The interestingly-named Riddle Logic Master Trivia is an iOS game (no Android version, apparently) by Dulal Krisahna Biswas, and you probably recognize this developer’s name as the creator of other simple, yet addictive brain teaser games for iOS devices. And it asks you to guess the answer to hundreds of familiar and not-so-familiar riddles, thereby stimulating your brain as you “train” it with each progressively harder question you have to answer. But it isn’t just riddles that are included in this game, but also some mathematical or logical questions that may leave you in a tizzy while trying to solve them. That’s right – you may encounter some challenges along the way, but you know the deal with these so-called “brain training” games, right?
If you’re finding yourself riddled by these riddles, so to say, and unable to figure some of the questions out, you don’t need to panic. We’ve got a fairly comprehensive list of Riddle Logic Master Trivia answers and cheats below, and it covers the game’s first 122 levels. There are many more beyond that, but for now, we’ve got a good number of them completed; read on if you’re having some difficulty, but don’t read too far! It’s no fun, after all, if all the answers are right in front of you with no challenge whatsoever.
Riddle Logic Master Trivia Answers All Levels
#1: Forty One
#2: Egg
#3: Mary
#4: W
#5: Hole
#6: Beth
#7: Blackboard
#8: Bottle
#9: Breath
#10: Bullet
#11: C
#12: Clock
#13: Air
#14: Card
#15: Carpet
#16: Charcoal
#17: Clock
#18: Coffin
#19: Bark on Tree
#20: Cold
#21: Cricket
#22: Croakroom
#23: Dandelion
#24: Darkness
#25: Daughter
#26: David
#27: Death
#28: Doll
#29: Donut
#30: Doorbell
#31: Drop of Water
#32: Drum
#33: Echo
#34: Edam
#35: Candle
#36: Envelope
#37: Eraser
#38: Few
#39: Fleas
#40: Fly
#41: Coin
#42: Glass
#43: Gnomework
#44: Goose
#45: Gum
#46: Hands
#47: Haste
#48: Hip Hop
#49: Bell
#50: Horse
#51: Hot Dog
#52: Anchor
#53: Incorrectly
#54: Job
#55: Keyboard
#56: Leaf
#57: Loud
#58: Makeup
#59: Map
#60: Ice