Building a strong account in Evertale is engaging in–what is called in war terms–an “arms race.” That means stockpiling resources to afford the best armaments, gear, and ammunition.
The heroes would be your armaments, the gear would be the weapons and accessories you will equip your heroes with, and the ammunition would be all the consumables—the upgrade materials, potions, and redeemable tokens.
Fortunately, unlike the lengthy descriptions behind hero skills and their complicated, persona-based stories, gathering resources in Evertale is linear—there is only one way to go. Think of it as one simple, straight road, and going further to whatever part of that line all depends on how diligent one can be.
In this guide, we will discuss the dailies or the actions that can be done at least once every 24 hours. Sweeping through them is the lone way to be in a constant arms race, especially if you are running a purely organic or F2P account.
Since breezing to the dailies can be done in just a short span of time, this intro need not have a length that can make one sleep. Alright, let’s get into it!
1. The Most Efficient Way Through All the Daily Actions
Upon logging in, go through all the must-tap windows, which include any ongoing promotions and log-in bonuses. Despite getting an early prompt to check your inbox for claimable rewards, bump that off for later. Since we’re talking about efficiency, we’re aiming to only open a page once—unless it’s strategic to access it twice or more.
Step 1: Head to Battalion Warfare and claim your Tower Loots. Remember that this is the idle farming part of Evertale and it earns by the minute. It can store 10 hours’ worth of loot, so claiming it after your longest break from playing should naturally be your first order of duty.
Proceed to use two Fast Forwards right away–any denomination will do. Using two Fast Forwards is one of the activity checkpoints in the Daily Missions.
We can only hope that you have yet conserved your Fast Forwards by the time you read this guide because using 5 or more a day will deplete the natural “supply” you may have collected for a fresh account. Shall you consistently overspend them, it won’t take long until you have nothing left to meet the Daily Mission that requires them.
Once done collecting loots, complete just one or a couple of Tower of Trial Floors. You will want to limit your climb here and do not go for maximum progress just because you can.
At the lower Tower Floors, the fights will be easily winnable but that will change when you try to advance too fast. If you have already advanced to the farthest stage that you can reach with your current team and then you’re stuck against a hard AI squad, you will be missing out on the corresponding reward for clearing a Tower of Trial stage.
While still on the Tower of Trials page, go ahead and use the three free Exploration tokens. Exploring does not meet any task so feel free to spam and consume Exploration Decrees—the currency to replenish this action. The amount of rewards here is constant no matter what Tower Floor you’re at, so there is no need to conserve Exploration Decrees.
There is a small chance to gain a 100-Mana potion and a slightly better chance to earn an Exploration Decree, thus extending your spree. Talk about a gift that keeps on giving!
Step 2: Go back to Battalion Warfare to clear out the Alliance Quests. A purely F2P account will let you do up to four; the number of battles here all depends on your Alliance’s level, your Loyalty Points, and your length of stay in one. Don’t forget to quickly open the Alliance tab while at it to collect the free Alliance-related daily drops!
The loot of interest here is the Alliance Coin, which you can exclusively use in the Alliance Shop. In it, you can redeem a bunch of useful items for certain amounts of Alliance Coins and the best in the bunch are 100-Mana Potions and Reset Cores (a scarce and valuable consumable) at 300 and 1,000 units apiece, respectively.
Step 3: The next step is to go back to the home screen and see any active, time-limited Event available. Clearing Event stages gives a substantial amount of EXP, especially the post-story or EX levels. Event stages require mana so they will check out the Daily Missions that require mana use.
Taking on an Event for the first time will take a good while, even if you skipped through the storytelling steps. Going full Auto may make things faster, but if you’re yet commanding a young team with just 1 or 2 SSRs, you may need to do manual combat and even rearrange your Battalion to eke out wins at the latter stages.
Spending time in Event stages is not a bad thing at all because it will push the minutes toward your second claiming of the Tower of Trials’ idle loots.
Step 4: Go to the Summon section, scroll through all the pages then claim each Summon Chest Reward. These freebies have a strict, 24-hour cooldown based on your last claiming, so it’s a good idea to bump it as a potential step 2 if you’re planning to hold a long playing session or if you practically just have a few minutes to open Evertale in a day.
Step 5: Open the Units section then head to Forge. The Friend Summon page in the previous step will grant you N-class weapons which are practically disposable. Forge any amount you please to meet the requirement for the Daily Mission called “Forge a Character or Weapon” (gives 10 Mission Points and 5,600 Gold).
Step 6: Claim the freebies within the Sale and Shop sections. Your daily haul from them will include 8x Limit Break Potion (Weapon), 3x Limit Break Potion (Character), 2x 100-Mana Potion, 2x Fruit of Potential, and 2x Ore of Potential. These amounts may appear as just trickles but a free inflow is always welcomed!
After the above steps, you can now claim whatever bonuses your Inbox has stored for you and then proceed to the final leg of your dailies sweep, The Arena.
Step 7: Return to the Battalion Warfare to consume your 5 Arena tokens. Advancing to a higher rank here will gradually increase the daily Arena Soul Stone reward.
The Arena pits you against other players. It will show three random opponents at a time—ones that are not too far away from your present rank.
Pick an opponent that you think is beatable. The surface telltale signs should be the account rank and Battalion Power Rating. Never take on an opponent that is better in those departments.
Be wary though that, although you may see players listed with a Battalion Power lower than yours, it will all still boil down to what heroes make up their Platoons. If they have more SSRs than you and they have levels higher than your best units, you are unlikely to win it.
The idea, of course, is to get as much as wins as possible. However, the probability of bagging a perfect 5 will eventually diminish because the chances of running into stronger teams will increase the higher you get through the rankings.
If you lose all five fights, that’s not a problem. Tomorrow is another day; the Daily Mission that requires Arena battles will still be checked off anyway, regardless of the battles’ outcome.
Note: While the Arena is within the Battalion Warfare cluster, it is the last batch of battles you should engage in daily. That is because you will want to soak up all the account Exp from the Tower loots, a Tower of Trial stage, the Alliance Battles, and time-limited Event stages—all of these to be ideally done in this order like laid out above.
If your account is just several ranks above or below rank 100, there is a good chance that you will rank up again, which increases the Boost Level ceiling for your heroes. Of course, if you are still at lower ranks, the chance of leveling up is higher.
Remember that in the Arena, you should always put your best foot forward for better chances of winning. The extra ATK and HP your heroes can get from gaining 1 to 2 Boost Levels may be what it will take for your team to win more battles which becomes increasingly elusive as you move up.
2. Owning the Offline Story
Your first stomping grounds in Evertale is the story mode, also known as the Offline Story. Being limited there is just the right kind of warm-up since it will get you acquainted with the journey of Finn to be the Crestbearer and how Ludmilla, Clarice, and the rest of the gang came into the picture.
More importantly, the challenging battles through this sizeable journey will force you to be familiar with skill effects. especially when you have yet limited characters that can get you through tough opponents and bosses. In our Evertale’s Beginner’s Guide, we talked about how you need SR heroes to conquer the Offline Story mode because the game-given Rs and Ns will simply be too weak to stand against bosses.
SRs have better stats, which makes the impact of their skills more potent. Despite that, you still need to set them and their weapons to the max. default level limit before you can hope to win against the big boys of the Offline Story Mode. Below then are the tips to do exactly that.
2.1. Complete All Quests and NPC Battles
Despite the semblance to Pokemon, there are no map secrets or alternative paths in Evertale’s Offline Story mode. There is always only one route toward the next town or objective and any outlying treasure chests will be visible so it’s hard to miss anything.
There are, however, optional or minor quests, particularly from town-based NPCs. Rewards from such quests include units, weapons, and accessories—all these can be helpful in your Offline Story journey.
The extra work you need to pour in to finish such quests will tune your patience in doing menial but essential efforts like grinding, especially those missions that require you to hunt a particular monster.
Speaking of which, if you have accidentally slain a “unique” monster that you need to capture, you can make it respawn by moving to a different map, fighting monsters from a different grass patch, and then returning to the map fragment where the objective monster spawns.
2.2. Find a Comfortable Grinding Spot
To grind means to repeat an action you have already done to rack up experience, loot, and currency. Since you cannot redo NPC battles that you have already won, offline grinding is mainly against grass-dwelling monster teams.
Find a grass area in which your current team can comfortably beat all enemies while in Auto fight. Although there are many types of monsters, the Exp and Silver you can get barely vary; their amounts are fixed and proportional.
Apart from the location (as naturally, areas further down the story will give more), the rule of thumb when gauging if you’re at an area with higher quality monsters is if the Silver bounty increases. To maximize your budding team’s grind, check which grass patch you can get the most Silver from a win that you can encounter the earliest.

The main purpose of having a comfort grinding spot is to have a go-to leveling-up zone for each new character that you wish to try and field. It’s a breeze to set any character to level 20, which is enough—in terms of the Offline Story—to feel out a unit’s combat ability.
Later on, it will be a good idea to level up every new unit you acquire—SSRs included—through an Offline Story grind, up to level 20 at least. Although you can purchase levels, conserving Exp Coins will help ensure that you have the resources you for whenever you decide to mass-upgrade units to higher levels which gets increasingly expensive.
2.3. Groom a Quick-Clear Team/Duo
In grinding, the fewer turns you need to win, the better. Also, repetition is the key and the only way to sweeten this objectively unexciting task is to make your work quicker.
The most suitable units for the chore must have two things: high speed (preferably 290 or above) and, most importantly, an Attack All skill. There are very few wild monsters with a speed of over 250, so it is quite easy to find units that can guarantee that your team will get the first turn.
Regardless of class and element, as long as a unit meets the two requirements, it is eligible for the task. Make sure to set your high-speed, hit-all attacker within the first 4 slots and then un-deploy or at least relegate to the reinforcement line (slots 5 to 8) anyone faster. This is to ensure that the unit you appointed for the quick-clear task will be the first to attack.
A lot of SR and R heroes fit that description; you won’t need an SSR unit to conquer the Offline Story. The majority of SSRs may have high speeds but not a lot are equipped with an Attack All skill or variants, since most of them are built as solo or double target eliminators or setup-based killers.
Cheap and easy-to-acquire standouts that fit the bill are Roro (Speed: 386), Takesh (Speed: 384), Trevyn (Speed: 376), and Vivica (Speed: 291). Actually, nearly all R-class heroes have the Attack All skill so it would be a matter of which of the speedy ones you can Awaken, level up, and give fitting equipment to first.
Once you have 1 or 2 established quick-clear heroes, you can make newly-recruited heroes piggyback on the reinforcement slots or wear newly-acquired weapons to fast-track their levels via leeching.
2.4 Spend Your Silver
The in-game description itself will say that Silver is only usable in the Offline Story and this means that there is no point in conserving it. Every SR weapon that you see in towns, buy them even if they will serve as duplicates.
All items and heroes in Evertale—from classes R to SSR—can be Awakened and that is done by merging duplicates or forging them. Awakened weapons and heroes get a significant increase in their stats, thus making them more powerful than their base form counterparts at equal actual and Boost levels.
Temporarily, you may settle for R-class items, which are more common. In which case, buy and collect duplicates, Awaken the most leveled one (which will be any that your units have already used in combat), and look out for the ones with a Weapon Skill that synergizes with your team.
With the combined strength of the SSR and SR items you can loot and gain as rewards plus the Awakened SR weapons, you can gear up your Story heroes and make them formidable enough. So go spend that Silver!
3. Allocating Your Mana
Each account has a Mana pool of 300 and that amount is usually enough for a new account. You will only begin to feel the need for extra Mana if you are already in the Online Story mode since nodes that represent a battle opportunity require a certain amount to take on.
Places like the Fluorite Mines and Time-Limited events also require mana and the cost increases as you advance to the latter stages. In an account that has no carry-capable SSRs yet, it will be wise to channel your Mana in Online Story battles.
The reason for this is cost-efficiency. Online Story battles, on average, cost less Mana, and clearing them presents a chance to earn Soul Stones, SSR items, and the constant account rank (level) gain.
There is not much need to expound matters with the prioritization of Mana use; it should be:
Online Story > Time-limited Events > Fluorite Mine
Any battles you have already triumphed against within those three modes can be redone. The Account Exp and item rewards will remain constant, except for Soul Stones rewards which will only be given after the first clearing.
If you do not have SSR heroes yet, you will realize that sticking to the silver nodes (default path) will be the only choice that you have, since the majority of the enemies in gold nodes are more powerful. That is especially true from Act 4 onwards.
Without a strong hero to carry your team, the only major roadblocks you will encounter in the Online Story are major boss battles. If you’re stuck with one, spend your Mana instead in Events. The first stages should be doable even for a no-SSR team and some battles give hundreds of Soul Stones as a first-time clearance reward.
Once you already have SSRs or have finished the entire Online Story of Evertale (including the gold node battles), focus on milking time-limited events. Use the Sweep option at the farthest stage you’re able to beat. The idea is to farm up the Event-related tokens so you can have enough to redeem all rewards you wish to grab.
Each event always offers an SSR accessory as the first option (claimable once); the second option often features an SSR weapon or an SR hero, which will have a stock count of 5. This means, that with sheer diligence to Sweep events daily, you can eventually stock up fully Awakened gear.
If you’re short on time, please know that spending your Mana potions to collect more Event tokens will always be worth it since there is no other place in Evertale where you can surely get SSR accessories (outside of the Online Story). Add to that, simply having fully Awakened weapons to gear up everyone in your Platoons will surely strengthen your bid to climb through the Arena rankings.
On rare occasions, when there are no active Events, go ahead and advance through the Flourite Mines. The redeemable unique weapon there, the Scaleshatterer, is a decent gold mace that some tanks prefer to yield.
The Training Dojo costs no mana, so feel free to your problem-solving skills here when your mana runs dry. The stages here are generally challenging. Shall you be able to figure out the puzzle-like solutions required to beat the lopsided match-ups here, you can bag as much as 270 Soul Stones!
And that is pretty much all of it! Those are the farming and mana management tips you need to go by as you play Evertale.
As you can see in this guide, the regular farming cycle in Evertale does not take as much effort as what’s needed to slay a dragon but it will surely help you to be powerful enough to slay one–no matter how big or mean it is!
Please note that this guide is positioned to help beginners and those who are yet confused about how to approach the duty of gathering resources in Evertale. If you’re a long-time Evertale player and have some more tips to share, we’d love to have your input in the comment section below.
Thanks for the time you spent reading our guide, may the knowledge we shared here make your Evertale playing sessions efficient and get you up to standard farming speed!
Friday 7th of February 2020
Anybody got notes in which areas to farm which color/element evolution figurines?
Saturday 6th of July 2019
Monster I have ready level 30 but not receive any exp how to up lvl after lvl 30?
Wednesday 25th of September 2019
Probablemente tengas un monstruo de 3 estrellas de bronce eso "héroes" solo pueden llegar a nivel 30 a menos que los fusiones con algunos igual a el. También puedes buscar personajes de plata, oro(SR) o los héroes legendarios (SSR).