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Dictator: Emergence Guide: 4 Tips & Tricks to Crush Your Enemies

Dictator: Emergence is a game developed by Tigrido for iOS and Android and involves you ruling over a fictional unnamed country as its supreme overlord. In a game like Dictator: Emergence you have some pretty clear objectives, well one objective really, which is maintain power at all costs. Like real life dictators more or less, so you don’t even need a tutorial. All you need to know is that you are the supreme leader and if you don’t keep the other factions in the game happy then you will cease to be the supreme leader, which cannot be allowed to happen.

Speaking of factions there are six in total: The Oligarchs, The Mafia, The Police, The Army, The Opposition and the People. Your task will be to listen to one of these factions each turn and make a choice about a specific action to take. Said action will cause you to gain reputation with some factions at the expense of others. It is probably obvious that if you make decisions that other factions don’t like then your relationship with them will start to deteriorate. A deteriorating relationship with any of the factions is generally to be avoided so your choices will have to be a delicate balance that manages to keep all the factions happy. Unfortunately, a lot of the decisions in Dictator: Emergence are shockingly obtuse and most consequences are unforeseen.

I’ll give you an example. After progressing through the game I asked the Oligarchs what they wanted, they said they would like billionaires to ride the subway for free. I anticipated that this would make them happy and the people unhappy. This was correct but for some reason the army was also unhappy. What you need to take away from this is that all decisions will have consequences that you will not be able to foresee.

But fear not supreme leader, for we have the tips and tricks you need to annihilate all who oppose thee!

1. Think About Faction Relationships

As mentioned above, managing all the different factions in the game is the key to success because if you anger too many of them, or if you anger one too much then there is going to be trouble. What will happen is that they will plot a conspiracy against you and you will be presented with a choice about how to deal with it.

Firstly, try to avoid creating conspiracies altogether. The way to do this is to think about the different factions not as individuals but as three different larger factions. After playing for some time you will notice that similar factions have similar goals, which can allow you to plot your moves better, and makes the game feel less obtuse.

So a good way to think about it is that there are actually three factions in the game rather than six. In the first faction we have the Oligarchs and the Mafia, this is the pro-business and pro-money faction. In the second faction are the police and the military, this is the authoritarian faction. In the third and final faction are the Opposition and the People, this is the pro-justice faction. This is a general outline as there can be weird decisions that will impact the factions in unforeseen ways (like the example I mentioned above) but generally these factions have similar values and will often agree on different issues.

So now it is a bit easier to plan your next move. This way you can increase your standing with more factions at the same time. If it increases to the point where you have golden crosses, then each golden cross will net you an additional 20,000 in revenue so don’t miss out on that. Finally, when a faction comes to show their adoration for you, you must always wave back because this gives plus one to all factions across the board.

2. Weigh Up The Costs And Benefits Of Every Action

If you have ever taken an economics class then you have probably heard of costs benefits analysis, which is exactly what it says on the tin. What I’m trying to emphasize with this is that Dictator: Emergence is to be played at a slower pace than most mobile games. You need to take the time to think what potential impacts each decision could have on your reputation with the different factions.

Not only that, you have to consider what you existing standing with the factions currently is, if the Opposition is ready to revolt then you should probably help them out a bit, even if it is at the expense of the Oligarchs (who in this scenario adore you) Always try to have one or two factions that really love you so that if one faction is going to revolt you can make some concessions to accommodate them.

But make sure a faction doesn’t achieve 10 golden crosses because if they do there will be a revolution. Because for some reason they love your rule so much that they want to overthrow you? Don’t question it, it’s the rules.

3. If You Want To Win Big Then Play The Long Con

Perhaps one of the most fundamental things to realize about Dictator: Emergence that isn’t immediately obvious, even after playing the game for a while, is that it is not meant to be played in one sitting. What I mean is that the intended (or at least the optimal) pace of the game is slow, and I mean very slow. But this is only if you want to be fully loaded with cash.

On one of the menu screens is the treasury, which will automatically fill itself with money. It fills at a rate of 25 dollars per second, which if you do the math, takes about 3 and a third hours to reach the maximum of 500,000 dollars. One of the easiest ways to lose the game is to rush your decision making and lose a lot of cash. If you run out of money then you lose, and each turn will cost you 100,000 in cash. So every 3 hours you can make 5 turns without depleting your main cash reserve.

If you really want to be stingy then you can choose to only make one move every 3 hours and hoard cash like crazy. Although this method can give you a lot of money to play with it removes a lot of the risk of the game and frankly playing a game for a few seconds every 3 hours is a bit boring. But if you are having money troubles just pause the game and come back in 3 hours for your money worries to disappear.

4. Make The Game Work For You

The final tip is that you can make the game work for you. One of the easiest ways to do this is by earning free money. All you have to do is watch a short video and you will get 50,000 dollars as a reward.

But one of the main ways the game can work in your favor is through your advisers. Your advisers can be accessed by tapping the brain icon and will tell you the outcome of a decision and will allow you to make it with no adverse consequences. This is best used when factions are about to rebel or at the beginning of the game. If you use it at the beginning of the game then it allows you to get a good head start and turn your cash-flow positive so you can focus on what matters.

So hopefully these Dictator: Emergence tips and tricks will help you retain your iron grip on power! Good luck supreme leader and if there are any tips and tricks that we missed then feel free to get in touch!