevil (places real gun)
5GunDuchess (takes gun)
6BallroomDuchess (shoots), Butler (dead)


  • The Duke can take on the role of the Duchess instead.

Chapter 8: Secrets – 3. Revenge – Duke shoots his wife

storyteller duke shoots his wife
1WitnessDevil (peeks)
2BallroomDuke & Duchess (scared of Devil’s face)
3GunDuke (takes gun)
4WitnessDuchess (peeks)
5BallroomDuke (shoots portrait)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

Chapter 10: Genesis – 2. Punishment – Adam dies twice

storyteller adam dies twice
1TemptAdam (eats apple)
2JudgmentEve (shocked), Adam (zapped)
3ReviveAdam (revives)
4TemptDevil (paints apple)
5TemptAdam (eats painted apple)
6JudgmentAdam (zapped), Eve (shocked)


  • Eve does not need to be in any of the panels.

Chapter 13: Drama – 5. Godot – they all die

storyteller they all die
1WaitDevil (chops tree)
2WaitTiny (gets hit with tree)
3WaitDevil (waters stump)
4WaitDevil (waters tree)
5WaitDevil (chops tree)
6WaitHatey (gets hit with tree)


  • Tiny & Hatey can switch roles.

Chapter 14: Novels – 666. Last Straw – Knight imprisons Queen

storyteller knight imprisons queen
1KidnapDevil (pulls lever), Queen (imprisoned)
2DeathKnight (heartbroken), Devil (vandalizes grave)
3ThroneKnight (crowned)
4KidnapKnight (pulls lever), Queen (freed but upset)
5WeddingQueen (crowned) & Knight (marry)
6ExecuteDevil (messes with guillotine)
7ExecuteQueen (execution fails), Knight (angry)
8KidnapKnight (pulls lever), Queen (imprisoned)


  • We found no other variation.

Secret Stamp Collection

This collection of challenges can be found at the last few pages of the Storyteller book. Most of these can be accomplished in more than one method using the chapters you’ve previously played on. Don’t worry about messing up the stories in those chapters since it will still be marked as complete even after you change them. Taking from our experience, we have listed down where each chapter can accomplish these challenges below along with their solutions.

Romeo & Juliet

Original story by Shakespeare

Chapters: 4-2 (no devil needed)
storyteller haunted for murder
1WeddingEdgar & Lenora (marry)
2DeathEdgar (heartbroken), Lenora (in grave)
3PoisonEdgar (drinks poison)
4ReviveLenora (revives)
5DeathLenora (heartbroken), Edgar (in grave)
6PoisonLenora (drinks poison)


  • We found no other variation.

Original Story by Goethe

Chapters: 4-1
storyteller lenora drinks poison
1WeddingLenora & Bernard (marry)
2WeddingLenora (rejects), Edgar (heartbroken)
3PoisonEdgar (drinks poison)


  • May work with characters switched.

Isobel laughs at a tombstone

Chapters: 2-4 (no devil needed)
storyteller spouses reject each other
1WeddingLenora & Edgar (marry)
2WeddingEdgar (rejects), Isobel (angry)
3WeddingIsobel & Bernard (marry)
4DeathIsobel (laughs), Lenora (in grave)


  • All characters except for Isobel can be switched. Devil cannot be used.
  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

Lenora falls asleep

Chapters: 4-4
storyteller murder of jealousy but everyone meets their demise
1WeddingEdgar & Lenora (marry)
2WeddingEdgar (rejects), Isobel (angry)
3PoisonIsobel (poisons wine)
4WineEdgar (drinks poisoned wine)
5WineLenora (drunk & heartbroken)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.
Age Difference

Young dog old man meets, Young man old dog keeps

Chapters: 3-4
storyteller old heartbroken dog dies happy
3LoveEdgar (old) & Dog (love)
5ReviveEdgar (revives)
6LoveDog (old) & Edgar (love)


  • We found no other variation.

The End of Time

Chapters: 3-4
storyteller old heartbroken dog dies happy 2


  • We found no other variation.
Batrachian Affair

Frogs Kissing

Chapters: 5-3 (the devil)
storyteller tiny gets a kiss
1MirrorWitch (angry at Snowy)
2ForestWitch, Snowy (turns to frog)
3KissWitch (angry), Prince (rejects)
4ForestWitch, Prince (turns to frog)
5ForestPrince (frog) & Snowy (frog) (talk)
6KissPrince (frog) & Snowy (frog) (kiss)


  • The first four panels can be switched around as long as the Witch meets the Prince and Snowy in the forest after the Witch has gotten angry at them.
Second Chance

Witch removes curse from Prince

Chapters: 5-3, 5-4
storyteller heartbroken frog
1KissWitch (angry), Prince (rejects)
2ForestWitch, Prince (turns to frog)
3CauldronWitch (becomes beautiful)
4KissWitch & Prince (kiss and removes curse)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

Heart breaks during shipwreck

Chapters: 5-3 (the devil)
storyteller heartbroken frog 2
1CauldronWitch (becomes beautiful)
2ForestWitch & Prince (love)
3CauldronDevil (messes with cauldron)
4CauldronWitch (becomes a frog)
5KissDevil (drills hole in boat)
6KissWitch (frog, reaching), Prince (sinking)


  • We found no other variation. Witch turning into a frog is important so that the Witch would stay afloat on the stool.

Accepting that martini

Chapters: 8-3, 8-4
storyteller duke shoots his wife
1BallroomButler (offers drink), Duke (asks for martini)
2GunButler (takes gun)
3WitnessDuchess (peeks)
4BallroomButler (shoots), Duke (dead)
5GunButler (returns gun)
6BallroomButler (offers drink), Duchess (takes martini)


  • We found no other variation.
Fright Battle

Mutual ghost haunt

Chapters: 7-1, 7-3, 9-4, 11-5, 12-2, 13-1, 13-2, 13-3, 13-4, 14-14
storyteller four deaths
1CliffBaron (stab), Knight (fall)
2CliffKnight (scare), Baron (fall)
3CliffBaron & Knight (fight)


  • This scene can be recreated in any chapter with a cliff as long as a motive to murder has been established. Since the Baron hates the Knight by default, he doesn’t need a motive to be created in the previous panels.
  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.
Unlikely Match

Baron marries Knight

Chapters: 9-4
storyteller queen beheads all men
1CliffBaron (stabs), Queen (falls)
2ThroneKnight (crowned)
3WeddingKnight & Baron (marry)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.
Afterlife Love

Queen and Knight ghost love

Chapters: 11-3
storyteller three heads roll
1KidnapBaron (pulls lever), Queen (imprisoned)
2KidnapKnight (pulls lever), Queen (freed & in love)
3AffairKing (in bushes), Queen & Knight (affair)
4ExecuteKing (execute), Knight (executed)
5ExecuteKing (execute), Queen (executed)
6AffairKing (in bushes), Queen & Knight (ghost love)


  • We found no other variation.

Queen marries maid

Chapters: 11-5
storyteller baron rules alone
1CliffBaron (stabs), King (falls)
2KidnapBaron (pulls lever), Queen (imprisoned)
3KidnapMaid (pulls lever), Queen (freed & in love)
4WeddingQueen & Maid (marry)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.
Crown Secrets

King and Queen catch each other having an affair

Chapters: 14-4
storyteller knight and maid murder the monarchs and have an affair
1AffairQueen (in bushes), Maid & King (affair)
2KidnapQueen (pulls lever), Maid (imprisoned)
3KidnapKing (pulls lever), Maid (freed)
4KidnapMaid (pulls lever), Queen (imprisoned)
5KidnapKnight (pulls lever), Queen (freed & in love)
6AffairKing (in bushes), Knight & Queen (affair)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.
Dragon King

Queen marries dragon

Chapters: 7-5
storyteller the queen marries
1KidnapBaron (pulls lever), Queen (imprisoned)
2DisguiseBaron (wears dragon disguise)
3KidnapBaron (dragon), Queen (freed & in love)
4WeddingQueen & Baron (dragon) (marry)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

Adam and Eve get indigested

Chapters: 10-2, 10-3
storyteller adam dies twice
1TemptEve (eats apple)
2TemptAdam (eats apple)
3TemptEve (eats apple)
4TemptAdam (eats apple)
5TemptEve (eats apple, indigestion)
6TemptAdam (eats apple, indigestion)


  • We found no other variation.
William Tell

Pierced fruit

Chapters: 10-4
storyteller friedrich takes revenge
1LoveEve & Friedrich (love)
2TemptEve (eats apple)
3JudgmentEve (zapped), Friedrich (heartbroken)
4GunFriedrich (takes gun)
5TemptFriedrich (shoots apple)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.
Evil Triumphs

Snake laughs at Adam and Eve

Chapters: 10-2, 10-3
storyteller adam watches his love die because of him
1TemptEve (eats apple)
2TemptAdam (eats apple)
3JudgmentAdam & Eve (zapped)
4TemptAdam (dust)
5TemptEve (dust)


  • Adam and Eve can switch roles.
  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.
Dust to Dust

Two statues of ash

Chapters: 10-2, 10-3
storyteller adam dies twice
1TemptEve (eats apple)
2TemptAdam (eats apple)
3JudgmentEve & Adam (zapped)
4JudgmentAdam & Eve (dust)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

Howling at the moon

Chapters: 12-1, 12-5
storyteller bernard drinks poison
1MoonBernard (turns into a werewolf)
3MoonBernard (werewolf) (howl)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.
Logical Explanation

Dragon gets arrested

Chapters: 12-3
storyteller queen gets baron arrested
1DisguiseBaron (wears dragon disguise)
2BallroomBaron (dragon), Detective (shocked)
3DisguiseBaron (takes off disguise)
4DisguiseDetective (investigates disguise)
5DisguiseBaron (wears dragon disguise)
6BallroomBaron (dragon, handcuffed), Detective (arrests)


  • We found no other variation.
Hard on the Outside

Professor Cries

Chapters: 12-4
storyteller cured of vampirism
1NightMina (bitten), Dracula (bites)
2ProfessorMina (repelled by garlic)
3ProfessorJon (given a stake)
4CryptJon (stabs), Mina (stabbed)
5ProfessorMina (dust)


  • Mina and Jon can switch roles.
  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.
Low Bar

Mirror praises Tiny

Chapters: 5-4
storyteller tiny gets a kiss
1MirrorWitch (angry)
2ForestWitch, Snowy (turned into a frog)
3KissWitch (angry), Prince (rejects)
4ForestWitch, Prince (turned into a frog)
5MirrorTiny (complimented)


  • The sequences can be changed as long as both Snowy and the Prince are turned into frogs before Tiny meets the mirror.
  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.
Family Bonds

Affair with cousin

Chapters: 13-4
storyteller hatey is murdered by his daughter
1FamilyHatey (father), Greeny (son)
2FamilyHatey (father), Bluey (son)
3FamilyBluey (father), Peachy (daughter)
4AffairTiny & Peachy (love)
5FamilyGreeny (father), Tiny (son)
6FamilyPeachy & Tiny (cousins)


  • All characters can switch roles.

Maid Murders Knight

Chapters: 14-4
storyteller knight and maid murder the monarchs and have an affair
1AffairKnight (in bushes), King & Maid (affair)
2KidnapKnight (pulls lever), King (imprisoned)
3KidnapMaid (pulls lever), King (freed)
4CliffMaid (pushes), Knight (falls)


  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

Terrified ghost

Chapters: 1-2 (the devil), 2-4 (the devil), 3-3 (the devil), 4-2 (the devil), 5-3 (the devil), 6-4 (the devil), 8-3 (the devil), 13-5 (the devil) 14-666 (the
storyteller devil makes everyone miserable
1DeathEve (in grave)
2LoveEve (ghost), Devil (offers contract)


  • Many variations are possible since there are many ways for characters to die. Once they’ve died, just place the Devil and the ghost character in a scene where the two of them can be placed.
  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.

Make Devil angry

Chapters: 14-666 (the devil)
storyteller knight imprisons queen
1KidnapDevil (pulls lever), Queen (imprisoned)
2KidnapKnight (pulls lever), Queen (freed)
3KidnapDevil (angry)


  • The Queen and the Knight can switch roles.
  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.
Original Fight

Eve yells at Adam

Chapters: 10-3
storyteller adam watches his love die because of him
1TemptAdam (takes apple from snake)
2TemptEve (takes apple from Adam)
3JudgmentEve (gets zapped)
4ReviveEve (revives)
5LoveEve (mad), Adam (shocked)


  • A longer variation can be done if Eve and Adam both get zapped and then revived before the final panel.
  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.
Ghost Buster

Ghost is vaporized

Chapters: 4-2 (the devil)
storyteller haunted for murder
1WeddingEdgar & Lenora (marry)
2DeathEdgar (heartbroken), Lenora (in grave)
3PoisonDevil (spits in poison)
4PoisonEdgar (drinks poison)
5WeddingEdgar (breathes fire), Lenora (ghost, on fire)


  • Edgar & Lenora can switch roles.
  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.
Shocked Wives

Lenora and Isobel realize they share their husband

Chapters: 2-4 (the devil)
storyteller spouses reject each other
1WeddingIsobel & Bernard (marry)
2DeathBernard (heartbroken), Devil (vandalize grave)
3WeddingBernard & Lenora (marry)
4WeddingLenora & Isobel (shocked)


  • Any character except for the Devil can switch roles.
  • Empty panels can be filled as long as the outcome is not affected.


Worth It Play the game for more than 2 hours.
The Crown Finish all main chapters and obtain the Crown.
MischiefComplete all Devil Levels.
CollectorCollect all Stamps in the Secret Stamp Collection.
Silence Make Zypce, the music / sound designer of the game, sad by muting the music in the settings and playing a level.

If you’re unsure if you’ve missed anything in the game, be sure to check the very back of the book to see the completion percentage.

storyteller completion
storyteller outro

And this marks the end of our walkthrough for Storyteller! We hope that this article helps you unlock every secret in the game! Did we miss anything? Or maybe you want us to cover another game? In any case, feel free to drop us a line!