We’ve got another SCIMOB game for you right now, and as you may have guessed, it’s another one of those games where you have to guess the answers. Word Academy dealt with words, the 94 series was all about the number 94, and Math Academy was all about numbers, or more specifically, coming up with an equation that results in the number zero. Kezako Mystery Pic is SCIMOB’s latest, and if the company is to be believed, it’s “the best picture game in the App Store.” What you have to do here is to spin the wheel to reveal squares of the mystery image, thus pointing you towards the associated word. There are many images available in the game, each of them corresponding to a certain category, may it be food, animals, famous people, and monuments, and SCIMOB has promised to add more images on future updates.
All of the images in this game are covered, and divided into squares which will be revealed as you keep spinning the wheel. The number of squares the images are divided into increase with each level, which means this game gets progressively harder as you go along. But it doesn’t have to be all that hard, as we’ve got a complete list of Kezako Mystery Pic answers and solutions below, which you can use any time you get stuck somewhere in the game.
Kezako Mistery Pic Answers Level 1
Level 1-1: Cat
Level 1-2: Kiwi
Level 1-3: Apple
Level 1-4: Pyramid
Level 1-5: Strawberry
Level 1-6: Cookie
Level 1-7: Barack Obama
Level 1-8: Key
Level 1-9: Astronaut
Level 1-10: Wool
Kezako Mistery Pic Answers Level 2
Level 2-1: Can
Level 2-2: Hot
Level 2-3: Pineapple
Level 2-4: Slow
Level 2-5: Dentist
Level 2-6: Pistachio
Level 2-7: Red
Level 2-8: Fishing
Level 2-9: Marriage
Level 2-10: Fast