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Mad Art Millionaire Tips, Cheats & Tricks to Master the Game

There are so many artists using unusual mediums these days, like sand, salt, and even blood. See if you can give them a run for their money in Mad Art Millionaire! This iOS-exclusive game from Halflike lets you unleash your inner artist. You can create different artworks using some very unconventional materials, including vegetables, footballs, and weapons. You can try to create realistic scenes or go absolutely wild by throwing everything you have on the canvass. Once you are done with your artwork, you can face off with other artists to see who is the ultimate mad painter! You can also judge other paintings and vote for your favorite ones. Of course, just because it is a fun game does not mean you can’t be competitive. Make sure you check our Mad Art Millionaire tips and tricks to help you get more votes for your art!

1. Upgrade The Judges

When you are just starting out in the game, the best investment for your money is to upgrade the judges. Upgrading a judge will increase the bonus coins you get whenever he votes for you. The sooner you upgrade the judges, the more bonus coins you will earn from them in the long run. Make sure you invest most of your money on the judges in the early parts of the game.

Of course, later on you should start spending on other things. When you start struggling with your face off matches, it might be time to buy some new items. Doing so will allow you to create more types of artwork, giving you better chances of winning. Once you are more established in the game, you should balance your spending between judge upgrades and getting new items. This way, you can continue to increase the value of each vote while still remaining competitive.

2. Claim Your Rewards

There are a couple of rewards in the game that you need to collect manually. Make sure you collect these as soon as you can, so you will have space for future rewards. The first type is the gift set that you will get when you win a face-off match. Since face-off matches take a while before a winner is declared, you will need to check back later to see if you won. The second type of reward is for the new best priced piece of art. As with the first one, just check back often to see when this becomes available.

3. Invest In New Items To Stay Competitive

As we mentioned earlier, you need new items in order to stay competitive. Aside from buying these items, you should also invest in increasing the capacity for each item. Since you won’t know what item you need until the creative juices are flowing, it is good to have a lot of different items in stock. Again, make sure you maintain a balance between spending on the judges and the items. They are equally important if you want to keep progressing in the game.

4. Mix And Match A Lot Of Items

Every match has a specific topic. For as long as you stay on topic, you can use whatever item you want. Take advantage of this by using as many items as possible for each artwork. The more items you use, the higher the value of your painting will be. The price goes up even more if you use rare items. The key to winning a face off is to strategically invest items into each painting while still sticking to the chosen topic. There is a maximum number of items you can use on every painting. Make sure you choose the best possible items right away, and just add the rest later on. Don’t worry about using rare items as you will be able to earn money to buy more if you win. Just focus on creating the best possible artwork every time in order to win more face off matches.

5. Refresh For More Items

You can use a free refresh on each painting. While you are allowed to use it at any point, it is best if you use it after you have created the best first draft for your painting. Once you use the free refresh, you will be given a new set of items. You can use the new set to add more to your draft, or even replace some parts with better ones. This trick lets you maximize the possible value of your artwork by giving you two sets of items to work with. Just make sure you do not refresh until you have no use for the remaining items in the original set. You will not have a way to pick from the original set again once you have used the refresh.

6. Get Inspired By Suggestions

Sometimes, a particular topic can have you stumped. If you are struggling to come up with a good idea for your topic, you can check out the suggestions. Just top on the question mark on the lower right. This will give you three suggestions for the category you are working on. The suggestions normally have rare items included, but you can still get the overall idea of the topic just by looking at them. Use the suggestions as an inspiration for your own work in order to complete artwork for unfamiliar topics.

7. Watch Ads For More Rewards

The game will sometimes give you the chance to double the rewards you get by watching a video advertisement. Take advantage of this whenever it comes up as it is a good way to collect a lot of coins right away. It only takes a few seconds to watch the videos and the rewards are definitely worth it, so there is really no reason for you to skip those ads. On top of that, you will be helping the developers earn more money. This could open the doors for even better updates in the future.

Unleash your inner artist in Mad Art Millionaire! Just follow the tips and tricks above and you will become a modern-day Picasso in no time! If you know any other hints for the game, please let us know in the comment section below!