Here’s some good news and some bad news about Pokémon GO, the sensational new game from Niantic that looks to already be the hottest mobile game ever released in the U.S., and possibly the biggest Android and iOS hit of all time in the other countries where it’s been released. The good news is that it doesn’t really eat up a lot of data. That’s great for those who are worried that the new game would cost them big-time when their bills come in the mail next month. But the bad news is that the game is so intense that it eats up a lot of battery life during normal play. Unlike other mobile games which you can play in the comfort of home with a charger plugged into your device, Pokémon GO requires you to step out of the house, and bringing a charger with you isn’t always the most convenient thing to do when playing.
Yes, battery life may be an issue when you’re playing this game, and it can be really heartbreaking to lose out on a new Pokémon just because your phone gave out while you were in the process of catching it. But have no fear, as our newest Pokémon GO strategy guide deals with ways that can help you save or optimize battery life while playing the game.
1. Turn On The Game’s Battery Save Mode
By this, we’re not referring to your phone’s power-saving mode, regardless of what your phone’s maker calls it. We are talking about Pokémon GO’s Battery Save Mode, which can be toggled on or off via the game menu. Simply head to the main menu and turn the Battery Save Mode option on, and you can play the game for longer without having to worry about running out of battery juice. And, as a b onus tip, you may also want to turn your phone upside down; this would result in a black screen with the Pokémon logo showing up, which further allows you to save up on battery life and use less energy while in the heat of the action.
2. Use The Game’s Offline Maps
One reason why the game is so battery-intensive is the fact that by default, Pokémon GO will regularly download new updates, then make them on your device to ensure that your version is always the current one. That’s all well and good, but it also isn’t good for your battery. Keeping that in mind, you can download your region’s offline maps, which would remove the need for constantly downloading and updating in the background, and also make the game a bit faster. Just download the Google Maps app if you don’t have it yet, head to your local area, then choose Offline Areas in the game’s menu. You should also be tapping on the plus signs near your local area so you can save as big a chunk of the area as possible.
3. Turn Off Augmented Reality
Now Pokémon GO’s mechanics are based on your phone’s camera leveraging augmented reality technology, as Niantic wants players to see their prospective new Pokémon in front of them. But this is just an optional feature, and it may even make it harder for some players to catch new Pokémon. Feel free to turn off augmented reality if you’re trying to get as much mileage from your phone as possible.
4. Turn Off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, And Background Apps
Generally speaking, you want Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support on your phone turned off any time when you don’t need it. That too applies when playing Pokémon GO; you can play the classic game without Bluetooth, as it’s only the Plus version that requires it. Wi-Fi, on the other hand, can be turned off since chances are you’ll be using your phone’s cellular data when playing the game. You don’t want your phone to keep scanning for available Wi-Fi connection when your 3G or 4G data is working just fine and allowing you to play the game like you should.
On top of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, you should also shut off your background apps, as they do two things that wouldn’t be to your benefit in this game – use up your cellular data, and use up a lot of battery juice. Sure, you can leave Facebook on, and you can also leave Twitter or Instagram on, but if the background app isn’t essential, it’s best that you turn it off while playing Pokémon GO.
5. Turn Off The Sound
Some people prefer playing their mobile games with the sound on mute, but most like to experience their games to the fullest, and play with the sound turned on. But if you want to save battery life, it’s a better idea to turn off the sound. That will also make Pokémon battles harder on your end, but you will, at least, save a lot of battery life by shutting off the audio.
6. Reduce Brightness If Needed
It might not always be the easiest thing to do, as it could compromise readability, but you can also consider reducing your phone’s brightness. Choosing the lowest setting could add a few hours to your play time, as compared to if you’d be using the highest brightness setting. Now you may want to leave the brightness as it is when the sun is shining brightly, as reduced brightness will really make it hard to read and view stuff. But generally speaking, lowering the brightness is a good thing to do when playing Pokémon GO.
7. Play With A Powerbank
Last, but not least, you should definitely make the most out of your powerbank if you own one; charge it up before your Pokémon GO session, and plug it into your phone while you’re playing outside the house, so you can play the game for longer. And if you don’t have one, most powerbanks don’t cost a lot of money, and can easily be purchased via many an online or offline retailer.