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What Am I? Little Riddles Answers & Solutions for All Levels

Level 126: I am a nut with a hole. What am I?
Answer: Donut

Level 127: When it comes to me, you go on red and stops on green. What am I?
Answer: Watermelon

Level 128: Physicists have built devices to move me very fast. My last seven letters can be commonly found in newspapers, magazines, and journals. What am I?
Answer: Particles

Level 129: I can the same written do forward, backward, and upside down. What am I?
Answer: Noon

Level 130: I sleep when you are awake, I am awake when you fall asleep. I can fly but no feathers to aid my flight. What am I?
Answer: Bat

Level 131: I only exist when you are here. Where you never were, I can never be. What am I?
Answer: Reflection

Level 132: I can be red, blue, purple, and green. No one can reach me, not even the queen. What am I?
Answer: Rainbow

Level 133: I have six faces but not even one body connected, 21 eyes in total but cannot see. What am I?
Answer: Dice

Level 134: I have a head and a tail but my eyes can never see my tail. What am I?
Answer: Coin

Level 135: You hold my tail while I fish for you. What am I?
Answer: Net

Level 136: I am a box who holds keys but not locks. With the right combination I may unlock your soul. What am I?
Answer: Piano

Level 137: I come without being fetched at night, hides away as soon as daylight strikes. Although I may look small, I am much mightier than what you can imagine. What am I?
Answer: Star

Level 138: I do not contain flesh, feather, or scales; yet I have fingers and thumbs. What am I?
Answer: Glove

Level 139: I am all around you, but you cannot see me. I have no throat, but you can hear me. Valued during summer but despised in the winter. What am I?
Answer: Wind

Level 140: I cannot be burned in fire or drowned in water. What am I?
Answer: Ice

Level 141: I contain six letters, minus one and you got twelve. What am I?
Answer: Dozens

Level 142: Sometimes I fly as fast as the speed of light. Sometime I crawl as slow as a snail. Unknown until I am measured but you will certainly miss me when I’m gone. What am I?
Answer: Time

Level 143: I spend most of my day eating white. When I am quick enough, I get rewarded with fruit and somethings blue. In a dark room with blue walls, I run from the ghost that roam the halls. What am I?
Answer: Pac-man

Level 144: I have roots nobody sees. I am taller than trees. Up, up I go but I never grow. What am I?
Answer: Mountain

Level 145: I am a ship that can be made to ride the greatest waves. I am not built by objects, but built by minds. What am I?
Answer: Friendship

Level 146: I have a mouth on my head and eat everything. What am I?
Answer: Backpack

Level 147: I do not have eyes but I once could see. I used to have thoughts but now I’m empty. What am I?
Answer: Skull

Level 148: I get paid to shoot people, then blow them up. What am I?
Answer: Photographer

Level 149: I can be the book one can never finish reading. What am I?
Answer: Autobiography

Level 150: I am lighter than the material I am made of. You see parts of me but more of me is hidden underneath. What am I?
Answer: Iceberg