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World’s Biggest Crossword Daily Diamond Answers & Solutions

Solve thousands of clues in th biggest and best crossword puzzle ever! AppyNation has created a gigantic puzzle, with more than 7,000 unique clues. The puzzle is hand-crafted with over 350 carefully selected and edited crossword grids and many secrets and challenges to discover. Can you beat all the quests, and collect all of the trophies?

world's biggest crossword daily diamond answers

But you will need tokens in order to unlock the puzzles. Are you ready to pay? We aren’t! And here’s the way to do it without money. You can solve the daily diamond puzzle which may add to your store some more tokens apart from the daily rewards. And if you’re stuck, here we are to help you. Below you can find our exclusive list of World’s Biggest Crossword Daily Diamond answers, cheats and solutions, that’s updated every day!

World’s Biggest Crossword Daily Diamond Answers for July 14, 2018

worlds biggest crossword daily diamond answers july 14, 2018


1. confusing, disordered situation: ZOO
2. small antelope: GAZELLE
3a. move by pulling hard: TUG
3b. hole-making tool: AWL
4. finish, touch: TEXTURE
5. edible tuber: YAM


1. intestine: GUT
2. to stake money: WAGER
3. farmhouse and its land: HOMESTEAD
4. blaze, burn suddenly: FLARE
5. wee: EWE

World’s Biggest Crossword Daily Diamond Answers for July 15, 2018


1. may: YAM
2. curved piece of roof-covering: PANTILE
3a. whip, scoot: ZIP
3b. affirmative vote: AYE
4. sign, signal: GESTURE
5. gosh: WOW


1. hog: PIG
2. thin candle: TAPER
3. interior dividing wall: PARTITION
4. danger warning: ALARM
5. calm heart of storm: EYE

World’s Biggest Crossword Daily Diamond Answers for July 16, 2018

world's biggest crossword daily diamond answers july 16, 2018


1. swish, whip: WAG
2. daily grind: RUT
3. momentary failure: LAPSE
4a. hasty, incautious: RASH
4b. tender, painful: SORE
5. matter in dispute: ISSUE
6. show praise to a dog: PAT
7. jurisprudence: LAW


1. produce an egg: LAY
2. type of domestic cooker: GAS
3. small medicine container: PHIAL
4a. the Red Planet: MARS
4b. big gun actor: STAR
5. speculate: GUESS
6. not here, gone away: OUT
7. anger: IRE

World’s Biggest Crossword Daily Diamond Answers for July 17, 2018


1. complainer, harpy: NAG
2. type of alcoholic drink: RUM
3. adjournment: PAUSE
4a. sailor’s tale: YARN
4b. classify, organize: SORT
5. matter of concern: ISSUE
6. really impress: WOW
7. siesta: NAP


1. pot: PAN
2. glass container: JAR
3. marriage, pairing: UNION
4a. fourth planet from sun: MARS
4b. ways: SWAY
5. gauge, judge: GUESS
6. relating to us: OUR
7. rock containing metals: ORE