Mossbark Games has recently announced that Morels, their new mushroom foraging mobile game that has at its core the famous card game, will be launched on both iOS and Android this November 29th. Turning physical board games into portable ones allows players to enjoy their favourite board games on the go.
The theme of the game is pretty straightforward: foraging for mushrooms. Once you manage to get a few mushrooms, you have two possibilities: you can either decide to cook them or sell them for money. If you decide to cook them, you will earn points and get the possibility to outscore your opponent. Thought out mainly as a 2-player strategy game, Morels features both cross-platform asynchronous online play and local pass & play. If you prefer, you can opt for solo play as well and enjoy 3 AI difficulty levels. There are 36 achievements that await to be earned!
Morels will also feature six different game modifiers that will allow you to change the gameplay as you consider fit. The game will be a fully premium release with no available in-app purchases or ads.