Yes, we get it – this is another collection of Fallout Shelter tips and tricks, and we’ve shared with you quite a lot of them in the past. But unlike our previous lists of Fallout Shelter strategies, this we’re focusing more on those tips we weren’t able to cover the first few times around, as …
Fallout shelter dwellers
Previously, our Fallout Shelter strategy guide had covered two separate articles, that you can check out here and here. These two articles feature general tips and tricks, that you can use to run the perfect, ideal vault. However, when you’re talking about a game like this, with all the hype surrounding its recent release and …
Ready for yet another Fallout Shelter strategy guide? We hope you are, because we’ve got a fresh one right here. Before we delve into the guide, let’s give you a little backgrounder about the game. Fallout Shelter is a brand new game by Bethesda that is, as of the moment, only available for iOS devices. …
This is the second part of this particular Fallout Shelter guide, and in here, we shall be offering more tips and suggestions on how to get yourself more power, water, and food. But before that, let’s give you a brief backgrounder on the game – it’s mainly about resource management in Fallout Shelter, as you …
Bethesda recently released Fallout Shelter, a game that one can call a juxtaposition between the styles and themes of the late ‘50s and early ‘60s (back when fallout shelters were briefly in vogue, but ultimately never used) and your typical post-apocalyptic adventure set in the future. It is available right now for iOS, with an …