It’s a well-known fact that there are lots of rare Pokémon out there for Pokémon GO players. At some point, you’ll probably tire of catching yet another Pidgey, taking his Candy, and using it for evolutions. You’ll probably want to catch more Rare, Very Rare, or Epic Pokémon, as these characters are unofficially classified, and the sad fact of the matter is that a lot of these creatures can only be found in certain places. Sometimes, it feels as if they are, in fact, native to a certain country or region, which is why we gave you a guide on how to catch certain “Regional” Pokémon. But that doesn’t stop players from chasing after rares, and combing the Internet for tips and tricks on how to do this.
This isn’t the first time we’re going to be showing you how to catch specific types of rare Pokémon. But since our earlier guides aren’t enough to cover all of the rares, we’re giving you yet another Pokémon GO strategy guide, listing more rares, and telling you how and where you can catch them.
How To Get Chansey
This is an interesting case. Chansey is a normal, undefined Pokémon, but there are various claims as to where you can find this Pokémon. As this character is a healer, that could explain why it’s been found near hospitals, clinics, drugstores, and other places that are related to our health. It isn’t sure whether this is by design or by coincidence, but we’re willing to bet that Niantic made it that way. After all, you’d expect to find a healing character by a place associated to health, right?
If looking around at your nearest hospital didn’t help, then you might want to try hatching a 10km egg. That appears to be where most players have found Chansey, as opposed to out in the wild.
How To Get Dratini
We had touched on Dratini’s evolutions in one of our earlier guides, and if you were wondering why we didn’t include this Pokémon in a separate entry or sub-entry, we’ve got him covered right here. Dratini is listed as an Epic Pokémon on the Reddit list, and that means you have to exercise a lot of patience when hunting him down. Generally speaking, you would be able to find Dratini near bodies of water; this could be by a lake, river, or pond, or at parks that are next to bodies of water. Beaches are also good places to look, though a Redditor did note that they were able to find Dratini in a park that wasn’t linked to any body of water. There have also been some home sightings, so you might want to take that into account as well. Water, of course, is not a surefire sign that there’s a Dratini nearby, but it does increase the chances substantially.
How To Find Hitmonchan And Hitmonlee
Yet another one of those Epics, Hitmonchan is a fighting type Pokémon. As we’ve mentioned in earlier guides, fighting types seem to be most common in areas that are linked to training and exercise, such as gyms and golf courses. They may also be spotted in sports arenas, or in the mountains, as mountaineering is, after all, one way for certain people to get fit. You may also be able to find them at parks. You can hatch a Hitmonchan from a 10km egg, if the above methods are a bit too challenging or time-consuming for you. Likewise, Hitmonlee is also filed under the rare category, and specifically in the Epic section. As it’s also a fighting Pokémon, you can go to places that are linked to sports, training, or exercise.
Cutting the long story short, it’s all about looking for places that encourage people to stay fit.
How To Find Lapras
You remember Lapras, right? If you don’t, this is the same Pokémon that created such a frenzy over at the Santa Monica Pier in California, thanks to a wild Lapras sighting in the area. Reddit actually considers this character a “Mythical” Pokémon, meaning it’s one of the rarest of the rare, not to mention one of the strongest. Lapras is a water and ice type, so it’s just normal to expect it to pop up at your nearby pier, or any other body of water such as the beach or the lake. And, if all else fails, you’ve got the 10km eggs to bank on, as you might hatch a Lapras out of that.
How To Get Magnemite
Magnemite is another one of those Pokémon on the Reddit Epic list, and it is an electric/steel type creature that would require you to head to nearby steel mills, power plants, and the like. It would appear that Magnemite is also easier to come by when there are thunderstorms, and while one might consider that a coincidence, it does play nice with Magnemite’s being a part-steel type character. Take note, however, that Magnemite is considered by some to be a Regional Pokémon, and its rarity may depend on what part of the world you’re located; in some locations, they’re so common that sightings are an ordinary, everyday occurrence. You can also hatch a Magnemite from 5km eggs, which could be a good idea if you live in an area where he’s especially rare.
How To Get Snorlax
Snorlax is a normal-type Pokémon that doesn’t have a specific habitat or home turf. And while its name may be familiar even to non-Pokémon watchers and gamers, it is also listed in BuzzFeed’s “Mythical” list, and with good reason – this is a rare creature that pops up in the most random of times and locations. That means you won’t have to go to the lake, to the park, to the mall, or anywhere else where a rare creature is known to roam. Finding Snorlax could be a matter of randomness, but if all that aimless Snorlax-hunting hasn’t paid off, you can hatch him with a 10km egg if you’re lucky.