Blasty Bubs is another one of those games with a made-up adjective ending with the letter “y” as the first word and a one-syllable noun for the second word – that old Flappy Bird-style naming convention. We usually see this in casual games, and this one is no exception, though we’d probably say it’s far deeper than Flappy Bird and its ilk. It’s a combination between brick breaker and pinball games, where you need to take gravity, angle, and physics into consideration, and as this iOS and Android game’s description says, you’ll need to aim the balls carefully to destroy the bricks.
The game isn’t as simple as aiming the balls straight ahead – sometimes, you’ll need to launch some trick shots, which may make for some eye-opening brick-breaking, provided the trick shot actually works. There are varying types of blocks/bricks, as well as power-ups that could help you along the way.
How can you launch the perfect trick shot and impress yourself, if not your friends who may also be playing the game? How can you complete more puzzles and break more bricks with the right type of shots? You’ll want to read on if some or all of those questions have come up along the way, as we’ve got a few Blasty Bubs tips and tricks for improving your high score.
1. Take Your Time
Just like in most (but not all) Match 3 games, there’s no real time limit to deal with here. You should take that opportunity to plan your shots carefully, because if you launch your balls (or your bubs) from the cannon, that’s it – they’ll be flying out and hopefully hitting the blocks in hopes of breaking more of them. Plan your shot and have the shot play out in your mind before you fire it – where do you want your bubs to go? The goal here is to use as few bubs as possible, and not to use them in the least time.
2. Aim At The Higher Bricks
When it comes to aiming at bricks in Blasty Bubs, you’ll want to aim at the higher bricks if you’re trying to play it as safely as possible. There may be situations where it would be more practical to shoot at the lower bricks, but this may oftentimes result in your bub disappearing underneath – take note that when you lose your bub, you can’t get it back! You don’t want to run out of bubs either. Instead, take aim at the upper corners, as that’s going to increase the chances of your bub bouncing off walls and hitting obstacles and taking them out.
3. Should You Shoot Into Empty Spaces?
It might sound foolhardy, since this is a game where your goal is to take out the blocks by using as few bubs as possible. But there are times when you may need to shoot at empty corners. That’s one way of pulling off a trick shot, as the bub may bounce off walls or do other unexpected things where you’ll end up breaking some blocks after all.
There you have it! These would be our tips and tricks for Blasty Bubs. If you know other tips for the game, that we haven’t mentioned in this guide, let us know in the comment area!