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WordCross Answers & Solutions for All Levels

#31 at the post office: stamps packages mailbox letter magazine
#32 car parts: battery wheels headlights tailgate transmission
#33 the farm: cattle livestock crops windmill haystack
#34 theater: monologue actors encore understudy role
#35 containers: handbag suitcase locker canister basket

WordCross Answers Sheep Pack Levels

#36 halloween: ghosts treats costume spooky
#37 it can roll: ball wheel baker dice hill
#38 reptiles: tortoise crocodile python gecko rattlesnake
#39 in the desert: dunes cactus mirage caravan sand
#40 winter clothing: gloves sweater parka scarf

#41 worn on the face: glasses moustache mask rouge lipstick
#42 the backyard: pool barbecue slide fence croquet
#43 names in tv: kardashian simpson letterman fallon walters
#44 the countryside: orchards farmhouse pasture cows quiet
#45 in space: satellite moon astronauts shuttle constellation

WordCross Answers Rooster Pack Levels

#46 big: large huge gargantuan massive enormous
#47 its green: frog money grass spinach jungle
#48 furniture: couch loveseat recliner table dresser
#49 in the library: silence studying books students classics
#50 football: tackle gridiron lineman quarterback helmet

#51 shopping: checkout groceries market tax budget
#52 on the beach: shells umbrellas surfboards bikinis driftwood
#53 beverages: milk whiskey latte tea soda
#54 striped: referee zebra racecar tiger road
#55 weather: hurricane snow humidity rainfall blizzard

WordCross Answers Snake Pack Levels

#56 wild cats: lion puma bobcat cougar jaguar
#57 winter: snowman christmas cold ice
#58 party time :cocktails music dancing friends snacks
#59 that scares me: spiders heights death flying
#60 weapons: gun grenade sword missile bomb

#61 at school: desks computers recess principal
#62 facial: hair beard eyebrow sideburns goatee
#63 american beer: budweiser miller coors michelob pabst
#64 soft: cotton pillow marshmallows fur
#65 on a belt: buckle holster sheath asteroid tools

WordCross Answers Stork Pack Levels

#66 fruit basket: apple pear grapes orange pineapple banana
#67 soda brands: pepsi sprite fanta coke squirt fresca
#68 bright: shiny glowing luminous sunny vivid radiant
#69 carols: presents santa reindeer holly wreath
#70 in the city: crowds traffic skyscraper rushing lights pavement