Gamevil is back with the third installment in its Cartoon Wars series, which is now available for Android and iOS devices. Cartoon Wars 3 is a “strategic” tower defense game where you can build up your own army to destroy enemy towers, and defend your castle with your Arrow Launcher, among other things. The units you add to your army can be boosted by leveling them up or enhancing them, and you can also come up with stronger characters by evolving and combining existing ones. There are also multiple game modes, including a Team Battle mode where you can get your friends involved.
Like you may have done in the past on previous Cartoon Wars titles, you’ll be controlling characters who are comparative stick figures to the well-detailed heroes you may control in other related games. But how can you make these characters truly powerful, and how can you effectively defend your castle against enemy forces? The answers are right below, in our Cartoon Wars 3 strategy guide.
1. The First, And Simplest Trick For Optimizing Your Mana
In battle, you might want to try this out so that you can make the most out of the mana you have. First thing to do would be to deploy a few troops for defensive purposes. Next, allow your mana to build up to the point where you can upgrade your mana tower. More upgrades on that tower mean faster mana buildup, as well as greater capacity. This would then allow you to deploy troops faster, consequently giving you more of an edge in battle. Furthermore, it’s a particularly helpful tip if one of your characters requires a whole lot of mana for you to release. Once you’ve sent off a few troops to keep the enemy busy, you can then release your rare character and unleash him/her on the opposition, ending the battle convincingly.
2. So How Do You Keep The Opponent Busy In The First Tip?
Yes, we did mention keeping the enemy busy in the meantime, while waiting for your big gunner to be ready for deployment. It’s as simple as using your up and down buttons to properly aim the arrows your tower launches at the enemy.
3. Make Use Of Your Summons
Once you get 4,500 coins or 60 crystals – that’s your common and premium currency respectively – you can use your summons. It doesn’t matter what type of currency you use, as chances of getting a rare character are relatively the same regardless. But don’t despair if you’re only able to summon a common character. They’ll still serve some use for you down the line, as low-mana characters can do as we detailed above – distract enemies while the higher-end characters are building up their mana.
4. There’s A Way To Change Your Main Unit
One of the changes Gamevil implemented on Cartoon Wars 3 is the fact that you can no longer replace your main unit (your team leader) with another unit like you used to. But there is a workaround here, and it involves making a different unit into your team leader. Go to the Kingdom menu and tap on a different unit from your team leader, as long as they have a green check mark over their avatar. Once you see the unit info screen, tap on the crown icon so you can appoint that unit as your new leader. Leaders enjoy improved attack and hit points stats, so choose wisely!
5. Use Your Surplus Units To Improve Rarer Characters
You will be able to access a lot of units as you progress on in the game, but there will be a lot whom you won’t be needing too much for battle at some point. These surplus characters can be used to improve your better ones; you can sacrifice them for upgrades or enhancements, which may sound similar but are actually different. An upgrade refers to a mere leveling up of a character, while enhancement adds to their base stats and makes them substantially more powerful. Talking about upgrades, you can add a maximum three units to upgrade the target unit, with duplicate units having a more pronounced effect on your upgrade.
6. More Tips For Enhancement – About The Probability Factor
There’s a statistic in Cartoon Wars 3 called Enhance Probability, and you’ll need to keep that in mind before deciding to enhance a character. If the probability is higher than 50 percent, then by all means, go for it. But how do you increase this statistic?
The trick here is to use the same unit, which could even drive up probability to a perfect 100 percent. So if you’re trying to enhance a spearman with two-star rarity, you’ll need to choose another spearman with two-star rarity for the best chances of improving ATK (attack) and HP.
7. About Merging And Evolution
Aside from upgrades and enhancements, there are a few other ways in which you can make your units better. Merging units that have been fully upgraded and enhanced transforms them into as random unit that’s one star higher in terms of rarity. Evolving them, on the other hand, would require you to use two identical units; this turns them into the same character, albeit with a rarity level that’s also one star higher.
8. Equip Your Units With Skill Cards
The solo missions/levels can yield skill cards, among other goodies, and if you’ve got some, then equip them to your units. There are various kinds of skill cards, with some of them capable of improving ATK and others capable of improving HP. But before you equip a skill card, you must first purchase a skill slot for a unit.
9. Unlock Battle Slots To Add To Your Maximum Units
If you want to have a formidable army of characters, heroes, units, or whatever you want to call them, you’ll need to unlock battle slots. That’s going to cost you a ton of gold, and though we’ll be talking about this in depth a little later down the line, completing and replaying solo and PvP raids are the best ways in the game for you to earn more gold.
10. Remember The Elemental System
There is an elemental system in Cartoon Wars 3, and it’s a twist on the usual rock-paper-scissors mechanic, with corresponding icons. The closed fist represents rock, the open hand paper, and the victory paper scissors – just like it does in real life. You’ll see those symbols as ATK elements, and when setting up your units, you’ll want to choose those whose ATK elements trump those of the enemy unit. This would mean having more Scissors element units if your opponent has more units with the Paper element, or having more Rock element units to counter an opponent with a lot of Scissors units.
11. Be Careful When Using The Bow
Although the bow can be your best friend in a few situations, it isn’t always a good idea to rely on it. The bow comes in handy if you’ve got a lot of enemy units coming close to crossing the danger line; activate it and it will automatically launch arrows at the target until it is deactivated. Use the blue button to adjust your aim, and you’ll be able to easily make use of the bow to ward off enemy forces.
There is, however, a catch to using the bow, despite its obvious convenience factor. If your units get caught between the bow’s field of view and your enemies, the bow will become a distraction. Some believe it’s best to use the bow in tight situations, though this will only be the case most, but not all of the time.
12. How To Upgrade Your Bow
Even with the conditions mentioned above, it’s still important to upgrade your bow. You can ensure that it’s up to speed with the rest of your defenses by equipping your Armory with the Arrow Rocket Launcher and Bow Gauge runes. These runes and many others can be acquired by playing solo missions, and runes can also be enhanced if you have two of the same type. Simply use the duplicate to enhance the one that’s already equipped, and you’re good to go.
13. Replay Completed Levels
Like in other tower defense games and RPGs that involve computer AI, you can grind all you want in this game. If you need more experience points to level up or enhance your units, all you have to do is go back to levels you’ve already beaten, then beat them again so you can earn the XP you need to improve your units. Grinding is also a great way to get runes and skill cards, so if you want to replay a level that’s already been completed, then go for it. You might be surprised by the rewards you can earn.
This is the end of our extended guide for Cartoon Wars 3. Hope you’ve enjoyed this list of tips and tricks, and learned something new to become more successful in this exciting Gamevil title.
Tuesday 3rd of January 2017
^^^^this please :)
Sunday 10th of April 2016
This guide is extremely useful! It would be great if you can guide us through what units to upgrade and what units to ignore. Gold should be spent wisely and if I know now what troops to invest it in, that would be very helpful as I do not wish to spend money on game. Also is it worth to upgrading 2 same units to max with enhance +5 and then evolve them or just max 2 different troops and then merge them? Thanks for the guide though.