Steven Universe: Tap Together is an idle tapping RPG from SPYRN Apps, where you get to play as Steven. Team up with up to four other friends and defeat enemies as you progress through the game. Your goal is as clear as it can get: build up the most powerful team! Below you can find our collection of Steven Universe: Tap Together tips, cheats and strategies!
1. Join An Active Club For More Rewards
Play with your teammates and earn valuable items
Joining an active club in Steven Universe: Tap Together comes with a series of notable advantages. Joining a club will allow you and your teammates to participate in exciting tournaments. The club with the most points will win a lot of coins that you can spend on upgrades. In addition, being a club member allows you to auction your own cards or participate in auctions for other cards. If you want to win multi-star heroes, auctions are probably the easiest way.
2. Do As Much Damage As Possible
Pay attention to the various attack methods
There are two ways of doing damage: you can either let your characters attack on their own or you can tap to help them. Your characters will keep attacking on their own, no matter if you tap or not. However, there are various attack methods that you should be aware of. For example, if you see a red line, swipe along it and the amount of damage will increase significantly. If there is a brown circle, tapping rapidly inside of it will thwart enemy attacks.
3. Increase Your Heroes’ Combined Level
Unlock overall perks and boost your stats
In order to unlock perks, you will need to increase your heroes’ combined level, including those who are outside the party. You will find perks in the Total Hero Levels area, under the team tab. Check all the available perks and see exactly what level you need to reach to level up and boost stats. From level 7-1 on, you will be able to supercharge, earning more chests with higher-tier and rarer items that will allow you to boost all your stats: tap damage, idle damage, team XP, offline XP, team health and so on.
4. Use Power-Ups To Your Advantage
Win power-ups by watching ads or by tapping the flying whale
Steven Universe: Tap Together offers a wide range of power-ups that will help you win epic battles. These power-ups range from damage multipliers to super instant XP or the super team shield. There are two ways to win these amazing power-ups: watching video ads after losing a battle or by tapping the flying whale that appears every few minutes. So make sure to keep an eye on the whale and tap the ‘Fight Monster’ button.
5. Log-In On A Daily Basis For Goodies
Get amazing rewards by playing regularly
With the latest updates, those players who log in on a daily basis will be rewarded with hero shards and other amazing items.
So these are a few basic Steven Universe: Tap Together tips, cheats and tricks and you can use them to your advantage. If there are other tips or tricks we have overlooked, you are more than welcome to share them with us in the comments!