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Little Alchemy 2 Tips & Solutions: How to Unlock All Items

After the huge success of its predecessor, Little Alchemy 2 comes to iOS and Android devices with shiny new visuals and an entire new library to fill with items. The goal of the game is simple. You just need to combine different items in order to create new ones. You start off with just the four basic elements: Earth, Fire, Air, and Water. Every time you create a new item, it will be added to the list of materials that you can use to make even more things. The items you unlock will appear in the encyclopedia which you can check out to see the quirky descriptions the developers have come up with. There are over 600 items to create so don’t underestimate the difficulty of this game. It’s a good thing you can rely on our Little Alchemy 2 guide for unlocking all the items!

1. Combine Items Systematically

There are so many item combinations possible that it is easy lose track of which materials have already been combined. In order to avoid confusion, it is best if you followed a systematic way of combining things. Whenever you get a new item, try to combine it with each of the items on your list of materials first before moving on to other combinations. This way, you will be able to check all combinations without having to worry about what to combine next. Eventually, you will be able to create “final” items which can no longer be combined with other materials. When this happens, it will disappear from your materials list, minimizing the clutter on your workspace.

2. Check The Encyclopedia For Hints

Once in a while you will get stuck and not have any idea of what to combine next. This is where the encyclopedia comes in handy. First off, try to check out item descriptions. The descriptions may be funny but they are not just for show. Sometimes, they will give you hints on what else can be created so make sure you take time to check them out. Also, you will be able to see item groups in the encyclopedia. Even if the item description isn’t very helpful, seeing the items grouped together will give you an idea if there are still other items in a specific category that haven’t been created.

3. Make Logical Combinations

Not all material combinations will yield results. If you want to skip over to combinations that actually create new items, then you just need to think about the interactions of the materials with each other. Buildings and containers would most likely produce something new if combined with materials that can be contained. Tools, on the other hand, would give you new items if you think about what materials they can normally be used on. Instead of trying out random combinations, think about the materials you are using and consider the types of items they would normally be used with.

4. Save Your Hints

Little Alchemy 2 gives you the option to watch advertisements in exchange for hints on what to create next. You can only earn up to three hints at a time before a 5-hour cooldown takes effect. Make sure you use the hints wisely as it will take a while before you can get more. Keep in mind that hints will only give you ideas on what to create using the current items in your inventory. If you use up all your hints right away, you won’t have anything to help you for at least five more hours so use them sparingly.

Combining items is a lot of fun especially when you have our Little Alchemy 2 strategy guide to help you unlock everything! In case you need a complete list of Little Alchemy 2 combinations, check out our other guide for the game!