Once again it’s update o’clock in the MU Origin town of Lorencia, which means it’s time for some sparkly new features courtesy of publisher Webzen.
First on the cards is a cross-server tournament inspired by the chaos of its mythological namesake. Ragnarok pits the top one hundred players around the world against each other, every month between the 10th and the 16th, 3.30pm to 4.30pm server time. The winner goes home with the in-game title of MU Origin No.1, whilst the losers go home with some conciliatory Ragnarok points. These tokens take the sting out of the loss, since you can exchange them for goodies at the Ragnarok shop. So everyone’s a winner… Sort of.
Along with the Ragnarok tournament, the update introduces an evolution to the pet system. If you’ve finished the Faith War quest, you can now add skills to any pet on or over level thirty. You can upgrade and unlock skill slots, inserting Epic, Rare and Magic skills to bolster your pet’s stats. As your pet levels up, more skill slots can be unlocked, with a maximum of four per creature. Meaning man’s best friend could be a Red Dragon with Paralyze and Reflect activated, rather than some measly mutt.
Guilds can count their blessings in the new MU, too, in more ways than one. Guild Temples are an extra means of gaining bonuses and buffs for your character. You upgrade your temple using guild points and benefit from its greater blessing, proving useful in battle. The guild level cap has also been bumped from eight to ten, so there’s more room to grow into a formidable band of warriors.
There are a few other tweaks here and there, such as a Cry Wolf statue in Lorencia you can praise and a new area called Elvenland to explore. Pop your epic gauntlets on and dive into the new improved MU Origin, available for iOS and Android.