Eden needs your help and it’s only you who can put a stop to the Gate’s otherworldly forces and the imminent approach of the End! Do you know which Souls are strong enough to accompany you on your quest?
Kakao Games’ newest gacha RPG, Eversoul, has hit the hero collector scene with a fresh batch of characters, called Souls, for you to collect, train, field into battle, and even fall in love with. No, really, we mean that last bit because the game has a love story mechanic where you can woo each Soul and make them yours! Love story mechanic aside, here’s a brief list of tips for beginner players of Eversoul:
- Get that gacha rolling. More Souls means more tactics.
- Make a well-rounded team.
- Soul Link buffs are permanent! Pray to RNG that you’ll get matching Souls.
- The Main Story will be your bread and butter.
- The secret to using Ultimate Skills properly is timing!
- Keep your Souls upgraded and make sure that they’re at the top of their game.
- Grow your Town and get your Souls busy with part-time jobs.
- Finish your Quests for lots of cool stuff.
- Different modes give extra currency. Try them out so you can spend in the shops that require these currencies.
For more detailed tips and tricks for newbies and beginners, please see our Eversoul beginner’s guide here!
What is a Tier List?
For most hero collector games, Tier Lists are articles that discuss which heroes should often be favored by players.
The factors that decide the ranking of each hero involve the game’s META (most efficient tactics available), their overall usefulness in a fight, their raw strength, and many others. For Eversoul, we will only list Souls that start with the base rarity of Epic. This means that Souls belonging to the Rare and Common categories will not be included in this list. Epic Souls can have their rarities increased all the way up to Origin, thus, they are the most powerful. Not all of them are great, however, as you will see very soon.
This Tier List is divided into the following tiers:
- S-Tier — These are the crème de la crème. If you want to really be ahead of most players in-game, you’d be better off using these Souls.
- A-Tier — The Souls in this tier aren’t as great as the ones in the S-Tier, but they’re good enough in that they give your team an advantage. Having them alone is already a blessing.
- B-Tier — These Souls are good but not great. Only consider having them in your party if you don’t have anyone from the A-Tier or S-Tier.
- C-Tier — There’s nothing too special from the Souls in this tier. Reconsider fielding them.
- D-Tier — This tier is only reserved for Souls that need work. Putting them in your team will turn them into a glaring weakness. If it can be helped, avoid them at all costs.
That said, we will now proceed to the Tier List and our explanations as to why the Souls are in their respective tiers.
Eversoul Tier List Proper
S-Tier | Adrianne, Catherine, Chloe, Claire, Jiho, Mephistopheles, Miriam, Naiah, Petra, Prim, Talia, Velanna, Vivienne |
A-Tier | Aira, Dora, Haru, Honglan, Jacqueline, Linzy |
B-Tier | Ayame, Clara, Erusha, Jade, Nicole, Rebecca, Soonie |
C-Tier | Mica, Nini, Seeha, Violette |
D-Tier | Cherrie, Flynn, Reneé |
Below is a full explanation as to why we’ve ranked the Souls this way. For your convenience, we have also written them down alphabetically.
Eversoul Souls Info

Type: Angel
Class: Defender
Main Stat: STR
Excels At: PVE
Tier Ranking: S-Tier
Notes: The queen of practicality! Adrianne uses her trusty lance to smite foes and heal her allies. Notably, her Main Skill, Torrent of Brilliance does exactly that: it hurts her enemies while healing her allies. The healing is equal to 100% of her ATK during that skill. When push comes to shove, Adrianne can use her Ult, Evil-Ending Spear of Judgment, and zero in on the enemy with the highest attack stat. This skill deals damage equal to 300% of her attack and will damage all enemies surrounding her target.
The primary target will also be lifted into the air, interrupting them. When upgraded, Evil-Ending Spear of Judgment will also stun her enemies within the range of her primary target. In terms of utility, her Ring of Brilliance Sub Skill is quite effective against pesky backliners—she is able to yank the enemy farthest from her all the way to the front so she can easily deal with them.
If you happen to have obtained her Artifact, the Ascalon, her Passive Skill, Righteous Determination, will increase her DEF apart from already increasing her ATK for each enemy surrounding her. Her capabilities against bosses notwithstanding, Adrianne is no doubt the mightiest Soul on our list in terms of sheer strength.

Type: Beast
Class: Warrior
Main Stat: STR
Excels At: Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: A-Tier
Notes: This ferocious lioness won’t be outdone by anyone. Aira excels greatly at smashing her enemies to pieces with her mighty hammer and she draws her strength from how much health she has left. Using the Runes of Life and Death, she deals great amounts of damage if her HP is above 50% and recovers HP if it’s below that amount.
This means she is at her best when her health is more or less full. Aira’s Main Skill, Between Life and Death, resonates both runes, dealing almost twice her attack to the nearest enemy whilst stunning it for 2 seconds. This skill follows the rules of her Runes, making her deal more damage the higher her current HP is and making her heal if her HP is lower than 50%.
Her Ultimate Skill, Great Death Sentence—which is just a more powerful version of Between Life and Death—casts a decent area of effect attack, but doesn’t stun. All enemies within 3 meters of her primary target are affected by the damage of this attack. Getting her Artifact, Dagda’s Club, allows her to recover a small percentage of her HP whenever she attacks anyone affected by her Passive Skill, Rune of Decline, which involves weakening her nearest enemy for a few seconds.
Granted that she excels at dealing great amounts of damage, Aira is perfect for boss battles, and will perform better when accompanied by a healer to ensure that her damage output is high. Regardless, she can hold out on her own for a member of the Warrior class. Let Aira loose, but be careful to not let her be hunted down.

Type: Demon
Class: Caster
Main Stat: INT
Excels At: PVE and Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: B-Tier
Notes: Beware what lurks in the darkness—it could be Ayame. A caster that specializes in debuffs, Ayame knows how to draw some blood (literally). A notable debuff she casts is the Bleed debuff, which comes from one of her Sub Skills, Winding Grip. Winding Grip binds enemies within any shadow-encroached area that she creates as the battle rages on (it looks like a dark-red circle with extra markings).
Bound enemies will Bleed and will continuously receive damage the longer they stay within the shadow-encroached area. Ayame’s Main Skill, Blooming Darkness, calls forth a shadow hand that deals a great amount of damage to her target and increases the Bleeding damage. At higher levels, Blooming Darkness also deals additional damage to the enemy if they are already Bleeding.
Making her more dangerous is her Ult, Sharp Scratching Shadow, which causes her to attack her nearest enemy within a 2.5 meter circular area. The attack itself deals damage based on 270% of Ayame’s ATK and makes enemies Bleed. The Bleeding caused by Sharp Scratching Shadow is much more powerful than that of Blooming Darkness and, at higher levels, will also deal even more damage if the enemy is already Bleeding.
If you would like to punish the enemies stuck within the shadow-encroached area, Ayame’s Mirror of Tsukuyomi Artifact will greatly help with that by decreasing the enemy’s Mana while they remain within the area’s effect. But even though Ayame’s set of skills is quite impressive on its own, she isn’t that great since you may have to invest a lot of resources into her before she can deal great amounts of damage. Otherwise, you’d be better off with someone who deals burst damage.

Type: Humanlike
Class: Supporter
Main Stat: STR
Excels At: PVE
Tier Ranking: S-Tier
Notes: What secrets lie beneath a nun’s habit? This nun is no one to mess with. Catherine is a Supporter who’s so good she might as well be a Defender. Apart from her being able to heal her allies within a small area and make them invincible for a short time, as well as keep them protected from magic attacks when their health is low, Catherine can conjure a mighty shield onto her nearby allies.
This shield can absorb damage equal to a percentage of her max HP for 10 seconds. This is Catherine’s Main Skill: Gloria. At higher levels, Gloria can even restore the health of her shielded friends based on a high percentage of her ATK. Her Ult, Kyrie, restores the health of all her allies and shields them from damage. Kyrie’s shield is equal to a large percentage of Catherine’s max HP.
This Ultimate Skill lasts for 12 seconds. When upgraded, Kyrie may even additionally increase both the physical and magical resistance of all her allies. Catherine’s Sub Skill, Agnus Dei. increases all allies’ DEF by a large amount and, when equipped with her Artifact, the Holy Shroud, heals all of her allies by a small percentage of her ATK. This’ll certainly keep her friends alive for much longer. When the Gate’s horde comes a-knockin’ at your door, send Catherine to answer them.

Type: Humanlike
Class: Ranger
Main Stat: DEX
Excels At: Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: D-Tier
Notes: Yo ho ho, Savior! Look out, because here comes veteran drunk pirate Cherrie! She’s ready to set enemies alight with her liquor and her guns, but with how she operates, perhaps she might burn a little too brightly and too quickly.
Her Sub Skills involve raising her stats and setting enemies on fire. Kiss of Fire, her Main Skill, causes a large explosion over her enemies in a 2.5-meter-wide and 6.5-meter-long area. This explosion sets all her enemies on fire for 8 seconds. The burning can be upgraded to 10 seconds at later levels.
With her Ultimate Skill, Super Spiritus, Cherrie explodes a bottle of liquor to inflict damage based on a large percentage of her ATK to enemies within a wide radius. Just like Kiss of Fire, the burning duration of Super Spiritus may also be extended at higher levels. Her Artifact, Shinpen Kidoku, gives Cherrie a recovery of Mana over a few seconds whenever she uses her High Tension Sub Skill.
Said Sub Skill increases her ATK by a percentage but decreases her DEF and Evasion by a percentage equal to that of the ATK boost. Unfortunately, Cherrie’s flames don’t burn too hot. Consider someone who puts the enemy out of their misery rather quickly.

Type: Fairy
Class: Defender
Main Stat: STR
Excels At: PVE
Tier Ranking: S-Tier
Notes: Ready to rumble, Savior? Chloe’s shields aren’t only for show, you know! A proud knight of the Order of the Sun, Chloe’s brawn is what gets her through many of her fights. The damage of her attacks are derived from her DEF, and she can buff herself to keep herself protected from additional enemy damage, as well as status and knockback effects, whilst taunting all the enemies.
When it comes to her Main Skill, Leap of Perseus, and her Ultimate, Shield of Thunder and Storm, Chloe makes crowd control her priority, stunning all who get caught in her way during either of these skills. What truly makes Chloe a strong Defender is her Indomitable Will Passive Skill. Indomitable Will greatly increases her Physical and Magic Resistance by a large amount for 14 seconds while recovering a small portion of her HP, albeit only once per battle.
The Aegis, Chloe’s Artifact, makes Indomitable Will even more powerful as it adds a shield equal to a percentage of Chloe’s max HP. Can Chloe protect your party from a large group of Gate fiends? You can bet on it, Savior.

Type: Humanlike
Class: Defender
Main Stat: STR
Excels At: PVE
Tier Ranking: S-Tier
Notes: A knight always knows the value of sacrifice, and Claire, the commander of the Order of the Sun, knows what this means. Claire’s Passive Skill, Revelation of Light, grants her a shield that absorbs damage equal to a small percentage of her HP when she gets hit. This Passive Skill goes well in conjunction with her Main Skill, Noble Oath.
Noble Oath grants Claire a buff to her ATK and DEF for a few seconds but will heal her instead if she is under the Revelation of Light buff. Noble Oath also affects one of her Sub Skills, Unfaltering Charge, making it hit harder. Unfaltering Charge also allows Claire to penetrate the enemy’s frontline and draw aggro from the backline, ruining the enemy’s formation.
Upon gaining her Artifact, Flag of Jeanne d’Arc, Noble Oath allows Claire to recover her HP if she has less than 30% of it remaining. Lastly, her Ult, St. Catherine’s Holy Sword, deals a massive amount of damage to her nearest enemy and whatever’s around it. The main target will be stunned for a few seconds.
By the nature of her skills, Claire needs to have her skills activated depending on the situation and, sometimes, it requires having to give up one buff for the other. Her skills aside, Claire is much like Chloe—undaunting and mighty amidst the enemy horde.

Type: Beast
Class: Supporter
Main Stat: STR
Excels At: PVE
Tier Ranking: B-Tier
Notes: The enemy reaps what they sow, and Clara’s here to prove that. With her Passive Skill, Plentiful Aura, Clara raises the DEF of all her allies on the battlefield at all times. She is also known to be able to buff herself with ATK increases and stun her nearest enemy using her mighty rake. But what brings her out as a decent Supporter are her Main Skill, Field at Noon, and her Ultimate Skill, Hole-in-one!!
Field at Noon restores the health of all her allies and continuously heals them for a percentage of Clara’s attack every 2 seconds for 10 seconds and Hole-in-one!! heals in the same manner for an even greater amount. One of her Sub Skills, Happiness Heals, can be augmented by obtaining her Artifact, the Cornucopia.
While Happiness Heals already recovers Clara’s HP and increases her ATK for a few seconds, the Cornucopia allows her to recover a portion of her Mana each time, granting her the opportunity to activate her Main Skill sooner. While it would seem that she is promising (yes, we said she’s decent), her healing might not be able to sustain a team during the late-game stage.
However, Clara can still be used against bosses if you have no other Supporter in your roster. Clara’s willing to share her heals, but she can only give you so much.

Type: Humanlike
Class: Warrior
Main Stat: STR
Excels At: PVE and Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: A-Tier
Notes: Are your enemies ready to face a grizzly fate? When Dora the Almighty Teddy is in the fight, she aims to make all their lives more un-bear-able. Dora is the closest thing you can get to having a berserker (or a bear-serker?)—a Warrior who gives it their all whilst putting their life on the line. Some of her skill effects change when her health is below 50%, but notably her Passive Skill, Bearly Alive, ignores 25% of the enemy’s DEF.
When her life is below 50%, her defense and crit rate greatly increase albeit while lowering the amount of healing she receives from allies and similar sources. If you happen to have obtained her Artifact, the Bowl of Goldilocks, Bearly Alive will also increase Dora’s Physical and Magic Resistance.
Her other skills involve dealing great amounts of damage to enemies (and more when her life is below 50%). Meanwhile, her Ult, Bearfoot Stomp, makes for some paw-some crowd control since it deals a great amount of damage while stunning Dora’s enemies for 2 seconds.
The catch here is that, unlike her other skills, Bearfoot Stomp deals additional damage when Dora’s health isn’t below 50%, but below 30%. She loves bears so much that she wants to become one. Against the enemy horde and bosses, you can be sure that Dora will be around to make some fur fly.

Type: Undead
Class: Caster
Main Stat: INT
Excels At: Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: B-Tier
Notes: Time to ride the lightning. Erusha’s dance is more than just an electrifying performance, but just as we analyze, we’ll tell you that she might be far outclassed by some other Souls on this list. What makes her unique, however, is her ability to shock her enemies with her skills.
Once shocked, Erusha restores her mana by absorbing the electricity running through the enemy using her Passive Skill, Spinning Chakra. Apart from this skill in particular, one of her Sub Skills, Indra’s Lightning, stuns any target that she has already shocked.
If Erusha possesses her Artifact, the Vajra, her normal attacks performed on shocked targets will increase her Speed by a small amount for 8 seconds. This effect stacks. Granted that the nature of her skills possess a give-and-take sort of mechanic, she can excel against bosses but would be ultimately overshadowed by more efficient anti-boss Souls like Miriam or Vivienne. Try Erusha out anyway and see how much resistance the enemy can put up.

Type: Beast
Class: Ranger
Main Stat: DEX
Excels At: Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: D-Tier
Notes: Where there’s smoke, there’s Flynn. Flynn is a Soul obsessed with explosives but, unfortunately, her skills aren’t quite up to par. For instance, she will need a slew of melee allies if only to make her Passive Skill viable. The Passive Skill can gain an increase in Crit Rate if her Artifact, the RPG-7, has been equipped. Her basic attacks take forever to execute, and, despite her Main Skill, Mmm, Gunpowder!, the speed boost she receives from the latter isn’t all that practical.
She deals massive damage with her Ultimate Skill, Hit the Machine and It Will Work, but would be severely outshined by the likes of other Souls with better damage output overall. At first, Flynn seems to be pretty good on paper, but she’s instead a bomb with a wet wick.

Type: Beast
Class: Striker
Main Stat: DEX
Excels At: PVE and Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: A-Tier
Notes: A mysterious and elusive huntress, Haru prowls through the shadows to dispatch her prey easily. Having Haru in your party requires some placement ideas since her Passive Skill, Pack Hunter, buffs at least 2 friends near her by giving them an increased ATK.
The Kutune Shirka, Haru’s Artifact, once equipped, will increase Haru’s Physical and Magic Resistance by a small percentage when Pack Hunter is active. The Artifact also keeps Haru from being attacked while she is under the effect of Camouflage. Both of her Sub Skills, Spinning Dagger and Bleeding Claw, go hand in hand. Spinning Dagger makes the enemy Bleed, while Bleeding Claw deals additional damage to her target if they’re already bleeding.
To top this all off, both her Main and Ultimate Skills, White Molar of Death and Solitude of the End, deal massive amounts of damage to a single enemy. Solitude of the End gets a special mention since it allows her to deal double damage if there are no other enemies around her primary target when this skill is executed. This makes Haru an ideal Soul to bring along for boss fights since she doesn’t do all that well against multiple targets. Tear that boss to shreds with blinding speed—send Haru to the forefront.

Type: Beast
Class: Caster
Main Stat: INT
Excels At: PVE
Tier Ranking: A-Tier
Notes: Is it getting chilly in here, or is it just Honglan, Savior? Despite being dressed in warm colors, Honglan is anything but. Her affinity for ice elemental magic is her trump card in any battle as she can slow the enemy down to a halt with a sweep of her fan. Blue Dragon’s Dignity, her Passive Skill, causes her very presence on the battlefield to slow the enemy down and reduce their Evasion.
Meanwhile, if her skills aren’t causing area of effect damage, her Main and Ultimate Skills are what make her truly a threat to hordes of enemies since both affect the entire enemy team. Special mention goes to her Ult, Ice Dragon’s Howling Fury, which doesn’t just cause a great deal of damage, but also saps the enemy’s Mana more efficiently than the Main Skill, Glacial Shower.
When you need her to gain Mana at a faster rate, you may need Honglan’s Artifact, the Green Dragon Crescent Blade. This Artifact will allow Honglan to restore her Mana when she uses either of her Sub Skills, Ice Dragon or Freezing Strike, and deals extra damage to any frozen targets.
Be warned that charging up her Mana takes a while, so pulling her Artifact might be a priority to bring out her fullest potential. Honglan can keep you nice and cool, but who knows what will happen when the ice thaws?

Type: Undead
Class: Striker
Main Stat: DEX
Excels At: PVE and Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: A-Tier
Notes: Despite being classified as an Undead Soul, Jacqueline is closer to being a cyborg than anything. Her Passive Skill, Thermoelectric Shield, allows her to take a beating even though she is a member of the Striker class. What makes her even more special is one of her Sub Skills, Strategy: Dark Moon. This skill allows her to fly in and flank the enemy furthest from her.
As she does this, the enemy she attacks is hit by a large percentage of her ATK in a small circle while stunning them for a few seconds. Upon performing Strategy: Dark Moon successfully, Jacqueline is also put into stealth and cannot be taunted. Jacqueline’s capabilities of fighting against groups of enemies can be observed by her Main Skill as well as her Ultimate Skill.
Her Main Skill, Strategy: Burst Harpoon, will allow her to create a series of explosions in a straight line, affecting all those caught in the blast. Those hit by the explosion are inflicted with Bleeding for a few seconds. Now, her Ultimate Skill, Operation: Meteor Strike, makes her exceptionally dangerous since she flies upward and then falls onto the enemy with the lowest HP.
All enemies, regardless of their position, receive a massive amount of damage while the enemy she targeted initially will receive double that amount of damage. When in possession of her Artifact, the Gae Bulg, she increases her ATK by a percentage for 30 seconds. Unfortunately, having her mobbed is her weakness, so if you have Claire with you, Jacqueline might be able to hunt her targets down freely.
If you want things dead and you want them dead soon, Jacqueline is a worthy candidate—combat ready and built to destroy. Just be sure not to get her killed early on!

Type: Humanlike
Class: Caster
Main Stat: INT
Excels At: PVE
Tier Ranking: B-Tier
Notes: All that glitters is not gold and, sadly, it’s not Jade either. Theoretically, her setup seems viable, albeit not as special as other Souls on this list. Jade’s presence on the battlefield allows her allies’ skills to activate their special effects more frequently through her Passive Skill, Future Fortune.
An ATK up buff can be added to this Passive Skill of hers when she has her Artifact, the Hand of Midas. She can “buy” an enemy’s allegiance temporarily using one of her Sub Skills, Unrefusable Offer, and she can deal great amounts of damage to singular targets using her Main Skill, Golden Loop.
However, her Ult, Let the Forbidden Door Open, doesn’t do much. Sure, it also increases the chance of her allies’ skills to trigger their special effects, but otherwise you’d be better off having someone cast their Ult sooner than Jade’s. She might become more powerful if she’s allied with strong debuffers and healers, but reconsider fielding Jade if you have a more straightforward team. Jade is rich and she’s not afraid to flaunt her style, but money can only buy what it can afford.

Type: Humanlike
Class: Supporter
Main Stat: INT
Excels At: PVE and Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: S-Tier
Notes: The stillness of the forest, the calm breeze flowing through the trees and the leaves—Jiho invokes this kind of tranquility, and it’s enough to keep your entire team focused. Jiho is an excellent healer with most of her skills providing recovery to friends. She can also remove debuffs one by one from her allies using one of her Sub Skills, Song of Eternity. Song of Eternity can also give allies a Crit Rate buff for 14 seconds when she’s equipped with her Artifact, the Manpashikjeok.
When it comes to debuffing the enemy, she’s nothing to sneeze at either. White Blossoms Freeze to Bloom and Frigid Winter, her Passive Skill and her other Sub Skill, respectively, specialize in slowing down her enemies. The former prevents her enemies from evading any of Jiho’s normal attacks and the strength of the slow can be stacked up to 5 times per target.
Special mention goes to her Main Skill, Vulture Peak Assembly, which heals her most injured ally by a great percentage of Jiho’s attack. What makes Vulture Peak Assembly more interesting is that if the ally being healed has a debuff that prevents them from recovering health in any way, Jiho will instead cast a barrier onto them that absorbs a large portion of damage from the enemy for 15 seconds. Music always finds a way and Jiho is a Soul who knows how to direct it toward the right people.

Type: Humanlike
Class: Warrior
Main Stat: DEX
Excels At: PVE and Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: A-Tier
Notes: Lady Noir, the Knight Commander of the Order of Blackhawk—these are but two of Linzy’s titles. This perfection-chasing Warrior excels greatly at her own job and that’s to take out her enemies with finesse and efficiency.
One of Linzy’s specialties is her Passive Skill, Daze, which allows her to reduce her target’s Accuracy. Each time she evades her target’s attacks while in this state, Linzy raises her Crit DMG by a tiny percentage. This special buff can stack up to 20 times.
Some of her skills rely on the number of Daze stacks she has accumulated from evading her target’s strikes, especially her Main and Ultimate Skills, Avenging Sword and Moment of Twisted Fate, respectively. Both these skills gain additional effects and damage if her Daze stacks are above 10 or more.
Her Artifact, the Fragarach, adds an effect to Daze wherein she increases her ATK by a tiny amount. Linzy is a decent addition to any team that requires heavy single-target damage, but it’ll be fine to part ways with her if you’ve landed someone from the S-Tier. As perfectionistic as she is, Linzy still has her flaws but they can be overlooked once she’s put in the right company.

Type: Humanlike
Class: Caster
Main Stat: INT
Excels At: PVE and Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: S-Tier
Notes: The operator of the Ark Metatron herself, Mephistopheles is a formidable Caster. Her Multi-Dimensional Analysis Passive Skill is one benefit that increases the likelihood of her enemies to be struck by critical hits. One of her Sub Skills, Code: Banish, is quite useful when fighting against bosses or particularly difficult enemies. With Code: Banish, she can shut down the enemy with the highest ATK stat and stun them for a few seconds.
At higher levels, Code: Banish not only stuns them for longer, but it also increases the Crit DMG the target receives by a large amount. Code: Overdrive and Spear of the Ark, her Main Skill and Ultimate Skill, respectively, deal greater amounts of damage if any of her targets are in the Multi-Dimensional Analysis state.
The Ark Metatron, Mephistopheles’ Artifact, can lower the enemy’s DEF for 18 seconds when they’re afflicted with Multi-Dimensional Analysis. Mephi is quite useful in PVE, but having her alongside you when you’re faced with a boss is great since she can focus all of her strength on the boss itself. Despite her name, Mephistopheles isn’t a demon out to make deals with desperate alchemists (or Saviors, in this case)—she’s a godsend.

Type: Beast
Class: Warrior
Main Stat: STR
Excels At: PVE
Tier Ranking: C-Tier
Notes: The enemy better hang on tightly to the ground, because Mica’s about to rock their world. Mica’s abilities involve a lot of area-of-effect attacks, but it would appear that she’s only even more powerful when Seeha is on the same team. When Seeha is on the field alongside Mica, Mica gains an increase in ATK, Physical Resistance, Magic Resistance, and all of her skills can activate special effects.
One of her Sub Skills, however, Cute Live Performance, deserves special mention as it can be enhanced by her Artifact, the Lyre of Orpheus. Cute Live Performance damages all enemies by a percentage of Mica’s ATK within a 3-meter radius; the Lyre of Orpheus grants her status effect immunity while she does this.
Alone, she’s not as impressive and that’s why she’s not very high on this Tier List. You’d be better off fielding someone else who can fill her role. Mica’s just a member of a band—she can’t play on her own.

Type: Fairy
Class: Ranger
Main Stat: DEX
Excels At: Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: S-Tier
Notes: Feeling lucky, Savior? Well, are you? This Soul Alliance inspector is an expert at guns and she isn’t afraid to show her skills off. As Miriam fights, she generates a Magic Bullet buff through her Passive Skill, her two Sub Skills, and her Ultimate Skill. What really makes her an interesting addition to any party is how she uses her Magic Bullet buffs to inflict massive amounts of damage unto the enemy.
Exterminating Bullet, her Main Skill, for example, allows Miriam to whip out a minigun and blast her nearest enemy with each bullet from the spray of gunfire, dealing a large percentage of her ATK. Exterminating Bullet uses up all of her Magic Bullets, so she will have to generate them.
The key to using her properly is to generate that sweet number of maximum Magic Bullet stacks of 7 so she can punish the enemy severely. Pulling her Artifact, the Seventh Bullet, Miriam will be able to reduce the enemy’s Physical Resistance by a percentage for 9 seconds. Granted that she’s a Ranger, you will need some reliable tanks to soak up damage so she can rain bullets on important targets—especially bosses! Lock and load, Savior.

Type: Fairy
Class: Caster
Main Stat: INT
Excels At: PVE
Tier Ranking: S-Tier
Notes: The enemy’s way past their bedtime, Savior—send Naiah out to put them to sleep, maybe forever. What makes Naiah stand out as a Caster is that she targets the enemy with the highest ATK stat and ensures that they stay shut down through sleep. Her Sub Skill, Dream-Eating Fairy, and her Ultimate Skill, To the Endless Dream, notwithstanding, her other skills involve putting the enemy to sleep.
Special mention goes to her Main Skill, Time to Say Good Night. She targets the enemy with the highest ATK stat and deals a great amount of damage while putting it and enemies around it to sleep at a 50% chance. Naiah can become more powerful yet through her Dust of Sandman Artifact.
This Artifact recovers her Mana immediately when she gets hit and grants Naiah a Veil of Dreams buff for 4 seconds wherein she cannot be targeted or hit by enemy attacks—even area of effect. Veil of Dreams has a cooldown of 24 seconds, however. This makes her excellent at PVE due to her ability to put a halt to the enemy’s charge. Sometimes, all it takes to win is to have Naiah put the enemy into a deep, unwilling sleep.

Type: Fairy
Class: Ranger
Main Stat: DEX
Excels At: Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: B-Tier
Notes: The Gate fiends better watch where they tread, especially in Eden’s forests, for a mysterious force is watching their every move. Nicole and her faithful, fine-feathered friend, Maedori, swear to protect and uphold the sanctity of the forest as well as its sacred power. Nicole has the ability to cast a unique status onto the enemy, Feather Brand.
This debuff decreases the enemy’s Evasion for a few seconds and will affect the strength of some of her other skills. Regrettably, Nicole isn’t very high on this Tier List specifically because of this debuff. It’s a Sub Skill, so it happens only every so often. However, she can help carry the team in boss fights since Feather Brand greatly affects both her Main Skill and Ultimate Skill.
If the enemy is affected by the Feather Brand, Storm (Main) and Inescapable Rain of Death (Ultimate) deal nearly 3 times her ATK to the nearest enemy. Equipping her with her Artifact, the Failnaught, will greatly increase the amount of Crit Damage the enemy receives when they’re affected by Feather Brand. While she is inflexible in terms of strategy, Nicole still tries her best to keep her eye on the target.

Type: Undead
Class: Caster
Main Stat: INT
Excels At: Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: C-Tier
Notes: This introverted jiangshi is a jack of all trades. Nini excels greatly in showering the enemy in various debuffs. Through the use of her magic seals, she can decrease the enemy’s Magic Resistance, silence them, burn, or even freeze them for a few seconds. We’d like to point out that her Main Skill, Yin Yang Bagua Zhang, is the one that can burn or freeze her opponents.
Theoretically, she might be good at damaging a boss target over time, but you’d be better off with Souls who deal even greater amounts of damage. The Amulet of Protection, Nini’s rightful Artifact, causes her normal attacks to bestow the Addition effect onto any enemies she hits. Once the enemy accumulates 6 stacks of Addition, Nini will hit them with an extra amount of damage equal to a percentage of her ATK.
While she is capable of dealing vast amounts of damage to anyone near her, she isn’t that great in the grand scheme of things. Perhaps Nini would be better off sealed if you happen to have stronger Souls in your roster.

Type: Undead
Class: Defender
Main Stat: STR
Excels At: PVE and Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: S-Tier
Notes: For whom does the bell toll? Petra can answer this question for you. This petite gravekeeper can trap the spirit of the enemy with the highest ATK inside her grim lantern. This is one of her Sub Skills called Soul Extortion. Whenever she is hit, the enemy whose spirit is trapped will receive a percentage of the damage that Petra receives for a duration.
The best part about this is that this Sub Skill cannot be evaded and that upon releasing the trapped soul, Petra grants all her allies a shield that absorbs damage for a few seconds. Soul Extortion can be further upgraded when Petra is equipped with her Artifact, the Spirit-Calling Incense. This Artifact makes Petra sap a percentage of health from the trapped spirit for 18 seconds.
To ensure that she keeps herself alive and is able to endure such damage from the enemy onslaught, she can use her Main Skill, Energy Absorption. This skill will drain a percentage of health from each enemy within Petra’s vicinity. If that’s not enough, her Ult, Underworld Keeper’s Evil Eyes, will inflict even more damage based on a small percentage of her max HP to all her enemies.
Her Ult will also remove a few buffs from the enemy as well. Keep in mind that with such a powerful kit at her disposal, Petra is ideal for fighting bosses and the Gate horde alike. When it comes to putting the enemy to rest, Petra grants anything but a shallow grave.

Type: Undead
Class: Supporter
Main Stat: INT
Excels At: PVE and Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: S-Tier
Notes: An excellent entertainer and a professional performer! Prim is here to put the razzle-dazzle in your battle. Having her alone on the battlefield will cause the enemy to have their critical hit rates lowered because they’d be too distracted watching Prim’s flashy magic tricks. If there are any allies near Prim, she can greatly boost the ATK of her allies using one of her Sub Skills, Abracadabra.
Two of her skills, Will There Be Pigeons? (Sub), and Wanna See a Magic Trick? (Main), focus greatly on healing her friends. The former targets her friend with the lowest HP and damages enemies within said friend’s immediate vicinity and the latter heals all her allies whilst removing at least 2 debuffs.
Wanna See a Magic Trick? can also be improved once Prim gets her hands on her Artifact, the Caduceus. The Caduceus gives the aforementioned skill a 30% chance to increase all of her allies’ Speed, DEF, and Crit Rate for 9 seconds. Her Ult is nothing to sneeze at either.
Finale: Where Did the Rabbit Go? is a decent damage-dealing skill that also inflicts a long stun debuff. Due to her being able to remove debuffs alone makes Prim an invaluable asset to any party. Bring her to PVE, boss fights, parties, weddings, events, and yes, even funerals. There’ll never be a dull moment with Prim around!

Type: Undead
Class: Ranger
Main Stat: DEX
Excels At: PVE and Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: B-Tier
Notes: Let’s hope the enemy is afraid of needles because Rebecca isn’t short of these. This Soul in particular has a knack for poisoning the enemy and decreasing their received healing by large amounts, especially through her Main Skill and Ult. Her Main Skill, Yellow Anti-Recovery Injection, can receive an extra effect when Rebecca is given her Artifact, the Gae Buide.
This grants the Main Skill the ability to reduce her target’s Mana by a large amount. When paired alongside the likes of Nini, Haru, Ayame, and Cherrie, Rebecca augments the effect of the damage over time that the aforementioned Souls can inflict. This is her Passive Skill, Aggravating Wounds.
Using one of her Sub Skills, Synthetic Adrenaline, she can boost the farthest ally by increasing their Speed and ATK for a few seconds, ideal for tanks fighting on the front line. Alone, Becky here won’t be of much help unless she’s accompanied by any of the Souls we’ve mentioned who deal area-of-effect damage.
Otherwise, she works well as a pseudo Supporter. Maybe when all is said and done, Rebecca would’ve given the enemy a taste of their own medicine.

Type: Fairy
Class: Striker
Main Stat: STR
Excels At: PVE and Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: D-Tier
Notes: A Striker armed with a pair of mechanical fists, Reneé seems like a formidable Soul to have. Beware: she has a lot of shortcomings as of this writing. For one, her Passive Skill, Gear Up, only allows her to increase her ATK and Evasion only if someone happens to buff her with a Speed increase.
It’s still quite risky to have her be put up front since she isn’t as tanky as other melee Souls. She can increase her own speed using her Sub Skill, Magnum Punch, but since that’s a Sub Skill that happens only every now and then, her potential as a frontliner is a little bit stunted.
One notable Soul who might be able to help Reneé with her Gear Up buff is Rebecca, but why put Reneé up front when she’s a part of the Striker class—one of the squishier classes in the game? Her job is to let the Defenders do the tanking.
With the Defenders being in the thick of things, Rebecca will most certainly buff them first, not Reneé—although Soul placement in the formation might solve that. Reneé’s Main Skill and Ultimate Skill are quite reliant on her Gear Up buff, making it rather difficult to time her skills properly. This is especially true if you already have Souls that have buffs and statuses you need to keep track of.
Though the Nuada Airgetlam, Reneé’s Artifact, might make her more viable since she gains a stackable buff that increases her Crit Rate by a tiny percentage, she may still need support from her friends. Impractical and a little too rigid, Reneé might be down for the count if fielded into any team where she sticks out like a sore thumb.

Type: Beast
Class: Supporter
Main Stat: DEX
Excels At: PVE
Tier Ranking: C-Tier
Notes: Seeha is akin to Mica in that they need each other to be completely effective. As far as her role as a Supporter is concerned, Seeha isn’t all that special. Her Main Skill, Music On, only restores the HP of friendly Souls within a certain radius, making it difficult if Defenders and Warriors have already advanced forward.
Moonlit Stage, her Ult, recovers all of her friends’ HP by a percentage of Seeha’s ATK, but you’d be better off fielding a more effective healer that possesses an Ultimate Skill more worthy of being activated, like Catherine. One of her Sub Skills, Happy Live Performance, heals allied Souls within a 3-meter radius equal to a small percentage of Seeha’s ATK.
This skill can be further improved by Seeha’s Artifact, the Tuning Fork of Calliope, which grants her status effect immunity while she is casting Happy Live Performance. When upgraded, Seeha recovers some Mana whenever Happy Live Performance is cast. This, unfortunately, doesn’t amount to much in the end. Seeha sings to Mica’s tune but can’t carry the song when the latter isn’t around. Consider a more independent Soul if you don’t have both of them.

Type: Beast
Class: Defender
Main Stat: STR
Excels At: PVE
Tier Ranking: B-Tier
Notes: Soonie is ready to make a splash, but can she hold water in a team? As a Defender, her presence alone increases the heal over time effect for all of her friends through her Passive Skill. This can be further augmented for Soonie herself when she is equipped with her Artifact, the Turtle Ship. The Turtle Ship grants Soonie a healing over time effect that restores a small percent of her max HP every 2 seconds as the fight goes on.
The rest of her skills derive their damage directly from Soonie’s overall DEF stat, so the higher her DEF is, the more damage she deals. A skill worth noting is her Ultimate Skill, Seek to Live Only to Die, which deals a ton of damage (400% of Soonie’s DEF at base level) to her nearest enemy and any enemies within a 3.5-meter radius. Enemies caught in the blast will have their buffs completely removed.
On her own merit, Soonie excels in dealing a lot of damage while taking hits, but as a Defender Soul, she doesn’t do so much to keep her friends safe. Consider fielding Soonie only if you think you’re not sailing rough waters.

Type: Fairy
Class: Supporter
Main Stat: INT
Excels At: PVE and Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: S-Tier
Notes: We hope you’re ready to make your wish, Savior, because Talia’s here to make it come true. Apart from increasing the ATK and DEF stats of all your souls by a small percentage solely by being deployed on the battlefield, Talia comes with a couple of tricks up her sleeve.
She has the power to deal a reasonable amount of damage to her nearest enemy and reduce its Accuracy for a few seconds using her Sub Skill, Attention to the Stars. Her other Sub Skill, Greet the Stars, gives Talia’s farthest ally a shield that’s equal to a percentage of Talia’s HP for a few seconds and grants them an increase in DEF by 10%.
Her Main Skill and Ultimate Skill, Tell Me Your Zodiac Sign and Star’s Arrival Day, respectively, heal her allies over time and continuously restore their Mana, allowing her friends to activate their skills right after. Tell Me Your Zodiac Sign is more effective as it restores HP and Mana by a higher amount whilst also removing 1 debuff from each ally.
Star’s Arrival Day, on the other hand, deals a great percentage of damage from Talia’s ATK to all of her enemies as she crashes stars onto them. The enemies struck by the stars are also knocked down in the process. If you want Star’s Arrival Day to hit even harder, getting her Artifact, the Tetrabiblos, piles on even more damage onto it. As far as Talia goes, providing healing, protection, and a decent amount of damage using her Ult, the stars point to the sign that she’s a valuable member in any party.

Type: Undead
Class: Warrior
Main Stat: STR
Excels At: PVE and Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: S-Tier
Notes: Today’s forecast: a downpour… of blood. Velanna is an Undead Soul with a thirst for blood and violence. Her abilities greatly involve dealing increased damage to enemies who are Bleeding. Her Sub Skill, Soaring Hatred, makes targets Bleed within a 2.5-meter radius. The moment this is executed, the rest of her skills will follow. For instance, Swirling Frenzy, another Sub Skill, as well as Wild Dance, her Main Skill, inflict a lot of damage to any target that already happens to be Bleeding.
Her Passive Skill is also a nice touch to this, Seething Obsession. What Seething Obsession does is it allows Velanna to guarantee Critical Hits onto Bleeding targets. She also absorbs HP from each Bleeding enemy she attacks.
Her Ultimate Skill, Ball of Blood and Snake, inflicts damage derived from a large percentage of Velanna’s ATK to all enemies on screen. All enemies hit will Bleed and if there are some that have been already Bleeding to begin with, she inflicts even more damage to them. Because her attacks on Bleeding enemies are guaranteed to score Critical Hits, equipping her with her Artifact, the Clarent, is a must.
The Clarent increases her Critical Damage, ensuring that the enemy falls into a bloody mess before her. Team-wise, she could go nicely with Ayame since it’s also her expertise to make the enemy Bleed. By the time Velanna’s done with the enemy, the battlefield would be akin to a butcher shop.

Type: Undead
Class: Caster
Main Stat: INT
Excels At: Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: C-Tier
Notes: This seductive Caster will lure the enemy to disaster. Violette loves curses, disease, and disaster—so much so that she becomes more powerful as she smites those who are afflicted by damage over time (Burning, Freezing, Poison, Bleeding, and Curse) with any of her normal attacks.
With each hit, her attack increases by a small amount by the number of effects applied, and this can stack up to 50. This is her Passive Skill, Absorbing Disasters. Apart from all this, she can debuff the enemy by lowering their ATK and DEF for a few seconds while removing their buffs with one of her Sub Skills, Bell of Decline.
With her other Sub Skill, Whispering Curse, Violette can inflict some damage over time of her own (this still stacks with Absorbing Disasters). Her Main Skill and Ultimate Skill are almost identical as they both deal damage based on the number of damage over time effects cast on the target. The one that sets A Thousand Disasters and One Hope, her Ultimate, apart from her Main Skill is that it restores Violette’s HP equal to a large percentage of her ATK and removes all debuff effects present on her.
You can still up her overall damage output by equipping her with her rightful Artifact, Pandora’s Box, which will greatly increase Violette’s Crit Rate and Crit Damage at the start of each battle. Granted that she draws power from damage over time debuffs, she pairs nicely with the likes of Velanna, Ayame, Honglan, and Rebecca.
As an extreme case, she excels perfectly against bosses but does poorly against groups of enemies. In the center of disaster, you’ll no doubt find Violette dancing in the middle of it—just make sure that she’s well-protected by smaller enemies and she’ll keep dancing.

Type: Fairy
Class: Caster
Main Stat: INT
Excels At: PVE and Boss Fights
Tier Ranking: S-Tier
Notes: The mysterious sorceress that you meet early on. Vivienne is a powerhouse when it comes to casting spells since her Passive Skill grants her an increase in Mana recovery. She can also increase the speed of all of her allies with one of her Sub Skills, Westerly. She can also help buff her farthest ally using Snow Eater, the other Sub Skill, wherein said ally will deal damage equal to a middle percentage of Vivienne’s ATK within a 2.5-meter radius.
One of the skills that really makes Vivienne shine is her Main Skill, Cutting Wind Blade, which deals a large amount of damage based on her ATK. This also grants her the Wind Blade buff, which increases her Crit Rate and can stack up to 3 times. If she casts Cutting Wind Blade while Wind Blade buffs are present, she deals extra damage.
When you equip her with her Artifact, the Emerald Tablet, she will return a small portion of Mana whenever Cutting Wind Blade is used, allowing her to do it again in a shorter amount of time. Much like Cutting Wind Blade, her Ult, Giant Destroyer of All Things, deals more damage the more stacks of Wind Blade she has on her. Given her kit, Vivienne seems ideal for all kinds of battles and is a welcome member for any party needing a powerful Caster. Hold onto your hats, Vivienne’s gonna blow the enemy away.
This wraps up our Eversoul Tier List! Do you agree or disagree with our Tier List? Do you have other ideas on where each Soul should fall? Let us know in the comment section!